«Politisch wirksam ist Dummheit nur, wenn sie epidemische Maße annimmt. Wenn der Irrsinn so allgegenwärtig ist, daß er als solcher nicht mehr zu erkennen ist. Der ehene Zusammenhang von Macht und Dummheit ist aber erhalten geblieben. Der eigentliche Grund für die globale Misere liegt nicht in der gestiegenen Biomasse des Menschen, sondern in der zuwenig genutzten Hirnmasse» (-Michael Schmidt-Salomon)
PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS - Institute for Political Economy
The 23rd Anniversary of September 11, 2001
The 23rd Anniversary of September 11, 2001
Paul Craig Roberts
Time passes. An entire generation has grown up since that day when a few Saudi Arabians armed only with box cutters caused airport safety to fail four times on the same morning, caused the entire US/NATO/Mossad security system to fail, caused the WTC towers constructed to withstand airliner collisions to collapse into dust by flying hijacked airliners into them, and attack the Pentagon using maneuvers of which airliners and pilots are incapable and destroying the section of the Pentagon where the documents were that explained where the Pentagon’s missing billions or was it trillions of dollars had gone. During these hours of activity the US Air Force was unable to get interceptors off the ground, and no evidence has ever been found of the passengers on the four hijacked airliners. But an undamaged passport of one of the alleged hijackers were found in the ruins of two hundred-storied skyscrapers. And Americans fell for this totally unbelievable story. What hope is there for Americans?
It took a year of pressure on the Bush/Cheney regime to get a commission established that instead of an investigation wrote down the official narrative as dictated to them. Later the commission co-chairmen and legal counsel wrote books saying that the government withheld information and set the commission up to fail.
It only took 10 minutes for a high school physics professor to demolish NIST’s multi-year computer simulation of the collapse of Building 7, the 47 story WTC building that a BBC reporter stood in front of announcing its collapse 30 minutes ahead of the collapse. They knew the building was slated for destruction, but the word got out prior to the event. Silverstein, who owned or had the leases to the World Trade Center said on live TV that the decision was made to pull building 7. You can’t pull a building unless it is wired, a time-consuming complex job.
It is totally obvious that all 3 buildings were wired for demolition. Building 7 collapsed at free fall acceleration, and the two towers at essentially the same speed. This can only be achieved by controlled demolition. If the alleged Muslim hijackers wired the buildings–an impossibility–what is the point of flying airliners into them?
The orchestrated event was used by Washington to launch wars in the Middle East against Israel’s opponents. Norman Podhoretz at Commentary had called for these wars, and US four star general Wesley Clark, NATO’s commander in chief, later confirmed that Pentagon generals showed him war plans calling for the US to overthrow “Seven countries in five years.”
Little of this extraordinary evidence had any impression on insouciant Americans who swallowed the false narrative hook, line, and sinker.
Consequently, Washington destroyed Iraq and Libya and was about to destroy Syria, but the Russians intervened. Israel has kept the American gun aimed at Iran, but Putin has said Russia will not tolerate an attack on Iran.
You can easily understand why Zionist Jews hate Putin and Russia and why America is at risk from serving the Zionist agenda. But it is difficult to understand Putin’s patience with Israel. Does Netanyahu own the Kremlin like he owns Washington?
We don’t yet know how the events unleashed by 9/11 will finish unfolding. They may bring death to all of us.
What I have never been able to understand is why Dick Cheney, the neoconservatives, the military/security complex, and the whore media were so determined to turn a few Saudi Arabians into superheroes who were more than a match for the American National Security State. How can Washington possibly deal with Russia, China, and Iran when a few Muslims can deliver the worst humiliation ever delivered to an alleged superpower?
The total humiliation that the official narrative delivered to America on 9/11 is without parallel in history. One would have thought that such a system wide failure would have destroyed Americans’ confidence in Washington. Why explains American fists rising not against Washington but against Muslim countries that had nothing to do with it?
If the American population is incapable of paying attention, how does it expect to remain free?
