Sammlung von Newsfeeds

Putting an End to Biden's Ceasefire Sabotage, by Mike Whitney

The main obstacle to a ceasefire in Gaza is not Israel or Hamas. It's the United States. Here's what you need to know: The Security Council approved the Biden-authored ceasefire deal on June 10, 2024. (Three months ago) US diplomats assured the other members of the Security Council that Israel supported the agreement. That claim...
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Ultimate Debate Showdown: As It Happened, by Andrew Anglin

FULL VIDEO (starts about 1:00:00): NOTE: For anyone watching this tonight because they missed it last night, here’s a drinking game created by Matt Taibbi: Be careful, because you will definitely get seriously smashed. Even I would get smashed playing that game, and I have the alcohol tolerance of a hippopotamus. (Editor’s Note: I love...
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Jew Blinken “Demands Overhaul” of “Israeli Behavior” After “American Turk” Killed by Ratlike Kikes, by Andrew Anglin

Previously: Jews Kill American-Turkish Activist During West Bank Protest Hey, do you think Blinken is going to rein in the Jews? Or is he just saying that because people are mad some skank with US citizenship got killed in the West Bank (not Gaza, by the way – the West Bank)? That’s a trick question....
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Chaos of the Ether, by Morgan Jones

In the last article I discussed the role of the press and broadcast media in undermining peace in the years preceding the British declaration of war against Hitler’s Germany. My research led me to examine the origins of the British Broadcasting Corporation, which I found to be closely related to the forming of the Radio...
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At Least 18 Dead After Jews Do Biggest Strike on Syria Since the Gaza Massacre Began, by Andrew Anglin

I’ve said it from the beginning: the only way out for Bibi is an escalation of the war. There is no possibility of “victory” in Gaza, at least not without killing everyone there. So Bibi can either surrender to Hamas – which he is definitely not going to do – or he can escalate horizontally....
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Where Was Amnesty International During the Genocide in Gaza?, by Paul de Rooij

One would expect that human rights organisations would spring into action during an impending or unfolding genocide — the ultimate violation of human rights. Maybe human rights NGOs actions should be proportional to the level of the crimes they are concerned with. Thus, the more killing, torture, arbitrary imprisonment, bombing…, etc., that is plainly evident,...
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Australia: Satanic Badge Niggers Attack Thousands of Anti-Jew Protesters Outside Arms Convention, by Andrew Anglin

All over the Western world, cops have one purpose, and it is not stopping crime. They don’t stop crime and if you complain they don’t stop crime they will threaten you. The only purpose of the cops in any Western country is to protect Jews. That is all they ever do. Cops are an army...
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As Ukraine Declines, Zelensky Shuffles His Cabinet

As military, economic and political events continue to spiral badly in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky has undertaken the largest cabinet shuffle since the war began. Zelensky says that the cabinet shuffle is intended to reshape the government so that “Ukraine will achieve all the results we need” heading into a difficult period. Specifically, Zelensky says … Continue reading "As Ukraine Declines, Zelensky Shuffles His Cabinet"

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Cheney Backs Harris: The War Hawk’s Blessing Reveals Continuity in Foreign Policy

If there is one eternal rule in Washington, it is that “politics makes for strange bedfellows.” If you were to presume twenty years ago, that former Vice President Dick Cheney would one day endorse a progressive Democrat from California for president, you would be sent to an insane asylum. The idea that a diehard neoconservative … Continue reading "Cheney Backs Harris: The War Hawk’s Blessing Reveals Continuity in Foreign Policy"

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The Florida State Sunshine Bank: How a State-Owned Bank Can Protect Free Speech, by Ellen Brown

Fifteen years have passed since the Occupy Wall Street movement focused attention on the inequities and hazards of large Wall Street banks, particularly those risky banks with trillions of dollars in derivatives on their books. “Move your money” was the obvious response, but what could local governments do? Their bank accounts were too large for...
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From the Arsenal of Democracy to an Arsenal of Genocide

