«Vielleicht ist es jemand der uns nie um Hilfe bitten würde. Jemand der jetzt gerade vor uns herläuft oder neben uns steht. Jemand der darauf verzichtet zu leben um an etwas glauben zu können. Aber vielleicht ist es genau das was wir alle wollen. An jemanden oder an etwas zu glauben, damit es uns gut geht. Um zu versuchen, glücklich zu sein.» (-Filmzitat)
THE UNZ REVIEW - An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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Aktualisiert: vor 1 Stunde 24 Minuten
The X Files: Assassinations Are Actually Bad, by Gregory Hood
Over the past few years, journalists have made it their mission to deplatform right-wing enemies allegedly to prevent “disinformation” and appeals to violence. Some have said censorship is justified to prevent “stochastic terrorism,” or urging others to murder. On Wednesday, an unknown killer gunned down health care executive Brian Thompson in New York City in...
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US Opens a Third Front Against Russia, by Paul Craig Roberts
The problem with President Putin is that he never finishes anything. He has let Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, which should have ended in three weeks go on for three years and talks about ending it with negotiations, in which he will again be deceived. He does nothing while the US tries to overthrow the Georgian...
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The Biden Family of Liars, by Patrick Lawrence
With his shocking presidential pardon of his son Hunter, announced Thanksgiving weekend, when the maximum number of Americans would be watching football games and consuming potato chips, Joe Biden goes out just as he was the whole of his tatty career as a politician — a self-serving fiddler, indifferent to democratic process, ever going against...
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What’s Going on in Syria?, by Eric Margolis
Syria is the mother of all mysteries. Even the Romans couldn’t figure out all the intrigues, plots, factions, coups and assassinations that were common there. Nor could they understand or deal with its hotbed of religions and weird sects. Two thousand years later, not much has changed. This week, irregular forces of a former al-Qaida...
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Daily Mail Retracts Fake News Story with Fake Image of North Korean Soldiers in Russia, by Andrew Anglin
These people will just publish fake shit to start wars. It never ends with these people. RT: The Daily Mail has had to retract a story which falsely claimed to provide evidence that female North Korean soldiers are assisting Russia in the Ukraine conflict. The image upon which the report was based turned out to...
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