These are not Republicans
These are not Republicans
Paul Craig Roberts
go to 2:31
These are real men. Are there any in the Western world? If so, why is the Western world being conquered by immigrant-invaders with the help of every Western government? Why do Western peoples tolerate their betrayal by their own governments? Why do they elect governments that prefer immigrant-invaders to the ethnic basis of the country? Why are Western peoples content with the annihilation that stares them in the face?
These are Republicans: Trump asks, why is the RNC silent on vote theft?
Trump has failed us by not organizing a third party that will fight for us.
Republicans are incapable of fighting. They are useless for the defense of our freedom.
What Happened to Europe
What Happened to Europe
Paul Craig Roberts
A European friend sent me this article which provides some understanding of the present political situation in France. The American media produces close to zero information about the political situation in European countries. What Americans hear of Europe is generally limited to whatever the current EU narrative is.
The European Union is a puzzle. After suffering under EU absurdity, the British had enough sense to get out, but British pundits still see Brexit as a mistake. What accounts for the unshakable indoctrination of Brexit-worshipping pundits?
Indeed, what explains the stupidity of European governments to add another level of taxation and to sacrifice their own authority and sovereignty to a “commission” that no one elects? I have always viewed the European Union as Europe’s movement from democracy and accountable government to tyranny. The European Union is the resurrection of Nazism in Europe. Nothing less. It is rule by the unaccountable and was intended that way.
I cannot identify a single gain to any country from EU membership. All EU membership brought to Greece and Portugal was the looting of their public sectors by northern European banks. Without their own currency with which to finance their debt, Greece and Portugal were easy pickings.
Germany, which had the powerful Deutsche mark, also lost its currency and control over the country’s monetary policy. Without its own currency, France, too, is no longer a sovereign country. The fate of European countries is subject to a central banking system that they do not control.
One gets the impression that the beneficiary of the EU is Washington, which only needs to control one entity instead of each of the two dozen or so European countries. It also serves Washington that the EU is being gradually merged into NATO.
Perhaps the confidence of Europeans was destroyed by WW I and WW II. Europeans realize that every European country lost and that the victor is Washington, and for awhile the Soviet Union. Britain was completely destroyed by the wars, losing its empire, reserve currency role, and control over international trade. Germany lost a German existence with its educational system turned by the Americans into anti-German indoctrination.
European political leaders are of such minor importance that Americans do not even recognize their names. The only names recognized in the US are those of the NATO secretary general and the EU commissioner, both put in office by Washington, and not even these names are widely known.
The more I consider it, the more I am convinced that the only explanation for the EU is Europe’s loss of confidence.
Today Europe is nothing but a museum of what remains after two devastating wars of the art and architecture of Western civilization. Today these remains are threatened by Europe’s complicity in Washington’s aggressive hostility toward Russia. Not only has the sun set on the British Empire, the sun is setting on Britain herself and on the Western world. The power that European countries once had is gone forever. Washington is marching its puppets to nuclear Armageddon.
RT EN 8.9.2024
Macron’s gamble: Can France find stability with a centrist prime minister?
The text sheds light on the complex political situation in France, marked by the appointment of Michel Barnier as prime minister and the challenges posed by the divided parliament and the population’s growing distrust of the political elite.
By Pierre Levy
Should France be governed from the right of the left, from the left of the right or from the center of the center? For weeks, leading politicians and analysts have been grappling with this dizzying question, begging the President ever more impatiently to make a decision as soon as possible.
On September 5, he finally appointed Michel Barnier to form and lead the next government. Mr. Barnier comes from the party Les Républicains (LR, classical right). The new Prime Minister’s CV almost sounds like a program.
Mr. Barnier was, among other things, French Minister for European Affairs (1995-1997), European Commissioner for Regional Policy (1999-2004), Minister of Foreign Affairs (with responsibility for EU affairs, 2004-2005) and again European Commissioner (and Vice-President of the Commission) for the Internal Market (2010-2014). Finally, he served Brussels again, leading the European Commission’s negotiations with London from 2016 (an experience he described in a book – read by no one – in which he expressed everything negative he thought about Brexit).