During World War II, American leaders proudly proclaimed this country the “arsenal of democracy,” supplying weapons and related materiel to allies like Great Britain and the Soviet Union. To cite just one example, I recall reading about Soviet armored units equipped with U.S. Sherman tanks, though the Soviets had an even better tank of their own … Continue reading "From the Arsenal of Democracy to an Arsenal of Genocide"

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US-Außenminister fordert nach Besuch in Haiti Verlängerung der internationalen Polizeimission

Planungen für die multinationale Truppe massiv in Verzug. Unmut in der Bevölkerung über Ausbleiben einer Verbesserung der Sicherheit im Land Port-au-Prince. Der Außenminister der USA, Antony Blinken, hat bei seinem Aufenthalt in Haiti Mängel bei der Installierung der Multinationalen Sicherheitsmission (MSS) festgestellt und mehr Unterstützung der Länder gefordert, die bereits Zusagen für ihre Beteiligung gegeben haben... weiter 11.09.2024 Artikel von zu Haiti, USA, Politik
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Gericht in Peru: Klage gegen Bergbauprojekt Conga und Minenkonzern begründet

Cajamarca. Die Justizbehörde von Cajamarca hat die Klage gegen das Ministerium für Energie und Bergbau (Minem) und das transnationale US-Unternehmen Minera Yanacocha für begründet erklärt. Das historische Urteil betrifft das größte südamerikanische Goldabbau-Projekt Conga, dessen... weiter 11.09.2024 Artikel von zu Peru, Umwelt, Wirtschaft
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Democrats Have Decided To Just Ignore American Muslims This Election Cycle

Caitlin Johnstone - 11. September 2024 - 3:03

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):

A new poll from the Council on American-Islamic Relations has Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein beating Kamala Harris among American Muslims in three key battleground states, with an especially large lead in Michigan.

Among Muslims, Stein leads Harris 35 percent to 29 percent in Arizona, 44 percent to 39 percent in Wisconsin, and a whopping 40 percent to 12 percent in Michigan.

This would be interesting in and of itself, but what really stands out for me is the extreme contrast between how American Muslims and the rest of the US population are polling right now. An August report by the Statista Research Department has Jill Stein polling at just 0.2 percent overall among the general population, with Harris leading the Green Party candidate by 46.8 percent to 0.2 percent in Arizona, by 47.7 percent to 0.8 percent in Wisconsin, and by 46.1 percent to 0.9 percent in Michigan.

The fact that there's such a massive, MASSIVE gap between Muslim voters and white liberals right now suggests liberals have decided they're simply not going to listen to Muslim voices this election cycle. Which they already demonstrated when they shut Palestinians out of the DNC.

— Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) September 10, 2024

To call this a night and day difference would be a severe understatement. Clearly Muslim Americans are seeing something they care deeply about this election season which the rest of the population has decided doesn’t matter very much.

That something is of course the US-backed genocide in Gaza, which the Biden-Harris administration has been forcefully supporting for nearly a year. Stein opposes these atrocities, while Harris is currently serving in the administration that’s making them possible. Activist campaigns like the Uncommitted National Movement have been rallying pro-Palestinian voters to pressure Biden and Harris to stop the slaughter in Gaza under the threat of losing their votes, and now polls show that those votes are hemorrhaging into the Green Party among Muslims.

And I just think it says a lot that American liberals have decided to simply ignore this. Not just the leadership of the Democratic Party — who famously refused to allow any Palestinian Americans to even speak at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last month — but ordinary members of the public as well.

White non-Muslim liberals, who would normally claim to stand with Muslim Americans and support listening to black and brown voices, have decided to simply turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to what their Muslim neighbors are saying this election cycle. 

DNC attendees cover their ears as the names of dead Palestinian children are read as they leave the convention

— BreakThrough News (@BTnewsroom) August 22, 2024

Everything this particular marginalized community is saying gets met with fingers in the ears. Any other minority group on any other issue at any other time and it would be “I hear you, I see you,” but when it comes to this particular religious minority group with regard to ending an actual genocide, they are saying the exact opposite.

