PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS - Institute for Political Economy

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Institute for Political Economy
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Chicago cop sues city for right to change his race after department allows officers to change genders

28. Februar 2024 - 12:59

Chicago cop sues city for right to change his race after department allows officers to change genders

It was only a matter of time. If one can choose one’s gender despite biological fact, one can choose one’s race despite biological fact.

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Freedom Has Lost the War

28. Februar 2024 - 12:59

“If you have a media establishment that acts as employees of the national security state, you don’t have a free country…and that’s where we are.” — Tucker Carlson 

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IMF Provides $10 billion Bribe to Egypt to Accept 2 million Palestinians ethnically cleansed from Gaza

27. Februar 2024 - 13:07

IMF Provides $10 billion Bribe to Egypt to Accept 2 million Palestinians ethnically cleansed from Gaza 

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The Killer Covid “Vaccines”

27. Februar 2024 - 13:06

The Killer Covid “Vaccines”

There is no doubt that Big Pharma, Fauci, the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, the medical associations knew that the mRNA Covid “vaccines” were deadly.  Yet they lied and people are dropping dead all over the world.  The evidence that this was mass murder is overwhelming.  There can be zero doubt about it. 

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The Death of Justice in the Western World

27. Februar 2024 - 13:06

The Death of Justice in the Western World

Paul Craig Roberts

British courts have cooperated with Washington’s police state for years by keeping Julian Assange in captivity while pretending to give him every benefit of the doubt in the extradition case.  Of course, the law is clear that he should not be turned over to revengeful Washington, but Britain is not independent of Washington and is merely going through motions that keep Assange in captivity.

It seems clear that Washington and London are conspiring to break the spirit of those Americans and British who still hope that their governments are capable of delivering justice.  A demoralized people are easier coerced into tyranny, which is where the entirety of the Western world is headed.

So much is already lost.  One would have thought that the US and British media would have been fierce in Assange’s defense if only in order to protect its power to hold government accountable and to protect itself.  After all, the New York Times and The Guardian and other news organizations published the documents that Wikileaks released, for which Assange is in captivity.  Yet until recently when the New York Times, Guardian, and a few other news organizations made a weak request that the extradition  case against Assange be dropped, the US and British media were faithful carriers of the official narrative that Assange was a rapist, a Russian spy, and a hacker of US national security secrets, such as Washington’s hidden war crimes and deceit of its allies.

Washington is after Assange for more than revenge.  They are teaching journalists a lesson that they are no longer allowed to hold government accountable when the government commits crimes.  In other words, the criminalization of government is being institutionalized.  That is what the Assange case is about.  Justice along with truth is being eliminated from the Western world. 

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The Rapidly Emerging Rule of Tyranny in the West

26. Februar 2024 - 13:33

The Rapidly Emerging Rule of Tyranny in the West

Paul Craig Roberts

An 18 year old mother put her baby in a dumpster with a trash compactor. The police found the baby’s remains wrapped in a mattress protector inside a zipped-up duffel bag. Evil must have taken a large step forward for a mother to do this to her baby. 

I can imagine Jakayla Williams thinking that if she had aborted the baby there would be no complaint, so why can’t she put the baby in the dumpster?

Legalized abortion, that is legalized murder, has left women insensitive to murder.  Consequently, murder is becoming legalized outside abortion. For example, Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians, and our Great Country America vetoes the UN resolutions against Israel’s genocidal murder of the Palestinians.  Washington has redefined genocide as “self-defense” by the Israelis committing the genocide.

The atrocities  are beyond belief.  The Israelis are committing genocide of the Palestinians and the Democrat regime here vetos UN cease fire resolutions. But an 18 year old black American woman is going to be tried for first degree murder because she waited too long before she aborted her baby. How can this be that the Israeli and US governments can murder at will, but if a black woman disposes of her baby after the expiration of the “use by” date of her legal right to murder, she is a murderess?

And look what the Great British and American Democracies have done to Julian Assange.  Imprisoned in one form or the other for 12 years without any charges being brought.  It is just like medieval times when feudal lords at their whim threw people in dungeons for keeps.  

The latest reports show that the Democrats are spending massive amounts of our money suppressing truth and financing the recruitment and provisioning of the immigrant invaders from 160 countries that are overrunning our country.  According to official, understated, figures, each year Biden is bringing in immigrant-invaders in numbers equal to 12 cities the size of Pittsburg Pennsylvania.  So, 24 cities in two years, 36 cities in 3 years, and dumbshit Americans vote for Demorats who are stealing their country from them.

How can a people as indoctrinated and brainwashed as Americans  possibly avoid the tyranny that is rapidly descending on them?  Many Americans have difficulty being realistic about government.  They think government is there to serve them. It is not. Many decades ago Albert Jay Nock made that clear in the classic book, Our Enemy, The State.

The trust that Americans place in official narratives is extraordinary. Americans  fell for 9/11, for Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, for the “Covid Pandemic” hoax and the mRNA deadly vaccine.  Our government wouldn’t lie to us, many say as they sit in front of CNN, Fox News, listen to NPR, read the New York Times and program themselves into mindlessness.

I recently  read a letter from a US Senator to a federal agency demanding to know why the agency was financing research in Wuhan, China, focused on weaponizing bird flu.  She hasn’t had a reply. Are the elite going to release weaponized bird flu on us in 2025?  By then will it be a criminal offense to refuse the vaccine?

Bill Gates has made it clear that the elite’s agenda is to kill off most of the world population.   Mike Benz recently explained to Tucker Carlson the controls being put in place to prevent  one word of truth being spoken in resistance to the tyranny that is prepared for us. 

The official narrative is that people are killing the planet by causing global warming.  To save the planet people have to be eliminated.  Here we face not Israel’s genocide of a couple of million Palestinians, but the elite’s genocide of 7.5 billion people. Those advocating the genocide of humanity are not held accountable.  Instead, they are respectable leaders of mankind.

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No Vaccine Is Safe

26. Februar 2024 - 13:33

Illusions About Vaccine Safety
No Vaccine Is Safe

Dr. Suzanne Humphries

“The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines in order to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time.

“One of the reasons the polio vaccine doesn’t work is because polio isn’t caused by an infectious virus. It’s caused by toxins. Poliovirus is a commensal virus that is completely harmless in the absence of toxic onslaught.

“The changing of definitions is part of the vaccine industry’s playbook. The definition of a “vaccine” was radically altered to allow for the use of experimental modified RNA gene therapy.

“Another part of the fraud is using another vaccine as the control in lieu of a true placebo. You simply cannot prove a vaccine is safe by comparing it to another, most likely unsafe, vaccine.

“According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries, there are no worthwhile vaccines, not even smallpox or tetanus. Tetanus can be successfully treated using high-dose intravenous vitamin C and other essential nutrients.
Vitamin C works because tetanus is a bacterial disease caused by an obligate anaerobe that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Other oxidative therapies that could be used if the infection is related to a wound include hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy.”


The purpose of vaccination is Big Pharma profits.  School shootings are caused by the drugs they give kids to counter the effects of the heavy load of vaccinations they are given.  Vaccine indoctrination is part of medical school training. Those who document the adverse effects of vaccination are called “anti-vaxers.”  It is like being an “anti-semite.”  It is a technique for hushing up truth.

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Pilot Incapacitations Inflight in 2023-2024, Pilot Deaths

26. Februar 2024 - 13:32

Pilot Incapacitations Inflight in 2023-2024, Pilot Deaths

Remember: the Covid “vaccine” is safe and effective. 

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The Long War On White People

25. Februar 2024 - 13:19

The Long War On White People

Paul Craig Roberts

White people have been destroying white people for as long as I remember.  I don’t mean only in military wars, such as WW I and WW II, which destroyed the English and Europe and left them as American vassel states.  In wars of a different kind the damage has been as terrible. In fact, worse, because it is not only a genocide of white people but a genocide of their culture of freedom and accountable government.

(Note: in this article I include Jews among white people.  Some Jews maintain that “white” applies only to gentiles and that Jews are Semites.)

So that this column doesn’t get too long for Americans to have the patience to read, I will start at an arbitrary point in time:  The destruction of neighborhood schools.  It began with Brown vs. Board of Education when an unintelligent and socially illiterate Supreme Court ruled that going to school with your own kind was “unequal” and a violation of the 14th Amendment of equal treatment under the law. 

Liberals aimed Brown vs. Board of Education at the Southern states that had comprised the Confederate States of America.  They intended a second Reconstruction of the South, but the supreme court’s ruling affected the entire country.

In those days most women were still homemakers whose time was given to raising children with character and morals.  Instead of going to work helping corporations to make profits, women raised children and provided a home.  Also, in those days, especially in the South which was relatively poor, and I expect the same was true all over, schools were NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOLS to which, in those days, meant that kids could walk to and from safely.  