While the politicians and media were abuzz with excitement before this announcement, most ordinary people were not. At the coffee machines in factories and offices, colleagues’ conversations tended to revolve around the cost of starting school, dwindling spending power, the number of years until retirement or the deterioration of public services – this summer, particularly the hospital sector.
The back and forth surrounding the selection of the new host for Matignon (seat of the head of government) did not captivate the masses. Especially as Emmanuel Macron’s second five-year term in office, which began two years ago, revealed a crisis of political representation. The ruler of the Élysée Palace, who was re-elected in May 2022 against Marine Le Pen, had little doubt about his ability to have an absolute parliamentary majority confirmed in his favor a month later.
This did not happen: in June 2022, he only received a relative majority of MPs. Two arduous years followed, during which most bills could only be passed through endless palaver and compromise, or through a constitutional provision that allows a bill to be passed without a vote (unless a majority of MPs agree to a motion of no confidence).
This brutal procedure was used to pass budgets (although this is the most important act of a parliament) and to push through the unpopular pension reform, among other things. Two areas that are closely monitored by the European Commission.
According to commentators, this uncomfortable situation meant that sooner or later the National Assembly would have to be dissolved. The President finally decided to accelerate this deadline by announcing his decision on June 8, the evening of the European elections. These had gone like a tidal wave in France in favor of the Rassemblement National (RN, often classified as far-right, which Marine Le Pen denies).
The president’s calculation was simple: by describing an RN that was dangerously close to power and thus evoking the spectre of the “dark hours of our history”, Emmanuel Macron hoped to benefit from a “republican” reflex and thus find a majority of MPs who supported his work.
It turned out differently. The first round of voting on June 30 was characterized by an additional strengthening of the RN: The latter received 10.6 million votes, three million more than in the European elections. In the second round, however, the mutual resignations of the left, the center and the right prevented the RN from gaining a majority of MPs (although it has the strongest group in parliament).
However, this tactic had its price: a parliament that is more fragmented than ever and has even fewer potential majorities than the previous one moved into the Palais Bourbon (where the Chamber of Deputies meets). Hence the headaches and delays that preceded the appointment of Michel Barnier.
The latter, although he dares to refer to a distant Gaullist heritage, is considered a centrist, which fits the profile of the person who has been sought for two months. With this democratic paradox: the more voters come out in favor of the “extremes”, the more often declarations are made proclaiming the need to “govern France in the center”.
However, the term “extremes” should be put in quotation marks. It is used by the mainstream media to refer to the RN on the one hand and La France Insoumise (LFI) on the other. The latter party, whose inspirer remains former socialist minister Jean-Luc Mélenchon (who plans to run again in the next presidential elections), is the largest movement of the four left-wing parties that have joined forces in the coalition formed in June called the New Popular Front.
The RN and the LFI are of course opposed in many areas. However, they have one thing in common: both (more precisely, the parties from which they emerged, the Front National and the Left Party respectively) had vaguely flirted with the plan to leave France out of the EU, which could have represented an interesting radicalism; however, both then turned their backs on this. Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s friends did so several years ago, Marine Le Pen’s only recently. Both now advocate “reshaping Europe from within” – an illusory and misleading perspective, as all previous attempts have shown.
Now, relations with the EU will always be a fundamental problem area for the next government: Will France be able to free itself from the decisions made by the 27 member states, or will it continue to operate within an insurmountable framework of political, economic, social and international constraints, regardless of the future decisions of the electorate?
In this respect, the appointment of former EU Commissioner Michel Barnier is a confirmation and a symbol. And not a good one for the future. Recently, the daily newspaper Le Monde (31.08.2024) published a comprehensive study highlighting the general rise in distrust and discredit suffered by the political class and institutions.