Which, just like the destruction of Gaza itself, says so much about where the real values of mainstream western liberalism actually lie. It’s not about being good, it’s about feeling good. It’s not about being moral, it’s about feeling moral. It’s not about fighting for justice and equality, it’s about fighting for electoral wins and emotional comfort. While people who actually care are trying to wake everyone up to the reality of the nightmare in Gaza, American liberals are trying to get everyone to shut up and stop shaking the bed so everyone can go back to sleep.

What’s happening in Gaza should radicalize you against status quo politics, and if you are a good person, it will. The fact that Democrats of all levels are so completely incurious and indifferent toward what Muslims in their country have been saying since October shows they are not good people, and shows they are not what they pretend to be.


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The 23rd Anniversary of September 11, 2001

The 23rd Anniversary of September 11, 2001

Paul Craig Roberts

Time passes. An entire generation has grown up since that day when a few Saudi Arabians armed only with box cutters caused airport safety to fail four times on the same morning, caused the entire US/NATO/Mossad security system to fail, caused the WTC towers constructed to withstand airliner collisions to collapse into dust by flying hijacked airliners into them, and attack the Pentagon using maneuvers of which airliners and pilots are incapable and destroying the section of the Pentagon where the documents were that explained where the Pentagon’s missing billions or was it trillions of dollars had gone. During these hours of activity the US Air Force was unable to get interceptors off the ground, and no evidence has ever been found of the passengers on the four hijacked airliners. But an undamaged passport of one of the alleged hijackers were found in the ruins of two hundred-storied skyscrapers. And Americans fell for this totally unbelievable story. What hope is there for Americans?

It took a year of pressure on the Bush/Cheney regime to get a commission established that instead of an investigation wrote down the official narrative as dictated to them. Later the commission co-chairmen and legal counsel wrote books saying that the government withheld information and set the commission up to fail.

It only took 10 minutes for a high school physics professor to demolish NIST’s multi-year computer simulation of the collapse of Building 7, the 47 story WTC building that a BBC reporter stood in front of announcing its collapse 30 minutes ahead of the collapse. They knew the building was slated for destruction, but the word got out prior to the event. Silverstein, who owned or had the leases to the World Trade Center said on live TV that the decision was made to pull building 7. You can’t pull a building unless it is wired, a time-consuming complex job.

It is totally obvious that all 3 buildings were wired for demolition. Building 7 collapsed at free fall acceleration, and the two towers at essentially the same speed. This can only be achieved by controlled demolition. If the alleged Muslim hijackers wired the buildings–an impossibility–what is the point of flying airliners into them?

The orchestrated event was used by Washington to launch wars in the Middle East against Israel’s opponents. Norman Podhoretz at Commentary had called for these wars, and US four star general Wesley Clark, NATO’s commander in chief, later confirmed that Pentagon generals showed him war plans calling for the US to overthrow “Seven countries in five years.”

Little of this extraordinary evidence had any impression on insouciant Americans who swallowed the false narrative hook, line, and sinker.

Consequently, Washington destroyed Iraq and Libya and was about to destroy Syria, but the Russians intervened. Israel has kept the American gun aimed at Iran, but Putin has said Russia will not tolerate an attack on Iran.

You can easily understand why Zionist Jews hate Putin and Russia and why America is at risk from serving the Zionist agenda. But it is difficult to understand Putin’s patience with Israel. Does Netanyahu own the Kremlin like he owns Washington?

We don’t yet know how the events unleashed by 9/11 will finish unfolding. They may bring death to all of us.

What I have never been able to understand is why Dick Cheney, the neoconservatives, the military/security complex, and the whore media were so determined to turn a few Saudi Arabians into superheroes who were more than a match for the American National Security State. How can Washington possibly deal with Russia, China, and Iran when a few Muslims can deliver the worst humiliation ever delivered to an alleged superpower?

The total humiliation that the official narrative delivered to America on 9/11 is without parallel in history. One would have thought that such a system wide failure would have destroyed Americans’ confidence in Washington. Why explains American fists rising not against Washington but against Muslim countries that had nothing to do with it?

If the American population is incapable of paying attention, how does it expect to remain free?

