PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS - Institute for Political Economy

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High Tech Social Systems Are Subject to Total Failure

20. September 2024 - 13:43

High Tech Social Systems Are Subject to Total Failure

Science and technology have resulted in the creation of highly vulnerable and unstable social systems. These systems are easily totally destroyed by nuclear blasts. Steven Starr explains that four high altitude nuclear explosions suffice to totally destroy the US and all life in the country.

No, this is not fake news.

Considering our extreme vulnerability, why are Western governments threatening Russia with hostile and provocative actions? It is the West’s leaders who comprise the most deadly threat to life on earth.

Steven Starr explains it to us:

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“A NATO invasion of nuclear Russia is currently underway, and the world is unaware that it is in World War III”

20. September 2024 - 13:42

“A NATO invasion of nuclear Russia is currently underway, and the world is unaware that it is in World War III”. Has President Putin’s Patience Reached Its Limits?

All Red Lines Crossed – Multiple Times

PCR comment: It has happened exactly as I predicted. Putin’s refusal to admit that Russia was at war with the West has produced increasingly more serious provocations that now have Putin’s back to the wall. I predicted that the point would be reached where Putin would have to surrender or fight. That point has been reached.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

New Film: Vaxxed 3, Authorized to Kill

20. September 2024 - 13:40

New Film: Vaxxed 3, Authorized to Kill

Children’s Health Defense embarked on a nine-month journey across America, gathering powerful testimonies from the people. Our interviews ranged from mothers and fathers to teenagers, families, medical professionals, whistleblowers, lawyers, and people from all walks of life.
What we discovered was nothing short of staggering. We listened to harrowing accounts of COVID hospital protocols that shook us to our very core. The consistency of these stories was alarming.
People also shared their experiences after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, revealing tragic outcomes of either death or serious injury. Now, fueled by these powerful firsthand testimonies, we are creating a documentary by the people, for the people.
Learn what we uncovered on the road. You can’t afford to miss it.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

The British Prime Minister and NATO Secretary General Say Putin’s Red Lines Can Be Ignored Because He Never Enforces Them

19. September 2024 - 12:34

The British Prime Minister and NATO Secretary General Say Putin’s Red Lines Can Be Ignored Because He Never Enforces Them

“There have been many red lines declared by Putin before, and he has not escalated.”
— NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg

Paul Craig Roberts

As I warned would happen, Putin declared wolf so many times no one believes him when he is finally serious.

Except perhaps the US military. The Pentagon seems to have told the White House and Secretary of State to stand down from approving use of long range missiles to attack Russia.

Otherwise we are on the verge of nuclear war.

The irresponsible recklessness of the White House and Secretary of State Blinken should frighten every American and result in turning every Democrat out of office in November and in the termination of the presstitute media, a collection of liars extremely dangerous to the continued existence of life on earth.

But watch insouciant Americans vote for Democrats who have led the world to the brink of nuclear war. Watch them continue to absorb CNN lies, read the NY Times, and listen to NPR. People removed from reality cannot survive.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Here is a summary of the speech in the video below of former British Ambassador Craig Murry describing the transition of Britain and the West in general into Tyranny

19. September 2024 - 12:24

Here is a summary of the speech in the video below of former British Ambassador Craig Murry describing the transition of Britain and the West in general into Tyranny

The UK has criminalized dissent.
A new Public Order Act makes it illegal to hold a rally or demonstration if it “inconveniences” anyone. This gives the state unlimited power to clamp down on any demonstration.

A new National Security Act makes it illegal to accept funding if it comes from “a hostile state” (there is no definition of what qualifies as a “hostile state”)
A new Public Safety Act makes it a criminal offense to publish “misinformation” (there is no definition of “misinformation” — the government decides).

It is all about control of the narrative. Zionist lobbies have great influence on official narratives across the West. 

Citizens of the West are not allowed to accuse Israel of genocide; this is increasingly being equated with being a “terrorist”.

Anti-terrorism powers are being used to prevent any criticism of Israel.

Murray, a former British Ambassador, was arrested at the airport under the “Terrorism Act” for attending a pro-Palestine demonstration in Iceland.
Under the Terrorism Act, if you are arrested at an airport, you have no right to remain silent, no right to a lawyer, you must turn over all your electronic devices with the passwords.
If you refuse to turn over your electronic devices, it is two years in prison.
Two years in prison for refusing to answer a question.

Many people are being detained under anti-terrorist legislation, including a professor from Paris and several independent journalists, who all have been detained as was Murray.
There is a continual attempt to connect people to Russia. The FBI detained an American professor who spoke with Murray at a pro-Palestine demonstration and had all his electronic devices confiscated.

Crackdowns on free speech, freedom of assembly, and any form of dissent are happening all across the Western world in an increasing frequency.

As the West trumpets the importance of “freedom and democracy”, it simultaneously limits the freedoms of its own peoples and moves towards complete totalitarianism.

