PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS - Institute for Political Economy

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The Assassination Attempt that Wasn’t

30. August 2024 - 12:32

The Assassination Attempt that Wasn’t

Paul Craig Roberts

The ruling establishment’s attempt to assassinate Donald Trump has been swept under the rug. Not even conservatives and Republicans want the truth out. The reason is that the truth shatters the idealistic illusions and delusions that “USA, USA, USA Conservatives” have about America and casts discredit on the US government. To acknowledge the use of force to eliminate a presidential candidate who is regarded as a threat by the ruling establishment would upset the stock market, undermine the establishment’s wars against Russia and Iran, cause difficulties for the intended Democrat theft of the 2024 presidential election, discombobulate Washington’s allies, and create powerful propaganda against the US government.

“Protecting America’s reputation” is more important to conservatives and Republicans than the life of a presidential candidate whose election would certainly rock the boat and disturb the status quo.

Many voices oppose weakening public confidence in the government when Washington is at the point of war with Russia, Iran, and China. Acknowledging the truth about the assassination attempt would distract the public from the official agenda as controlled by official narratives. Thought might break loose from control, and then hell would follow. Americans prefer comforting illusions to factual reality. It has ever been so.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Jim Quinn Reports that The Fourth Turning Is Upon Us

30. August 2024 - 12:30

Jim Quinn Reports that The Fourth Turning Is Upon Us

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.” – George Orwell

An explosion of crime is one of their ways of controlling us.

The only way freedom can survive in America is through an aware population rising in revolution. Given American insouciance, no such thing can happen.

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Has Brazil Learned Its Bad Manners from Washington or is Moraes Just Another Paid Washington Functionary

30. August 2024 - 12:29

Has Brazil Learned Its Bad Manners from Washington or is Moraes Just Another Paid Washington Functionary

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Globalism Forbids Freedom of Speech

30. August 2024 - 12:29

Globalism Forbids Freedom of Speech

Brazil is just another globalist puppet country

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

The 2024 US Presidential Election Has Already Been Stolen

29. August 2024 - 13:46

The 2024 US Presidential Election Has Already Been Stolen

Paul Craig Roberts

On August 28, I listed some of the electoral procedures Democrats are putting in place in order to steal the November presidential election:

Minneapolis has designated those who entered the US illegally “justice impacted individuals” and put them into a protected class which apparently includes the right to vote.

The DNC has filed a lawsuit against the Georgia Election Board to block the rule that requires counties to ensure the accuracy of the votes prior to certification. If you remember, this was a question in the 2020 election when Georgia and other states’ votes were certified without authentication.

In Wayne County, Michigan, the 19th most populous county in the US (there are 3,244 counties in the US) which includes Detroit, Warren, and Dearborn, 98% of the poll watchers appointed to oversee the 2024 presidential vote are Democrats.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the ban against ballot drop boxes that allow fraudulent ballots to enter the vote count. Here is the NBC News headline: “Wisconsin Supreme Court overturns ruling that barred most ballot drop boxes”

The Biden regime provides immigrant-invaders with federal ID cards when they enter. In blue jurisdictions immigrant-invaders are registered to vote when they apply for a driver’s license. The Democrats can then vote the registrations.

Thus the presstitute false news report from the Democrat New Republic that “Kamala Harris is inspiring many new voters to register.”

This is the way that the ruling establishment will explain the sudden increase in ballot numbers from illegal alien votes. These votes might be accounted for by illegal aliens voting or by Democrats stuffing drop boxes with the automatic registrations of illegals that puts immigrant-invaders on voting lists when they are issued driving licenses.

As Republican poll watchers have been eliminated from such populous areas as Wayne County Michigan, there is no check on illegal alien voting.

Newsweek reports that “Kamala Harris Overtakes Donald Trump in New Poll.”

This particular poll comes from the Florida Atlantic University Political Communication and Public Opinion Research Lab. If memory serves, this is the left-wing university, financed by the insouciant Florida government and taxpayers, that has caused so much trouble for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump.

Ask yourselves how in less than one month Kamala Harris went from the most disapproved of American politicians to being the front runner in a presidential election and such an inspiring candidate that the voting rolls are bulging with new voters for Kamala.

