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„Die Europäer sind nervös, Selensky ist hysterisch, Moskau ist ruhig“

ANTI-SPIEGEL - Fundierte Medienkritik - 29. Januar 2025 - 8:00
Ich habe am 27. Januar einen Artikel von Professor Karaganow übersetzt, in dem er seine Sicht darauf dargelegt hat, wie Russland in Verhandlungen über die Ukraine und den Krieg mit dem kollektiven Westen gehen sollte. Karaganow ist in Russland sehr einflussreich, aber er ist auch ein Hardliner, dessen Positionen kaum eins-zu-eins übernommen werden dürften. Ich […]
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Syria, Turkey discuss ways to enhance joint cooperation between the two countries

SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency - 29. Januar 2025 - 6:59

Damascus, SANA- Minister of Social Affairs and Labor in the caretaker government Fadi al-Qasem discussed with the Turkish Ambassador to Damascus Burhan Köroğlu, ways to enhance joint cooperation between the two countries

The two sides asserted cooperation in the fields of work and non-governmental organizations, in addition to reviewing previous agreements and the mechanism for their implementation.

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Hallo ARD — Sie haben da etwas „vergessen“ (2)

Peds Ansichten - 29. Januar 2025 - 6:50
Donald Trump hat in einem seiner, bei Amtsantritt verabschiedeten präsidialen Dekrete das Recht auf Erlangung der US-Staatsbürgerschaft per Geburt eingeschränkt. Hat er damit einen Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der USA verletzt? Jedenfalls hat ein Bundesrichter aus dem US-Bundesstaat Washington das Dekret per gerichtlicher Anordnung vorläufig auf Eis gelegt. Die Massenmedien gaben die Begründung für das Veto […]
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Russian delegation visits Damascus, affirms respect for Syria’s sovereignty

SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency - 29. Januar 2025 - 6:41

Damascus, SANA- A delegation from the Russian Federation, led by Mikhail Bogdanov, Special Envoy for the Middle East, arrived in Damascus on Tuesday and met with the new Syrian administration.

Talks during the meeting centered on key issues while affirming respect for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Russian side reiterated support for the ongoing positive changes in Syria, and the dialogue highlighted Russia’s role in rebuilding trust with the Syrian people through concrete measures such as compensation, reconstruction, and recovery.

Both sides engaged in discussions on mechanisms for transitional justice aimed at ensuring accountability and achieving justice for the victims of the brutal war waged by the Assad regime.

The new Syrian administration reaffirmed its commitment to dealing with all stakeholders in a principled manner to build a future for Syria based on justice, dignity, and sovereignty.

The new administration also emphasized that the restoration of relations must address past mistakes, respect the will of the Syrian people, and serve their interests.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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Health discusses ways to enhance joint cooperation with (SAMS)

SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency - 29. Januar 2025 - 6:40

Damascus, SANA- Director of the Planning and International Cooperation Directorate, Dr. Zuhair Qarat, at the Ministry of Health, discussed with a delegation from the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) ways to enhance joint cooperation between the ministry and the society.

During the meeting held at the Ministry of Health, the projects currently being implemented by the association were reviewed, as well as proposals for expanding and enhancing the work, and developing a plan for the aid that will soon arrive from the US, which includes medical equipment and supplies, in addition to a financial amount allocated to Deir Ezzor Governorate.

The two sides discussed the possibility of establishing a center to provide full care for released detainees, including dental care, general surgery and orthopedics, in addition to providing them with food and housing.

Manar Salameh

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Richard Cook on Trumpian Restoration in Historical Context, by Kevin Barrett

Rumble link Bitchute link NASA whistleblower Richard Cook critiques Alexander Dugin on Trump’s revolution and notes Blinken/Biden’s blood-soaked legacy. Transcript extract: I spend a lot of time in the hinterlands. The flyover zone, you might say. I have very strong ties and contacts in Texas. And the anger that has been building, particularly in the...
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Bluepilled Kike Altman Says He Will Uphold America’s Sacred Copyright Values to Fight Chinese Patriots, by Andrew Anglin

Bluepilled wokester kikes think they are going to beat the Chinese by respecting woke copyright horseshit. Good luck with that. RT: OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, has vowed to combat the potential use of its intellectual property following the launch of its Chinese rival DeepSeek. The US government suspects that the new startup could have...
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Bluepilled Apes Create Another Disgusting Fiasco, by Andrew Anglin

Reports are that the woke CIA has been mixing bluepills with the crack they are distributing in the neighborhoods inhabited by triggered niggers. New York Post: The boyfriend of scandal-plagued mayor and supervisor Tiffany Henyard clashed with an angry activist who called her a “bitch” before a brawl — which involved Henyard — broke out...
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It Begins: Woke US Navy Bans Superior Chinese AI, by Andrew Anglin