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Washington Has Completed Its Purchase of the Swiss Government as the Swiss Abandon their Neutrality for Participation in NATO

19. September 2024 - 12:22

Washington Has Completed Its Purchase of the Swiss Government as the Swiss Abandon their Neutrality for Participation in NATO

Washington is proving to be the one ring that binds them all.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

The Digital Revolution Is the Prime Enabler of Tyranny

18. September 2024 - 12:36

The Digital Revolution Is the Prime Enabler of Tyranny

Paul Craig Roberts

Sweden and France now ban cell phones in school.

Digitalization of youth has had serious adverse effects on physical and cognitive development. Having raised a generation of youth unable to function because they are digitalized-addicted, Sweden, France, and other European countries are eliminating cell phones from the school day.

As I have often said, the digital revolution is the third worst thing that dumbshit humanity has brought upon itself other than nuclear weapons and American biowarfare laboratories.

Mothers harassed with trying to keep up in a men’s world substituted digitalization for motherhood. The consequences are dire.

Grandparents report that their grandchildren instead of acquiring skills wasted their period of cognitive development playing video games and scrolling cell phones. Consequently, they are incapable of working or comprehending the requirements for their survival. Their world is a world of entertainment.

The child-unsafe Tower-of-Babel-Sodom-and-Gomorrah-society that the liberal-left have created for Americans has left parents at the mercy of the Child Protective Services Gestapo. Consequently, mothers have added over-protection to the plague of digitalization, and the consequence is the inability of youth to develop into confident and capable people. It leaves the youth of our time susceptible to tyranny.

In my day, we grew up in fights on the school play yard during recess, with each boy proving by his willingness to fight that he couldn’t be bullied. The teachers who were playground monitors never interfered with the right of passage unless things got out of hand. But by that time another boy had intervened by taking up the fight of the defeated kid. Bullies were short-lived on the playgrounds of my youth. Most of us grew up believing in ourselves. It is this constraint on inappropriate and unacceptable behavior that is missing today. Today Americans lack the confidence to confront the tyranny that is encompassing them. They take refuge in the fake news of their oppressors while their liberty dwindles.

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Tucker Carlson Shares My Doubt that the Ruling Elite Will Permit Trump to Be President

18. September 2024 - 12:34

Tucker Carlson Shares My Doubt that the Ruling Elite Will Permit Trump to Be President

“If they think that there’s a chance that Trump could win decisively enough in November that they can’t steal it, then I think their only option there is to in some way throw the society into chaos as they did during COVID, which was the pretext for changing the way we vote and letting people vote anonymously without IDs and drop boxes and a month before the election.

“They completely changed everything allowing Mark Zuckerberg to spend $400 million to control the mechanics of the election. That would not have been allowed except under a state of national emergency provided them by the virus they created in a lab in Wuhan, COVID.

“It’s pretty simple. If they feel like they’re going to lose we will have some kind of crisis. I think it’s most likely to be a war with Iran which they want anyway, but who knows.”

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Top Oncologist Raises Alarm: Every New Cancer Patient Is Under 45

18. September 2024 - 12:33

Top Oncologist Raises Alarm: Every New Cancer Patient Is Under 45

Remember, we let them scare us with the Covid hoax; we believed utterly corrupt “medical authorities” and politicians and stupid “celebrities” recruited to tell us lies; and now we pay for our insouciant gullibility.

And we will fall for it again next time.

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The Day Forecast by H.L. Mencken has arrived as the elite have already decided Kamala will be president prior to the vote

18. September 2024 - 12:30

The Day Forecast by H.L. Mencken has arrived as the elite have already decided Kamala will be president prior to the vote

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more
closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain
folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will
be adorned by a downright moron.”
― H.L. Mencken, On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe

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Restaurants Then and Fast Food Now

17. September 2024 - 13:35

This menu from the Plaza Hotel in New York dates from 1900. It illustrates the inflation that the Federal Reserve has caused and the total collapse of restaurants. No restaurant in the United States or in my experience in Europe today offers such a daily selection.

Click on the menu to enlarge.

Note, for example, that prime ribs of beef is priced at 60 cents, with a smaller portion at 35 cents. Oyster and crab Newburg is $1.00. Scallops poulette cost 60 cents. English pheasant en cocote is $3.00. Philadelphia squab is 75 cents. Coffee mousse is 30 cents.

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“Free” Western Countries Intensify Their Curtailment of Free Speech

17. September 2024 - 13:34

“Free” Western Countries Intensify Their Curtailment of Free Speech

The West has turned news reporting into “conducting intelligence operations.” Anything other than the official explanation is an intelligence operation.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Putin orders increase in size of Russian military

17. September 2024 - 13:33

Putin orders increase in size of Russian military

Putin Is Learning — He is halfway there

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

The Western World Is Devoid of Intelligence

17. September 2024 - 13:32

In my opinion, these two morons encouraging the Biden regime to go forward with long range missile strikes inside Russia are just part of an orchestration to provide Washington with cover for a decision already made. Otherwise, why would there be US/UK long range missiles in Ukraine?