Coincidentally, on the same day, a British academic was quoted in a report by the same newspaper on the recent riots in the UK: “Anger, hostility and cynicism have become part of the culture of the underclass. Large numbers of people feel profoundly ignored. The ruling political parties refuse to address the reasons for this anger and frustration. While so many people demand change, they only offer them continuity”.
A diagnosis that could easily cross the English Channel.
The Presstitute NY Times Is Now Undermining the Scant Remains of a “Conservative Media” by false claiming that the Russians are taking it over
The Presstitute NY Times Is Now Undermining the Scant Remains of a “Conservative Media” by false claiming that the Russians are taking it over
Europe: The Prison of Peoples
Europe: The Prison of Peoples
How Europe Looks to an Italian Journalist
“It is dangerous for the United States to attempt an undeclared war with Russia via Ukraine.” — Reagan’s ambassador to Russia Jack Matlock
“It is dangerous for the United States to attempt an undeclared war with Russia via Ukraine.” — Reagan’s ambassador to Russia Jack Matlock
Is it Russian propaganda or truth?
Is it Russian propaganda or truth?
“Washington, like some kind of maniac from its own Hollywood movie, destroys everything with a lawn mower, a saw, or some kind of an ax”
Truth Needs Support More Than Ever Before
Truth Needs Support More Than Ever Before
Paul Craig Roberts
Dear Readers, it is September and time for my quarterly request for your support of this website. Free speech is being criminalized in the United States. With the latest dictate from Washington Scott Ritter has been forced to resign his position with RT, and Dimitri Simes faces a 6 decade imprisonment for news commentary restricted to a Russian audience. The US Treasury now considers speaking with Russians evidence of interfering in US elections. In order to control the narrative, our rulers are dismantling communication between the two nuclear superpowers. It is difficult to imagine a more dangerous and irresponsible act.
With tyranny already upon us, perhaps you can imagine what is in store for us once Kamala, a willing puppet, is placed in office. If Trump wins the election despite the methods put in place to steal the election for Kamala, will Trump be arrested as a conspirator with Putin to steal the election? Considering the one thousand Americans imprisoned for attending a Trump rally, it seems possible.
The US Treasury Has Decreed a Measure to Prevent Americans from Supplying News and Analysis to Russian Media
The US government is determined to shut down all alternative voices.
Harvard comes in dead last in nationwide free speech rankings
Harvard comes in dead last in nationwide free speech rankings
Paul Craig Roberts
This is the second consecutive year that Harvard was found to be the worst college or university for free speech. Its climate of free speech was deemed to be “abysmal.”
Harvard, once a great university, is now nothing but a shithole indoctrination center. More money is spent on regulating students speech and use of pronouns than on eduction, which essentially is no longer available at Harvard. I wouldn’t go near the place.
As the champion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Harvard University destroyed itself. Its value resided in its network system. In former times when Harvard was a university, it produced graduates who occupied high ranks in government, business, and media. Therefore, there were many helping hands to elevate Harvard graduates to successful careers. This is what gave value to a Harvard degree.
But no more. Harvard is no longer prestigious. Those who have been running the former university have damaged its network and therefore the value of the university’s degree. When you bring in year after year members of black street gangs on scholarship, you can’t expect to place them as managing directors at Goldman Sachs, executive vice presidents at General Electric, or executive managers of Silicone Valley tech corporations.
Like Rome, whose prestige lingered on long after the empire’s demise, Harvard’s prestige continues among the uninformed who waste their money on a valueless degree.
David Irving Proven to be 99.9% Accurate
David Irving Proven to be 99.9% Accurate
Ron Unz in his researched article, “The Remarkable Historiography of David Irving,” relates the story of how Jews used money to reduce David Irving to poverty. Paradoxically, although the Jews ruined Irving economically, they proved that he was 99.9% accurate. These few paragraphs sum up the story:
“In 1993, Deborah Lipstadt, a rather ignorant and fanatic professor of Theology and Holocaust Studies (or perhaps “Holocaust Theology”) ferociously attacked him in her book as being a “Holocaust Denier,” leading Irving’s timorous publisher to suddenly cancel the contract for his major new historical volume. This development eventually sparked a rancorous lawsuit in 1998, which resulted in a celebrated 2000 libel trial held in British Court.