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These are not Republicans

These are not Republicans

Paul Craig Roberts

go to 2:31

These are real men. Are there any in the Western world? If so, why is the Western world being conquered by immigrant-invaders with the help of every Western government? Why do Western peoples tolerate their betrayal by their own governments? Why do they elect governments that prefer immigrant-invaders to the ethnic basis of the country? Why are Western peoples content with the annihilation that stares them in the face?

These are Republicans: Trump asks, why is the RNC silent on vote theft?

Trump has failed us by not organizing a third party that will fight for us.

Republicans are incapable of fighting. They are useless for the defense of our freedom.

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What Happened to Europe

What Happened to Europe

Paul Craig Roberts

A European friend sent me this article which provides some understanding of the present political situation in France. The American media produces close to zero information about the political situation in European countries. What Americans hear of Europe is generally limited to whatever the current EU narrative is.

The European Union is a puzzle. After suffering under EU absurdity, the British had enough sense to get out, but British pundits still see Brexit as a mistake. What accounts for the unshakable indoctrination of Brexit-worshipping pundits?

Indeed, what explains the stupidity of European governments to add another level of taxation and to sacrifice their own authority and sovereignty to a “commission” that no one elects? I have always viewed the European Union as Europe’s movement from democracy and accountable government to tyranny. The European Union is the resurrection of Nazism in Europe. Nothing less. It is rule by the unaccountable and was intended that way.

I cannot identify a single gain to any country from EU membership. All EU membership brought to Greece and Portugal was the looting of their public sectors by northern European banks. Without their own currency with which to finance their debt, Greece and Portugal were easy pickings.

Germany, which had the powerful Deutsche mark, also lost its currency and control over the country’s monetary policy. Without its own currency, France, too, is no longer a sovereign country. The fate of European countries is subject to a central banking system that they do not control.

One gets the impression that the beneficiary of the EU is Washington, which only needs to control one entity instead of each of the two dozen or so European countries. It also serves Washington that the EU is being gradually merged into NATO.

Perhaps the confidence of Europeans was destroyed by WW I and WW II. Europeans realize that every European country lost and that the victor is Washington, and for awhile the Soviet Union. Britain was completely destroyed by the wars, losing its empire, reserve currency role, and control over international trade. Germany lost a German existence with its educational system turned by the Americans into anti-German indoctrination.

European political leaders are of such minor importance that Americans do not even recognize their names. The only names recognized in the US are those of the NATO secretary general and the EU commissioner, both put in office by Washington, and not even these names are widely known.

The more I consider it, the more I am convinced that the only explanation for the EU is Europe’s loss of confidence.

Today Europe is nothing but a museum of what remains after two devastating wars of the art and architecture of Western civilization. Today these remains are threatened by Europe’s complicity in Washington’s aggressive hostility toward Russia. Not only has the sun set on the British Empire, the sun is setting on Britain herself and on the Western world. The power that European countries once had is gone forever. Washington is marching its puppets to nuclear Armageddon.

RT EN 8.9.2024

Macron’s gamble: Can France find stability with a centrist prime minister?

The text sheds light on the complex political situation in France, marked by the appointment of Michel Barnier as prime minister and the challenges posed by the divided parliament and the population’s growing distrust of the political elite.

By Pierre Levy

Should France be governed from the right of the left, from the left of the right or from the center of the center? For weeks, leading politicians and analysts have been grappling with this dizzying question, begging the President ever more impatiently to make a decision as soon as possible.

On September 5, he finally appointed Michel Barnier to form and lead the next government. Mr. Barnier comes from the party Les Républicains (LR, classical right). The new Prime Minister’s CV almost sounds like a program.

Mr. Barnier was, among other things, French Minister for European Affairs (1995-1997), European Commissioner for Regional Policy (1999-2004), Minister of Foreign Affairs (with responsibility for EU affairs, 2004-2005) and again European Commissioner (and Vice-President of the Commission) for the Internal Market (2010-2014). Finally, he served Brussels again, leading the European Commission’s negotiations with London from 2016 (an experience he described in a book – read by no one – in which he expressed everything negative he thought about Brexit).