The answer is that it is all a media and establishment orchestration to create the impression in the limited minds of insouciant Americans that as Kamala is leading, the election wasn’t stolen.

As Republicans and American citizens are apparently incapable of acknowledging reality, they have taken no effective steps to protect the integrity of US elections.

Theft it is, and theft it will be.

And no one will do anything about it.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

The Final Extermination of Palestine Has Begun . . .

29. August 2024 - 13:42

The Final Extermination of Palestine Has Begun . . .

and in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli colonial army has pushed the 2 million surviving Palestinians into an area of less than 15 square kilometers (less than 6 square miles). It continues bombing them. The obvious aim is to push the whole population into Egypt’s Sinai desert and to provide their land to illegal settlers.

The US enables the Israeli genocide while the UK and EU applaud it and criminalize dissent against it. The Arab states stand aside and watch. Which one of them will be next?

August 28, 2024
Israel Starts Ethnic Cleansing In West Bank [ This should read: “Israel Completes Ethnic Cleansing in West Bank Begun in 1947” ]

The Anglo-American colonial project in Palestine has launched another war to remove the indigenous population from its land.

Israel launches major operation in West Bank; Palestinian officials say 9 killed – Washington Post

TEL AVIV — Israel launched a major operation in multiple cities in the West Bank on Wednesday involving hundreds of troops.

The troops were sent in with air support and bulldozers, according to an Israeli military official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive military operation. Eyewitnesses cited drones scanning the skies and armored personnel carriers carrying troops on the ground.

The Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet, the country’s internal security service, announced in a brief joint statement they were launching a counterterrorism operation in Jenin and Tulkarm. [“Anti-terrorism” is Israel’s code name for throwing Palestinians out of their homes and off of their land.] Operations were also reported in al-Fara’a refugee camp, near Tubas. At least nine Palestinians have been killed since midnight, the Health Ministry in Ramallah said. Seven were taken to a hospital in Tubas and two to a hospital in Jenin, it said.
Since June 1967, when the Zionist launched a war against its Arab neighbors, it has illegally occupied the West Bank and Gaza.

Today Israel’s foreign minister Israel Katz tweeted in Hebrew (machine translation):
ישראל כ”ץ Israel Katz @Israel_katz – 4:42 UTC · Aug 28, 2024 “The IDF is working intensively from tonight in the Jenin and Tulkarm refugee camps to thwart Islamic-Iranian terrorist infrastructures that have been established there. Iran is working to establish an eastern terrorist front against Israel in the West Bank, according to the Gaza and Lebanon model, by financing and arming terrorists and smuggling advanced weapons from Jordan.

We must deal with the threat just as we deal with the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza, including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents and whatever steps are required. This is a war for everything and we must win it.” [ These Israeli claims are entirely made up in order to provide cover and justification for seizing the final remnants of the West Bank. As the remnants of the West Bank are entirely surrounded by Israeli territory, it is impossible to smuggle weapons into the West Bank. See map. Click on map to enlarge.]

In the Gaza strip the colonial army has pushed the 2 million surviving Palestinians into an area of less than 15 square kilometer. It continues bombing them. The obvious aim is to push the whole population into Egypt’s Sinai desert and to provide their land to illegal settlers.

A similar project has now started in the West Bank. The Zionists plan to raze it and then push its Palestinian population across the river into Jordan.

There is little support the Palestinians can count on. The ‘western’ world is supporting the Zionist entity with all it has. The U.S., Germany and others provide it with a steady stream of weapons and ammunition. The Arab world is mostly silent. Turkey provides the Zionist entity with oil stolen from the Kurdish regions in Iraq. Egypt has expanded its economic ties with Israel by becoming a way station for imports to that country.

The axis of resistance, a mixed agglomeration of irregular forces in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen – nurtured by Iran – is the sole external force that is willing to intervene.