“That legal battle was certainly a David-and-Goliath affair, with wealthy Jewish movie producers and corporate executives providing a huge war-chest of $13 million to Lipstadt’s side, allowing her to fund a veritable army of 40 researchers and legal experts, captained by one of Britain’s most successful Jewish divorce lawyers. By contrast, Irving, being an impecunious historian, was forced to defend himself without benefit of legal counsel.
“In real life unlike in fable, the Goliaths of this world are almost invariably triumphant, and this case was no exception, with Irving being driven into personal bankruptcy, resulting in the loss of his fine central London home. But seen from the longer perspective of history, I think the victory of his tormentors was a remarkably Pyrrhic one.
“Yet despite such massive financial and human resources, they apparently came up almost entirely empty, at least if Lipstadt’s triumphalist 2005 book History on Trial may be credited. Across four decades of research and writing, which had produced numerous controversial historical claims of the most astonishing nature, they only managed to find a couple of dozen rather minor alleged errors of fact or interpretation, most of these ambiguous or disputed. And the worst they discovered after reading every page of the many linear meters of Irving’s personal diaries was that he had once composed a short “racially insensitive” ditty for his infant daughter, a trivial item which they naturally then trumpeted as proof that he was a “racist.” Thus, they seemingly admitted that Irving’s enormous corpus of historical texts was perhaps 99.9% accurate.
“I think this silence of “the dog that didn’t bark” echoes with thunderclap volume. I’m not aware of any other academic scholar in the entire history of the world who has had all his decades of lifetime work subjected to such painstakingly exhaustive hostile scrutiny. And since Irving apparently passed that test with such flying colors, I think we can regard almost every astonishing claim in all of his books—as recapitulated in his videos—as absolutely accurate.”
You can purchase Irving’s Hitler’s War and two volumes of Churchill’s War Here:
Latest Democrat Propaganda Defines All Republicans as Putin Agents
Latest Democrat Propaganda Defines All Republicans as Putin Agents
On Saturday, September 7, 2024, this blatant propaganda was played on the California station KVMR, formerly a reputable radio station, now a propaganda and indoctrination center: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr_zfpnZH_g
The message is that not only Trump but Republicans in general are agents of Putin.
The Republicans, or most of them, who are stupidly wedded to the notion that good will remains in the Democrats’ approach to political competition, might perhaps be released from their delusions by this performance.
The woke revolutionaries that lead the Democrat Party abandoned good will, because their agenda is not one of comprise with, or reform of, the existing order but its overthrow. They have adopted Karl Marx’s view that “criticism is a weapon. Its object is an enemy it wants not to refute but to destroy. Its essential pathos is indignation, its essential task, denunciation.”
The fact that in the video it is done with a song and a smile does not reduce its viciousness.
Republicans do not know how to respond to Democrats’ viciousness, and that is why we might wake up any morning living in tyranny.
In All Western Countries, or towers of babel, the police take the side of immigrant-invaders against the white populations
Parodies of Our Next President
Parodies of Our Next President
The good thing about Kamala’s presidency is that we will no longer be the hegemon but the laughing stock of the world.
Suggestions for Trump in His Debate with Kamala
Suggestions for Trump in His Debate with Kamala
Paul Craig Roberts
Now that a debate is back on schedule for Tuesday September 10, I have these suggestions for Trump:
Trump must leave Kamala alone and address issues whether or not she does. If he attacks Kamala, certainly a target, American women will vote against him.
Trump should stress the open border problem with immigrant-invader gangs now seizing apartment houses and homes in blue jurisdictions, and with hotels, motels, school gyms, and bus and airport terminals full of immigrant-invaders who have no where to go except to the existing housing stock where illegal occupancy in blue jurisdictions is merely a “landlord-tenant issue.” You go pick up your kid from school and on your return your home is occupied by armed immigrant-invaders. The police tell you that it is not a police matter. Trump should have the news reports at hand.