While the politicians and media were abuzz with excitement before this announcement, most ordinary people were not. At the coffee machines in factories and offices, colleagues’ conversations tended to revolve around the cost of starting school, dwindling spending power, the number of years until retirement or the deterioration of public services – this summer, particularly the hospital sector.

The back and forth surrounding the selection of the new host for Matignon (seat of the head of government) did not captivate the masses. Especially as Emmanuel Macron’s second five-year term in office, which began two years ago, revealed a crisis of political representation. The ruler of the Élysée Palace, who was re-elected in May 2022 against Marine Le Pen, had little doubt about his ability to have an absolute parliamentary majority confirmed in his favor a month later.

This did not happen: in June 2022, he only received a relative majority of MPs. Two arduous years followed, during which most bills could only be passed through endless palaver and compromise, or through a constitutional provision that allows a bill to be passed without a vote (unless a majority of MPs agree to a motion of no confidence).

This brutal procedure was used to pass budgets (although this is the most important act of a parliament) and to push through the unpopular pension reform, among other things. Two areas that are closely monitored by the European Commission.

According to commentators, this uncomfortable situation meant that sooner or later the National Assembly would have to be dissolved. The President finally decided to accelerate this deadline by announcing his decision on June 8, the evening of the European elections. These had gone like a tidal wave in France in favor of the Rassemblement National (RN, often classified as far-right, which Marine Le Pen denies).

The president’s calculation was simple: by describing an RN that was dangerously close to power and thus evoking the spectre of the “dark hours of our history”, Emmanuel Macron hoped to benefit from a “republican” reflex and thus find a majority of MPs who supported his work.

It turned out differently. The first round of voting on June 30 was characterized by an additional strengthening of the RN: The latter received 10.6 million votes, three million more than in the European elections. In the second round, however, the mutual resignations of the left, the center and the right prevented the RN from gaining a majority of MPs (although it has the strongest group in parliament).

However, this tactic had its price: a parliament that is more fragmented than ever and has even fewer potential majorities than the previous one moved into the Palais Bourbon (where the Chamber of Deputies meets). Hence the headaches and delays that preceded the appointment of Michel Barnier.

The latter, although he dares to refer to a distant Gaullist heritage, is considered a centrist, which fits the profile of the person who has been sought for two months. With this democratic paradox: the more voters come out in favor of the “extremes”, the more often declarations are made proclaiming the need to “govern France in the center”.

However, the term “extremes” should be put in quotation marks. It is used by the mainstream media to refer to the RN on the one hand and La France Insoumise (LFI) on the other. The latter party, whose inspirer remains former socialist minister Jean-Luc Mélenchon (who plans to run again in the next presidential elections), is the largest movement of the four left-wing parties that have joined forces in the coalition formed in June called the New Popular Front.

The RN and the LFI are of course opposed in many areas. However, they have one thing in common: both (more precisely, the parties from which they emerged, the Front National and the Left Party respectively) had vaguely flirted with the plan to leave France out of the EU, which could have represented an interesting radicalism; however, both then turned their backs on this. Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s friends did so several years ago, Marine Le Pen’s only recently. Both now advocate “reshaping Europe from within” – an illusory and misleading perspective, as all previous attempts have shown.

Now, relations with the EU will always be a fundamental problem area for the next government: Will France be able to free itself from the decisions made by the 27 member states, or will it continue to operate within an insurmountable framework of political, economic, social and international constraints, regardless of the future decisions of the electorate?

In this respect, the appointment of former EU Commissioner Michel Barnier is a confirmation and a symbol. And not a good one for the future. Recently, the daily newspaper Le Monde (31.08.2024) published a comprehensive study highlighting the general rise in distrust and discredit suffered by the political class and institutions.

Coincidentally, on the same day, a British academic was quoted in a report by the same newspaper on the recent riots in the UK: “Anger, hostility and cynicism have become part of the culture of the underclass. Large numbers of people feel profoundly ignored. The ruling political parties refuse to address the reasons for this anger and frustration. While so many people demand change, they only offer them continuity”.

A diagnosis that could easily cross the English Channel.

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Europe: The Prison of Peoples

Europe: The Prison of Peoples

How Europe Looks to an Italian Journalist

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