But the axis has so far been careful to not give a cause for a U.S. intervention against itself. Hezbullah in Lebanon has settled one of its conflict accounts with Israel. As Alastair Crooke in a talk with Judge Napolitano (vid) quoted here by Yves Smith, provides:

[6:40] “What we have seen is the war fragmenting in different ways. First of all, it fragmented with the killing of Fuad Shukr in Beirut just before Haniyeh was killed in Tehran. And for that reason, the actual operations of the Resistance changed. Because as far as Hezbollah was concerned, the killing of Fuad crossed all red lines, all the understandings, the careful balances were broken by that. And they opened a separate account, quite separate to what was happening in Gaza. And they opened a separate account.

“And so what happened in this weekend was about settling that account with Israel. And it stuck very carefully to the equation, the war equations, that they had between Israel and Hezbollah. The didn’t go out of the equations. So if you like they attacked in Tel Aviv the Mossad headquarters and the headquarters of 8200, equivalent roughly to NSA in the US, if you like, it’s the communications intercept. Because that was the decision-making if you like structure that led to Fuad Shukr’s killing in Beirut. And they did in Tel Aviv because they killed him in Beirut. There was a complete equivalence if you like in that.”

Hezbollah and Israel have settled the account over the killing of Fuad Shukr. But the accounting for the Zionist war against Palestine is not yet finished.

The operation also created deterrence against further Zionist attacks on leaders of the resistance (

“Hezbollah’s response of missiles and drones early yesterday morning in Israeli territory, specifically in the central area of Tel Aviv, is significant because it means that Israeli operations to kill leaders of resistance groups in Lebanon, Palestine, and Yemen will now be met with a prompt and effective response. Furthermore, these operations have come to incur substantial costs.

“Efforts by the Israeli entity to cover its growing number of defeats and failures through fabrications and forgeries are no longer effective, as resistance groups are exposing them on the ground through precise counteractions.”

Iran, which still has to revenge the recent killing of Hamas leader Haniyeh in Tehran, will make a similar calculation. Its upcoming operation against Israel related to the Haniyeh case will be separate from its defense of Palestine’s rights and population.

That defense will continue until all rights of the Palestinian, including the right to return to their land, are restored.
Posted by b on August 28, 2024 at 10:19 UTC | Permalink

This is a curious report, a combination of fact and unreality. Israel has never given back an inch of the land Israel has stolen from Palestine. Israel will certainly not give back Gaza and the small remnants of the West Bank considering the trouble to which Israel has gone in order to empty Palestine of Palestinians. The October 7 attack has been used precisely as I forecast. Palestine no longer exists; yet Western idiots keep talking about a two-state solution.

Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy were the last American presidents capable of standing up to Israel. And Americans think they live in a superpower. What they live in is a super-compliant Israeli puppet state. A long line of Israeli prime ministers have boasted of this fact. But if a gentile mentions it or even quotes an Israeli prime minister boasting of their power over Washington, the gentile is said to be anti-semitic.

As for the West’s “moral concerns,” see this:

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From a reader

29. August 2024 - 13:42

America Has a Government that Does Not Represent Americans

The US has a Jewish deputy director of the CIA, a Jewish Secretary of the Treasury, a Jewish Secretary of State, a Jewish Secretary of Homeland Security. Does the US government have anyone who is not Jewish?

Is there anyone in the US government who speaks for Americans?

Is there anyone in the US government who is objective about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Is there anyone in the US government who favors peace instead of war?

Tell me, who are they?

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Has Zuckerberg Found a Bit of Backbone ?

29. August 2024 - 13:41

Has Zuckerberg Found a Bit of Backbone ?

The founder of Meta,* Mark Zuckerberg, expressed regret that he did not push back against pressure from the US government to censor speech on Meta’s Facebook platform in a letter to US House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH). The tech billionaire asserted that his platform is ready to “push back” against similar attempts.—not-less—censorship-1119933311.html

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Faces of Evil

29. August 2024 - 13:40

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

The Rising Cost of Putin’s Inability to Recognize that Russia Is at War and To Fight the War

28. August 2024 - 15:21

Drone Strike Hits Russian Oil Depot Which Lies At A Record 1,500km From Ukraine

Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024 – 07:45 AM
A new wave of Ukrainian drone attacks on Russia has damaged and set alight several more oil depots and energy facilities, one location notably which lies very deep into Russian territory.