Previously: The Release of DeepSeek AI Humiliates Western Companies and Forces Americans to See the Superiority of China The Navy went so woke they went tranny and now they’re choking on bluepills. The Navy will only use woke tranny AI from bluepilled kikes. RT: The entire woketarded US government is going to try to ban...
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President Patriot Signs Executive Order Banning Wokesters from Chopping Off the Dicks and Tits of Teenagers!, by Andrew Anglin

Bluepilled wokesters are psychopathic pederasts obsessed with cutting the dicks off of young boys. Many girls also have their tits chopped as part of this satanic woke agenda. President Patriot is putting an end to this nonsense once and for all…! Post Millennial: On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order titled “Protecting Children...
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Bluepilled Latvians Stop Training Woke Hohol Doctors After Patriot President Shuts It Down, by Andrew Anglin

It’s very clear now that Patriot President is intent on ending this debacle in the Ukraine at warp speed. He is crashing this plane with no survivors. RT: Latvia has halted a training program for Ukrainian doctors after US President Donald Trump announced the suspension of American aid for foreign countries. The program had been...
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Woke Apes Go Apeshit in Niggerball Fiasco, by Andrew Anglin

Wow, I never would have predicted that bluepilled niggers would get triggered at create a fiasco! That’s why this is so shocking – no one could have predicted it! New York Post: We need to cut the supply of bluepills to these triggered apes! Patriot President should sign an executive order banning all bluepills being...
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Nowhere Is Safe for Bluepilled Spics: Arrested by ICE Outside the Church!, by Andrew Anglin

Do you know where this wokeback should be going to church? In Honduras. WSBTV: The woke mob hates Christianity but at the same time they attack patriots for arresting illegals at church. Why should they be able to escape justice in a church? You can’t commit a mass murder and then hide in a church...
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Russian Patriots Call for Investigation After Patriot Tucker Claims Woke Biden Tried to Assassinate Putin!, by Andrew Anglin

Tucker Carlson is a patriot to his core, due to the amount of redpills he takes on a daily basis. However, he also sometimes just makes things up, such as when he went woke on bluepills and got triggered by a weather balloon like a snowflake. So, who knows? RT: Maybe it should be taken...
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The Democrats Who Stole an Election and Imprisoned the Protesters Must be Held Accountable, by Paul Craig Roberts

The release of the pardoned J6 political prisoners has, for the most part, gone well, but in a few instances vindictive Democrat officials still hold a few of the pardoned. It is a fluid situation, and my figures might be out of date by the time you read them. The worst offender is the black...
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Trump & Ukraine: The Coming Battle Over Conscription

There may be a battle looming, not just between the Trump administration and Ukraine over the conscription of men between the ages of 18 and 25, but also within the Trump administration. The call for Ukraine to cast a wider conscription net predates the Trump administration. Facing imminent loss on the battlefield, after NATO had … Continue reading "Trump & Ukraine: The Coming Battle Over Conscription"
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What Sultan Erdogan Is Really Up to, by Pepe Escobar

On the table, a geopolitical banquet – served by some of the best independent analytical minds from Bursa to Diyarbakir. ISTANBUL – The scene is a Circassian restaurant off fabled Istiklal street in historic Beyoglu. On the table, a geopolitical banquet – served by some of the best independent analytical minds from Bursa to Diyarbakir....
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'Conspiracy Theory' Is Now Fact: Greater Israel Has Arrived, by Kit Klarenberg

Ever since Tel Aviv’s 1948 creation, much has been said and written about ‘Greater Israel’ – the notion Zionism’s ultimate end goal is the forcible annexation and ethnic cleansing of vast swaths of Arab lands for Jewish settlement, based on Biblical claims that this territory was promised to Jews by God. The media typically dismisses...
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Traison des Clercs: Civil Servants Waging Class War on White Britons, by Niall McCrae

In the aftermath of the jailing of Axell Rudakabana, the son of Rwandan asylum-seekers who massacred young girls outside a dance class in Southport, the authorities are doing their usual tactic of obfuscating and generalising. Society is being encouraged to attribute the horrific incident to ‘knife crime’ and harmful content online. Meanwhile, the vague but...
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Bluepilled Gaywad Marco Rubio Adds More Exemptions to Foreign Aid Blockade, by Andrew Anglin

Marco Rubio is a woke faggot, riddled with diseases. Of course he loves the woke niggers of the world. For unknown reasons, Patriot Trump installed a bluepilled gaywad as Secretary of State, and now this woke sodomite is giving away more American money to woke niggers. AP: U.S.-funded aid programs around the world were firing...
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