Ask yourself, how can Canadians and British be such utterly stupid people as to choose prime ministers who have so little intelligence as to help foment a war that will destroy them and their populations. Intelligent, moral, humane politicians would be demanding that Washington stand down and not ignite World War III.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

White People Are Too Insouciant to Realize that the white left-wing has set them up for extermination

17. September 2024 - 13:31

White People Are Too Insouciant to Realize that the white left-wing has set them up for extermination

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Wake Up White People. Your Existence Is Being Erased.

17. September 2024 - 13:29

Wake Up White People. Your Existence Is Being Erased.

How is the Department of Homeland Security Protecting Our Security by Flying into Our Country at Our Expense Immigrant-invaders from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela?

DHS restarts migrant flights from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela – weeks after halting program over ‘fraud’ concerns | 29 Aug 2024 | The Department of Homeland Security said Thursday it is resuming migrant flights into the US from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela — one month after putting the program on pause due to potentially massive “fraud.” Under the Harris-Biden administration, the program had brought up to 30,000 migrants from those four nations into the U.S. every month under two-year work permits, so long as they passed a vetting process. Nearly half a million migrants had already received advance travel authorizations and then made their own arrangements to enter America via the humanitarian parole process before it was paused in mid-July. Around that time, an internal DHS report found thousands of sponsors allegedly committing fraud by listing fake Social Security numbers, home addresses or phone numbers — some of which belonged to dead people.

Whitewash: UK University Removes ‘Anglo-Saxon’ From Curriculum

UK University Removes ‘Anglo-Saxon’ From Curriculum | 1 Sept 2024 | In a Black Lives Matter-inspired move, a British university has cancelled the term “Anglo-Saxon” from its curriculum. The University of Nottingham has removed “Algo-Saxon” from courses on history and literature to push back against “nationalist narratives.” According to The Telegraph, a masters-level course, Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies, has been renamed as Viking and Early Medieval English Studies. Another module, a literature course originally named “A Tale of Seven Kingdoms: Anglo-Saxon and Viking-Age England from Bede to Alfred the Great” has been recast as “Early Mediaeval England from Bede to Alfred the Great.” Also, the university reportedly said that it will seek to “problematize the term ‘Viking'” as well.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Springfield Ohio Is Just the Beginning

17. September 2024 - 13:29

Springfield Ohio Is Just the Beginning

Why Is “Our” Government so Against Us?

Paul Craig Roberts

Why does the US government hate the American people? Why does the US government try to destroy us?

The Anti-White American Democrats are Incapable of Understanding that an illegal alien does not become part of a national community by unlawfully entering it, any more than a thief becomes an owner of property by stealing it.

What has happened to America when the entirety of the media, the entirety of the Democrat Party, the entirety of the universities, Homeland Security (sic) not only welcome but also facilitate the immigrant invasion that is overrunning the United States while Washington, abandoning its own borders, fights for Ukraine’s?

The national print and TV media describe the over-running of Springfield by immigrant-invaders as a restoration of a declining city, restoring property values, and enriching the culture. Every bit of information to the contrary is dismissed as fake news.

Wake Up White People. Your Existence Is Being Erased.

How is the Department of Homeland Security Protecting Our Security by Flying into Our Country at Our Expense Immigrant-invaders from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela?

DHS restarts migrant flights from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela – weeks after halting program over ‘fraud’ concerns | 29 Aug 2024 | The Department of Homeland Security said Thursday it is resuming migrant flights into the US from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela — one month after putting the program on pause due to potentially massive “fraud.” Under the Harris-Biden administration, the program had brought up to 30,000 migrants from those four nations into the U.S. every month under two-year work permits, so long as they passed a vetting process. Nearly half a million migrants had already received advance travel authorizations and then made their own arrangements to enter America via the humanitarian parole process before it was paused in mid-July. Around that time, an internal DHS report found thousands of sponsors allegedly committing fraud by listing fake Social Security numbers, home addresses or phone numbers — some of which belonged to dead people.

Whitewash: UK University Removes ‘Anglo-Saxon’ From Curriculum

UK University Removes ‘Anglo-Saxon’ From Curriculum | 1 Sept 2024 | In a Black Lives Matter-inspired move, a British university has cancelled the term “Anglo-Saxon” from its curriculum. The University of Nottingham has removed “Algo-Saxon” from courses on history and literature to push back against “nationalist narratives.” According to The Telegraph, a masters-level course, Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies, has been renamed as Viking and Early Medieval English Studies. Another module, a literature course originally named “A Tale of Seven Kingdoms: Anglo-Saxon and Viking-Age England from Bede to Alfred the Great” has been recast as “Early Mediaeval England from Bede to Alfred the Great.” Also, the university reportedly said that it will seek to “problematize the term ‘Viking'” as well.

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