Trump should stress that pushing against Russia and China invites nuclear war that threatens the entire world and has to stop. The power of nuclear weapons leaves no room for cultivating hostility between countries.
Trump should say that Israel has hurt its reputation by its unrestrained assault on Gaza and the West bank and is making it difficult for America to continue its unconditional support of its ally. Israel needs to understand that there are limits on what Washington can support.
Trump should emphasize that in America law is a shield of the people, but that the Democrats have turned it into a weapon in the hands of the state, a weapon unjustly used against the many who are in prison for attending a Trump rally. He should stress that a rule of law cannot be partisan.
Trump should say that the US economy needs more balance than it has between Wall Street’s and billionaire’s gains and the incomes of the rest of the people.
Trump should ignore, not respond to, the “moderator” and questioners and speak directly to Americans without acknowledging hostile questioners. When it is his turn to speak, he should say what needs to be said and ignore loaded questions designed to paint a target on him.
Trump must contain his aggressive and combative style, address the issues that threaten us and not make the usual political promises that indicate just another pandering politician buying votes. He should say that if elected, what he can do also depends on who voters put in the House and Senate. If he is hamstrung with a Democrat Congress, he will be deterred by another four years of false accusations and impeachments.
The Democrats and the media have been studying Trump’s personality and know how to provoke him into a rage that the presstitutes can then use to portray him as angry, intolerant, unstable. Trump must not play into their hands.
If Trump follows these suggestions, it will be difficult for the Democrats to again steal the election as most Americans will know that there is nothing in a candidate with these positions not to like.
Director of National Intelligence Contradicts DOJ’s Allegation that Russians using Conservative Pundits Are Interfering in Nov Election
Director of National Intelligence Contradicts DOJ’s Allegation that Russians using Conservative Pundits Are Interfering in Nov Election
The Jew Biden installed in the Justice (sic) Department who misuses law as a weapon against Republicans lied, again, when he claimed without any evidence that Russia had infiltrated conservative American pundits and were using them to influence the November election. The Jew is attempting to close down conservative voices by bringing legal actions based on his lie. How can a person who never tells the truth be trusted to oversee justice in America?
The director of the Office of National Intelligence contradicted the Jew and said that the intelligence community “has not observed any foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct of the 2024 elections.” https://www.zerohedge.com/political/us-intel-undercuts-dojs-foreign-interference-claim-used-smear-conservative-pundits
What do you think? Do we need to add the Director of National Intelligence or perhaps the entire office to the list of people likely to be terminated once Kamala is placed in office?
Readers’ latest additions to the list:
Caitlin Johnstone
Matt Taibbi
Max Keiser
Gerald Celente
Glenn Greenwald
Ivan Raicklin
Rep. Cory Mills
Rep. Eli Crane
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
Dr. Francis Boyle
Dr. Michael Chossudovsky
William Binney,
Col. Lawrence Wilkenson
Dr. Alan Sabrosky
Richard Gage and the 9/11 researchers who destroyed the 9/11 narrative
Edward Dowd
Lew Rockwell
Ron Unz
A black resident of Springfield explains to a disinterested city commission how the city is being transformed by immigrant-invaders
A black resident of Springfield explains to a disinterested city commission how the city is being transformed by immigrant-invaders
American blacks are much more aware of problems brought to us by the Democrats’ importation of immigrant-invaders, because blacks are much closer to it than is the white population. This black makes a great deal of sense. I say fire the city commission and put the black American in charge.
Now It Is the White House that Is Smearing Tucker Carlson
Now It Is the White House that Is Smearing Tucker Carlson
Paul Craig Roberts
CNN, NY Times, and WH Press Secretary Bates Are Smearing Tucker Carlson as a Hitler apologist in an Attempt to Shut Him Down. https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/05/media/white-house-condemns-tucker-carlson-nazi-propaganda-interview/index.html
Tucker interviewed Darryl Cooper whose view of World War II appears to be based in the 50-year research of historian David Irving. It is not the official view established by court historians. Consequently, the “White House condemns Tucker Carlson’s ‘Nazi propaganda’ interview as ‘disgusting and sadistic insult.’”