In the South, and I expect everywhere, schools were NOT RACIALLY SEGREGATED.   They were segregated by economic class. Middle class students went to school with middle class kids,  Rich kids went to school with their well-to-do compatriots.  Kids from poor neighborhoods went to school with others of their economic class.

As those wonderful short movies, The Little Rascals, show, in small Southern towns everyone went to the same school.  So there was racial integration in schools in the South. 

Also in housing.  When I was teaching at Tulane University in New Orleans, my neighbors in the French Quarter were black.  I also had black neighbors when I lived in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia.

In those days of neighborhood schools, parents and teachers (PTA) met on Thursday evenings, probably monthly but possibly more often, and went over student performance and what was being taught.  There was, unlike today, friendly and cooperative relations between parents and teachers. It was mainly a meeting of mothers with teachers.  All of the extraordinary things that happen today were impossible then.

Since schools were neighborhood schools, the schools could only be integrated by busing students from one neighborhood to another across town.  Kids, who had walked to school, started spending several hours a day on school buses.  PTA meetings were no longer local.  They required a trip across town, which was too much of a disruption. Consequently, what school integration achieved was to terminate communication between parents and teachers.

In other words, the destruction of neighborhood schools was totally destructive.

It was destructive in other ways.  Disparity in motivation, behavior, and ability of racially, socially and economically mixed student bodies required a lowering of standards. Today it is commonplace that hardly any students in the school district can meet performance standards. The hours kids spent riding on school buses was totally wasted time.  Bored, they became susceptible to bad behavior.  Reports emerged of girls on school buses giving oral sex to boys. The sexual morality of women began to disintegrate into what we see today.

With busing using up their play time, they skimped on their study time.  Consequently, academic performance  in American has consistently fallen.  Today it is far below where it was in 1950. Today it is possible in America to be a honor graduate of a high school and not be able to write cursive, know the multiplication tables, or anything about the Constitution except that it is racist.

Leaving the destruction of American education by white Americans, let’s move on.  It was whites who made whites second class citizens in law.  The 1965 Civil Rights Act forbade racial quotas, but the EEOC, the regulatory agency in charge, ignored Congress’ law and imposed racial quotas that gave preference to blacks, then women, and eventually to the sexually perverted over while heterosexual males.  Today despite the law forbidding discrimination, corporations and the US military openly declare that they discriminate against white male heterosexuals in favor of “people of color,” sexual perverts, and women.  This flagrant violation of the 14th Amendment has been ignored by Congress and the courts for a half century..

Having reduced white Americans to second class citizenship, whites then destroyed their livelihoods by offshoring US manufacturing and industrial jobs to Asia and Mexico.

This was a white assault on the white middle class.  American manufacturing had long been a ladder of upward mobility for the lower class to rise.  When the Soviet Union collapsed when the hardline Politburo arrested Russian President Gorbechav, the Chinese and Indians abandoned communism and socialism and opened their economies to foreign capital.

Consequently, American corporations were ordered by Wall Street to offshore their production to areas of cheap labor in order to greatly increase profits or be taken over by Wall Street-financed buyouts. 

The shift of US manufacturing abroad reduced American consumer power, forcing the maintenance of living standards onto the expansion of consumer debt. It  destroyed US supply chains, forcing out of business the regional and local firms that knitted the manufacturing economy together.  It greatly expanded the US trade deficit, because the offshored production which came back into the US to be marketed came in as imports.

White Americans were told by white economists, deplorables from Harvard and Dartmouth who could be hired to lie for money, that manufacturing jobs were “dirty fingernail jobs” that would be replaced by much higher paid “tech jobs.”  To the extent that any such jobs materialized, they were filled by immigrants from India on work visas.

Washington used WW II to elevate the US dollar to world reserve currency. The  abuse of the dollar’s role by Washington’ sanctions has eroded the use of the dollar to settle international accounts. Why pay bills in dollars and keep your bank reserves in dollars when you can be confiscated and prevented from paying your bills? What Washington is doing is depreciating the value of our money while running up our bills with offshored production and never ending wars.

It is white people who are delegitimizing truth. In America today, a person who tells the truth about anything is considered to be an enemy of the state.  If you are not willing to lie, you cannot get a journalism job or a university job or a job as a school teacher in blue cities, or a job with any of the woke institutions that have come to dominate our diminished society.

For 12 years Washington has been able to keep, with help from Sweden and the utterly corrupt British “judicial system,” Julian Assange under lock and key without any charges against him!

This has been achieved by drawing out endlessly whether to not to extract Assange to America where he waits charges that do not apply to a foreign national.  Washington doesn’t want the disgrace of trying Julian Assange in a show trial worst that Stalin’s.  Washington wants him dead from stress from years of prison abuse and isolated confinement.

Whites have destroyed the reputation of white people. Hatred of Americans is growing so rapidly that expatriates who have found residence abroad are endangered by the rising hatred of Americans that Washington has caused.  Once Washington’s power is gone, American expatriates are endangered.

I cannot think of anything, not one thing, that any Western government has done for their own white ethnic nationalities in the 21st century.  White peoples have accepted their loss of rights and legal standing, their coerced financial responsibility for immigrant-invaders, their obligation to accept the legitimization of sexual perversion and Satanic morality.

We have reached the point that Google’s Gemini cannot produce a white face even when asked for portraits of America’s founding fathers:

I conclude that white ethnicities are a dead and vanquished peoples. They have accepted their demise and have been thrown into the trash bin of history.



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‘Cash in Envelopes’: How the US and UN Are Funding the Border Crisis

25. Februar 2024 - 12:18

‘Cash in Envelopes’: How the US and UN Are Funding the Border Crisis

The Biden administration gave the UN migration agency nearly $1.3 billion in 2023, which it uses to help migrants on their journey to enter the US illegally.

The United States is bankrolling its own “invasion” by funding the United Nations and its partners, which, in turn, give hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and aid to migrants who eventually cross the U.S. southern border illegally. 

While the U.N. has aided migrants for decades, the scope of its operation has dramatically expanded as the number of illegal immigrants—from at least 160 countries—into the United States has surged.

That expansion has been fueled by more than $1 billion in funding from the U.S. government to the U.N. and other agencies assisting migrants, according to a government spending database.

“We’re actually funding our own border crisis,” Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, a “pro-immigrant, low-immigration” think tank, told The Epoch Times.

“And it’s provided by, ultimately, the United States taxpayer.” 

No, it  is not a conspiracy theory.

No, it is not misinformation.

Can a country overrun with illegal immigrants from 160 countries be anything except a Tower of Babel?  It is completely clear that “our own” government has stolen our country from us.  And the sheeple don’t even bleat!

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Putin’s Inability to Act Is Spinning the Ukraine Conflict Out of Control 

24. Februar 2024 - 13:20

Putin’s Inability to Act Is Spinning the Ukraine Conflict Out of Control 

Paul Craig Roberts

Putin’s Unwillingness to Use Force to Bring  the Ukraine Conflict to an End has Greatly Widened the War which is approaching a dangerous stage.  NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg said that the American F-16 aircraft that NATO countries are about to provide Ukraine can be used to attack deep inside Russia.  These aircraft, along with the long-range missiles that Biden is about to provide to Ukraine, comprise a US/NATO attack on Russia

A conflict that Putin waited 8 years to recognize and should have ended in two weeks has foolishly continued for two years.  Each month along the way Washington and NATO got more involved.  Now they are about to turn the conflict from Donbass to an attack on Russia herself.  

As I said would happen, we have watched the provocations increase step by step as Putin’s inaction encouraged more and more serious provocations.  Putin’s inaction has trained Washington and NATO to see no consequences of US/NATO sponsored attacks deep into Russian territory.  

Clearly, Putin needs more realistic advisers if we are to avoid nuclear Armageddon. 

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Michigan Attorney General Displays Tyrannical Tendencies

24. Februar 2024 - 13:18

Michigan Attorney General Displays Tyrannical Tendencies

Michigan’s attorney general Dana Nessel wants entry without a warrant into homes that homeschool.  The school board in the video resists.

Everywhere we see the state replacing parents.  In the Nazi state of Indiana, if parents don’t use pronouns indoctrinated into the minds of their kids in public school, Child Protective Services seizes your child and turns your child over to transgender friendly foster care.

The notion that the US is in any way a free country is absurd.  Only government authority has freedom.  Despite the Constitution, government does whatever it wants.  Americans already live in tyranny, and the tyranny is growing more harsh by the day. 

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A majority of voters think that electoral fraud will affect the outcome of the 2024 US presidential election.  Only 37% are gullible enough to think fraud unlikely.  

24. Februar 2024 - 13:17

A majority of voters think that electoral fraud will affect the outcome of the 2024 US presidential election.  Only 37% are gullible enough to think fraud unlikely.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out the Excrement that Comprises the Democrat Party

24. Februar 2024 - 13:17

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out the Excrement that Comprises the Democrat Party

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