On Wednesday drones struck the far away town of Kotelnich in Russia’s Kirov Oblast. Regional Governor Alexander Sokolov said that two inbound drones were intercepted by air defenses, while a third “fell” and a blaze subsequently erupted near the Zenit oil facility.

Rosrezerv’s Zenit oil depot in Kotelnich, Kirov Oblast, Russia, 1,500+ km from Ukraine’s border. source: TG/Astra
This clearly is one of the deepest drone strikes into Russia of the entire war, given Kotelnich lies some 1,500 km (930 miles) northeast of the border with Ukraine. It is likely a record distance.

The governor has since said the situation is “under control” and that there were no casualties as a result of the attack.

Russia’s defense ministry in a statement noted other overnight drone attacks as well, including shoot-downs of eight drones over the Voronezh Oblast and four over Rostov Oblast.

However, a depot in Rostov’s Kamensky district was apparently struck and caught fire, resulting in emergency crews seeking to extinguish it.

video on X:

At least three tanks are burning at the oil depot, the Baza Telegram channel – seen as close to Russian security services – indicated. Videos showed large blazes overnight.

Already, a large fire has been raging in the city of Proletarsk in Rostov region going all the way back to August 18, which lies some 200km from the Ukrainian border.

Earlier in the war, a number of drones on a few occasions had reached near the capital of Moscow which lies some 500km from the closest Ukrainian border point. Since then these drones have been reaching deeper and deeper, and often because of their small size and low flight can evade Russian radar and anti-air systems. They are now hitting targets over 1,000km away, and this is likely with the help of NATO advisers and technology.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Democrats Who Rule Minneapolis Are Making Illegals Legal

28. August 2024 - 13:06

Democrats Who Rule Minneapolis Are Making Illegals Legal

Paul Craig Roberts

The Minneapolis Civil Rights Department has created a category for illegal aliens who entered the US illegally with the full approval and help of the Democrat Obama and Biden Regimes. This new category of those requiring civil rights protection are designated in Minneapolis as “Justice Impacted Individuals.”

They are “justice impacted” because they entered illegally. The solution to being “justice impacted” is to make the illegals legal by protecting them under the civil rights laws. The Minneapolis City Council is adding to the city’s civil rights ordinance “immigration status” and “justice impacted status” as “protected classes.”

In other words, an illegal alien will be a protected class in Minneapolis.

In other words, an illegal alien will have higher rights than a native born US white citizen, who, far from being protected, is demonized by Critical Race Theory taught in public schools, and reduced to second class citizenship by being unprotected by hate speech laws and by being subjected to race-based employment and promotion quotas that favor non-whites. It was, for example, only a short while ago that the US Secretary of Defense, a black, announced that all promotions for whites are on hold because there are too many white officers.

If we were still a free country with free speech rights to raise questions, perhaps even insouciant Americans might possibly wonder why Minneapolis Democrats are elevating lawbreakers to “protected status.”

But this might be too much to expect from Americans who, through their determined inattention, have lost their country.

The Camp of the Saints has descended on the Western World and there there is an absence of leaders to defend white ethnicities and the civilization that they produced.

If you are a white person, you can kiss your future good-bye.

Illegal immigrants, ‘justice impacted’ individuals among groups who could receive new protections in Minneapolis

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

The 2024 Steal Progresses

28. August 2024 - 13:06

The 2024 Steal Progresses

The immigration authorities are in on it as are Democrat legislators and judges.
The Republicans do nothing about it. Our country is being stolen from us.

The first link is an interview with an illegal.
The TikTok link is a California law forbidding requirement of ID to vote.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

The World is Devoid of Intelligent Leadership

27. August 2024 - 13:22

The World is Devoid of Intelligent Leadership

Paul Craig Roberts

I am more convinced than ever that we are headed for nuclear Armageddon

As readers know, I admire Russian President Putin, but the reasons I admire him make him a failed war leader.

Putin is a product of an old conception of foreign affairs as a rational enterprise conducted by gentlemen who relied on agreement rather than on the imposition of power. Consequently, when faced with non-gentlemen, Putin finds he played his cards wrong and lacks power.