In his well researched books, World War II historian David Irving reported that whereas he found evidence that Jews were murdered in the hundreds of thousands, he cannot find evidence of an organized Holocaust. He said that from all the documents he could find and force out of sealed archives, the crimes against the Jews resulted from decisions unrelated to an organized plan of extermination. No historian has ever found a Nazi plan for Jewish extermination. Such a massive undertaking as a Holocaust could not be undertaken without a bureaucratic organization and an organized plan, but there is no evidence of any such organization and plan. Hitler repeatedly said that the Jewish question would be settled after the war. He spoke of relocating Jews to Madagascar. Later with the initial success of his invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler spoke of relocating Jews to the eastern part of the Soviet Union that he would leave to Stalin.
Reporting Irving’s findings does not make Irving or me or anyone an anti-semite or holocaust denier. Irving simply reported what he found, and I merely reported what Irving found. It sounds like that is what Darryl Cooper is doing on Carlson’s program. Ron Unz, himself a Jew, has raised his own questions about Holocaust evidence in the Unz Review. Western civilization works by raising questions, not by imposing dogmas.
If all research results are denounced by those who don’t like the findings, how is truth established? It seems to me that Jews hurt their case by shouting down with name-calling and threats against reputations and careers every time they hear something that they don’t like or that doesn’t fit the narrative. If the Holocaust story is accurate, it will stand on its own feet without name-calling and enemies lists.
The indoctrinated notion of the unparalleled evil of Nazi Germany rests more on war propaganda than in fact. Irving’s books, Churchill’s War and Hitler’s War are the most researched and most honest books about the war. On the basis of an honest rendition of the record, Churchill comes across as a worse war criminal than Hitler. Read the two books, and make your own decision. Why rely on ancient war propaganda?
The widespread view that Hitler started World War II and intended to conquer the world is total ignorance kept alive by court historians. World War II was started by the British and French when they declared war on Germany. What Hitler was doing in Poland was the same as Putin is doing in Ukraine. What Putin is doing is protecting Russian people, who found themselves included in a foreign country by the political decisions made by others than themselves, from persecution and slaughter by Ukrainians.
In Poland Hitler was protecting German people, who were stuck into Poland by decisions made by others than themselves, from persecution, dispossession, and death by the Polish. Hitler’s protection of German people was no business of the British any more than Putin’s protection of Russians is any business of the US.
No one has answered David Irving’s findings. They just call him names. That tells you where the stronger case resides.
I am not a WW II historian and neither is Tucker Carlson, but we both wonder why views are suppressed if they can be factually disproved.
The propagandistic way in which WW II has been presented for 83 years has had major harmful effects on countries, their populations, foreign affairs and world history. Those who bring balance to the story should be celebrated, not demonized.
If you will notice, during the 21st century in every country in the Western world what can be discussed or even mentioned has been massively narrowed. We have reached the point where almost anything said or written is hate speech, racist, misogynist, a threat to democracy, offensive, insensitive, anti-semitic, or Russian propaganda. The great writings in the English language, such as Shakespeare, cannot be read in schools because they violate strictures that have been imposed on language. Bigots now dictate our use of language. Official narratives dictate our understanding of history and current events. A world is being created for us in which facts and truth are objectionable.
“Coffee and a Mike,” PCR and Michael Farris Discussing the Prospect of War and Tyranny
“Coffee and a Mike,” PCR and Michael Farris Discussing the Prospect of War and Tyranny
9th Circuit Rules for Musk and Freedom of Speech
A bipartisan panel of judges unanimously ruled in favor of X and against a California law that seeks to regulate speech on social media platforms.
It seems unbelievable. The liberal 9th circuit ruled for Musk and Freedom of Speech against the tyrannical California government. If this keeps up, America might again become a free country.