By this I mean conventional power. He went to war in Donbas without an army, and he still doesn’t have one. Therefore, the defense of Russia now resides in tactical nuclear weapons. Once they are used, it goes full scale.

Putin failed to understand that the conflict in Ukraine provoked by Washington had to be quickly won. He has failed to comprehend reality since 2014 when Washington overthrew, while Putin did nothing, the Ukrainian government. He still hasn’t built the massive Russian Army that would cause second thoughts among Washington’s NATO puppets.

How a leader of Putin’s quality fails in this way is beyond my understanding. Perhaps Putin is a Western liberal created by decades of Voice of America and Radio Free Europe propaganda beamed into the Soviet Union. So many Russian intellectuals, known as Atlanticist Integrationists, are a product of Washington propaganda and thus a threat to Russia.

Putin has never enforced any of his red lines. Consequently, every one has been crossed with zero consequences to the West. The latest Western audacity was the American led invasion of Kursk. Putin said the attackers would be held accountable, but the very limited strikes on some Ukrainian military and civilian infrastructure hardly count as acts of war.

If we turn to the Middle East, we see the same inability to recognize reality. Israel used the moronic George W. Bush (really Dick Cheney) Regime to eliminate the countries opposing Israel’s expansion in the Middle East–Iraq, Syria, Iran. Washington knocked off Iraq for Israel, pretending it was a “war on terror” and “weapons of mass destruction,” and the dumbshit Americans fell for it. But before the Obama Regime could deliver its attack on Syria, Russia was there, thus saving the country.

Now Israel has Washington focused on Iran. Why? Because Iran finances and arms the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon, which has successfully defeated two Israeli invasions. If Israel can get Washington to get rid of Iran, Israel can grab southern Lebanon and perhaps the entire country.

Once Israel’s forces were committed to Gaza, it was a perfect time for Syria to retake the Golan Heights and for Hezbollah to overrun northern Israel. Iran could have knocked out the Iron Dome and destroyed Israeli air bases and military sites.

But nothing happened.

Seeing nothing but indecision and weakness, Israel began a campaign of attacking Syria, Hezbollah, and assassinating people in Iran.

Following an assassination in the Iranian capital, the Iranian leader said he was going to teach Israel a lesson. But he didn’t. All Iran did was to reveal to Israel that it had the capability to breach the Iron Dome and bring destruction to Israel, but Iran brought no destruction. Instead, Iran stupidly revealed its capability, thus in an act of total stupidity put Israel on alert.

Syria, allegedly, has the Russian S-300 air defense system. Either it doesn’t work or the Russians won’t let Syria use it to deter Israeli and US air attacks on Syria, which continue unabated. Makes one wonder why Russia bothered to intervene..

One can’t help but wonder if Putin and the almost equally unrealistic Chinese leader are sitting on Iran and Hezbollah, thinking that they are preventing an outbreak of a larger war. To the contrary, they are contributing to the outbreak of wider war.

From all indications, neither the Russian, Chinese, or Iranian governments have sufficient awareness of the situation to understand that a lack of effective response to aggression leads to more and worse aggression.

There are on the Iranian scene two of Washington’s carrier task force groups, US soldiers, and US jet fighters. Why are they there? Certainly not to rescue Israel from Gazans.

What does this tell us?

There are no Russian or Chinese forces in the area.

What does this tell us?

Just as there is no effective response to Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians, there is no effective response to Washington’s aggression against Russia, China, and Iran.

It would be so easy to stop this dangerous aggression. Only one simple thing is needed–a public statement by Russia, China, and Iran that the three countries have signed a mutual defense treaty, and an attack on one is an attack on all.

That would end the Middle East conflict, and it would end the otherwise certain increase of NATO attacks, if only with long range missiles, on mother Russia that, unless Putin surrenders, will result in nuclear World War 3.

Where is the necessary treaty that will stop the road to nuclear Armageddon? Why are the leaders of Russia, China, and Iran unable to act?

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

If you are stupid enough to live in a blue city, squatters can steal your home and the police will protect them, not your property

27. August 2024 - 13:21

If you are stupid enough to live in a blue city, squatters can steal your home and the police will protect them, not your property

In a red city the solution is to shoot the scum dead inside your house.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker