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Lebanese resistance targets an Israeli enemy site, northern occupied Palestine

SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency - 19. August 2024 - 7:56

Beirut, SANA- The Lebanese resistance targeted the headquarters of Israeli enemy’s Al-Sahil Battalion in Beit Hillel barracks in northern occupied Palestine with Katyusha rockets.

The resistance said in a statement: “In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, our fighters targeted the headquarters of the Al-Sahl Battalion in Beit Hillel barracks with volleys of Katyusha rockets and buildings used by enemy soldiers in Shtula settlement with appropriate weapons, achieving direct hits.”

It added that its fighters targeted the espionage equipment in Ruwaysat al-Alam and Maskaf Aam site which led to its destruction.

They also targeted the sites of Ruwaysat al-Qarn, Zabadin, al-Marj, al-Malikiya, Jal al-Alam, and the Zar’it barracks with rockets and artillery shells, and directly hit them.

Manar Salameh

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Filipi: The West is responsible for what happened in Syria

SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency - 19. August 2024 - 7:00

Prague, SANA- The Former Czech ambassador in Damascus, Eva Filipi, stressed that the West bears responsibility for what happened to Syria.

“There are amazingly young and wonderful people in Syria who have sincere national goals, but the West supported the terrorists with weapons, money and information to do everything that would destroy this stable country and good people,” Ambassador Filippi said in an interview with the Czech website Seznam.

She considered that Syria expresses a sad story and that in 2010 it was a safe, stable country, and the people there were happy, pointing out that the Western sanctions and unjust siege that Syria was subjected to had a negative and harsh impact on all aspects of life there.

Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová awarded Ambassador Filipe the Czech writer Arnošt Lustig Award upon her return from Syria, in honor of her contribution to promoting the concepts of courage, humanity, and justice.

Manar Salameh

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Gibt es Risse im chinesisch-russischen Verhältnis?

ANTI-SPIEGEL - Fundierte Medienkritik - 19. August 2024 - 7:00
Offiziell sprechen Moskau und Peking davon, dass ihre Beziehungen ein nie dagewesenes Niveau erreicht hätten. Und das stimmt sicherlich auch, aber man darf nie den ausgesprochen wichtigen Satz des großen Egon Bahr vergessen, den er 2013 in einer Rede vor Schülern in Heidelberg gesagt hat: „In der internationalen Politik geht es nie um Demokratie oder […]
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Unheilvolles Affentheater

Peds Ansichten - 19. August 2024 - 6:55
Verblöden sie die Menschen im vollen Bewusstsein ihres Tuns? Auf jeden Fall tun sie, die Medien, es schon wieder! Wie indoktriniert muss man sein, um die Choreographie der „Corona-Pandemie“ ein weiteres Mal aufzulegen? Das einzig „Geniale“ an dieser Neuauflage ist der Name: „Affenpocken-Pandemie“. Geben wir uns keinen Illusionen hin. Die Kabale aus Pharma, „Weltverbesserern“, gekauften […]
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Revisionist Zionists Dare the U.S. to Pull the Plug on Their Nakba Agenda, by Alastair Crooke

Israelis have been deeply divided these last years, unable to coalesce around a government. After five general elections, they decided to dismiss the Lapid/Gantz team and to put a new coalition – formed around Netanyahu and small Jewish supremacist parties – into power. However, soon after the formation of the new government, there occurred an...
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I Don’t Have an Analysis Regarding the Most Likely Outcome of the 2024 Election, by Andrew Anglin

Earlier today, I was bragging about how good I am at political and geopolitical analysis, and no one has ever even tried to name someone who is better than me at this. Literally: no one has even tried. I wasn’t really bragging, exactly. Well, maybe a little bit. But I’m not really particularly ego-driven. I...
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Blinken Back in Tel Aviv Begging Bibi to Make Some Gestures About Gaza (Because Once Iran Kicks Off, It Won’t Matter Anyway), by Andrew Anglin

Some people say that the Democrat leadership is secretly pro-massacre, and is just pretending not to be, because they are continuing to send infinity money and weapons while claiming they want a ceasefire. Meanwhile, Donald Trump claims that the Democrats are pro-Hamas and want to destroy Israel. What is clear is that America has never...
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Rob Schneider Had Me Until: “I’m All for Immigration, It Just Has to be Legal”, by Andrew Anglin

Classic 1990s SNL cast member and Deuce Bigalow (Male Gigolo) Rob Schneider appeared on Tucker Carlson a couple days ago. I really liked the opening segment, where he was talking about his daughter attacking him, and he said he’s a recent convert to Catholicism, and he seems like a good person. Do you know that...
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American Pravda: A Rising China Faces the West, by Ron Unz

Back in the summer of 2018, I launched my American Pravda series in earnest, deciding to finally present some of the extremely controversial material that I'd gradually uncovered during the previous five or ten years. One of my earliest articles focused upon the Jewish role in the Bolshevik Revolution and the resulting ideological aftershocks in...
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Kosher-dashians, the Jews Who Birthed Reality TV: Review of ‘Cue the Sun!’, by Jason Cannon

If, after a decade of researching the Jewish question, you had revealed to me that Jews largely invented the reality television genre, my reaction would hardly be one of surprise. Given Jewish overrepresentation in the television industry overall and the altogether sordid and sleazy nature of reality TV, it seems almost a given to assume...
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Donald Trump Does Not Know the ‘Correct’ Interest Rate, by Ron Paul

Former President and current Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump recently renewed his criticisms of the Federal Reserve. He suggested that, if he returns to the White House next year, he will push Congress to pass legislation giving the president at least a say in the Fed’s decisions regarding interest rates. President Trump thinks that because...
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The NAZIFIED EU and Democrat Party, by Paul Craig Roberts

A question of our time is why do Europeans put up with the tyrannical EU scum? As I previously reported, the EU has told Elon Musk that they, not he, control the content of his interview on X with Donald Trump. The EU is an unelected governing body. Yet it claims to be democratic. It...
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Israel Must Choose Between the Iron Wall and Its Existence

Although Hamas is not directly participating in current ceasefire and hostage deal conversations, Hamas is still open to the implementation of Joe Biden’s ceasefire proposal that was announced in May of 2024, as Dave DeCamp writes in a recent Antiwar article. While unnamed Arab officials from Egypt and Qatar claim that a ceasefire deal will … Continue reading "Israel Must Choose Between the Iron Wall and Its Existence"

The post Israel Must Choose Between the Iron Wall and Its Existence appeared first on

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Belarus Puts a Third of Belarus’ Army on Ukraine Border! Are They Getting Ready to Poke the Dolphin???, by Andrew Anglin

No one could blame Belarus for just, you know, annexing some piece of the Ukraine near the border. Say, Kiev for instance. The Ukraine started a very strange precedent with their six mile death march into Russia. Now anyone can do this to them. They should do it from the Moldova/Transnistria side too. Just make...
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Ölproduktion in Venezuela steigt weiter an, Swap-Geschäft mit indischem Großkonzern

Caracas. Die venezolanische Ölindustrie hat im Juli einen leichten Produktionsanstieg verzeichnet. Laut dem jüngsten OPEC-Monatsbericht lag die Produktion des Karibikstaates bei 852.000 Barrel pro Tag (bpd), gegenüber 845.000 bpd im Juni, wie aus sekundären Quellen hervorgeht.... weiter 19.08.2024 Artikel von zu Venezuela, Wirtschaft, Politik
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Chile: Streik in der größten Kupfermine der Welt ausgesetzt

Gewerkschaft und Konzern BHP erzielen Einigung, nun müssen Mitglieder entscheiden. Bonuszahlung, günstige Kredite sowie Verbesserungen bei Krankenversicherung, Rentenvorsorge und Bildungsangeboten vereinbart Antofagasta. In der weltgrößten Kupfermine Escondida im Norden Chiles ist nach drei Tagen ein Streik der Minenarbeiter vorläufig beendet worden. Der australische Konzern BHP und die Gewerkschaft Nummer 1 (Sindicato Nº1), die die Bergarbeiter vertritt, haben nach eigenen Angaben... weiter 19.08.2024 Artikel von zu Chile, Wirtschaft, Politik, Soziale Bewegungen
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Chile: Gesundheitszustand von Mapuche-Anführer im Hungerstreik kritisch

Santiago. Der 56-jährige verurteilte Hector Llaitul verweigert seit über 70 Tagen die Nahrungsaufnahme, um den Rest seiner Haftstrafe in Temuco verbüßen zu können. Sein Sohn Ernesto Llaitul hat nun die Öffentlichkeit über den kritischen Gesundheitszustand des Gefangenen informiert... weiter 19.08.2024 Artikel von zu Chile, Menschenrechte, Politik
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Moskau dementiert Medienbericht über Abbruch von Geheimverhandlungen mit Kiew

ANTI-SPIEGEL - Fundierte Medienkritik - 19. August 2024 - 5:00
Ich habe unter der Überschrift „Kiews Gründe für Angriff auf Kursk – Geheimverhandlungen zwischen Kiew und Moskau und Drohungen mit atomarem Terror“ über den Artikel der Washington Post berichtet, in dem behauptet wird, dass es geheime indirekte Verhandlungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine über ein Ende der Angriffe auf Energieinfrastruktur der jeweils anderen Seite gegeben […]
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Israel Is Rape

Caitlin Johnstone - 19. August 2024 - 4:59

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):

A new poll published at Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies has reportedly found that 65 percent of Israeli Jews oppose criminal charges for IDF troops accused of gang raping a Palestinian prisoner to the point of severe injury, preferring only internal measures within the Israeli military be taken instead. Only 21 percent believed the accused rapists should be criminally prosecuted, with the remaining 14 percent unsure.

Middle East Eye reports:

“A new poll has suggested a majority of Israelis believe the prison officials accused of sexually assaulting a Palestinian detainee should not face criminal charges and just be disciplined by the army.

“Late last month, nine Israeli soldiers were arrested for the alleged rape of a Palestinian detained in Sde Teiman, a facility in southern Israel’s Negev desert.

“Since Israel’s war on Gaza began in October, many Palestinians detained by Israeli forces have said they were sexually abused by troops at Sde Teiman.

“However, no one had been arrested for the abuse until 29 July, when military police raided the facility, clashed with the soldiers and took them into custody.

“The incident created a backlash in Israel, with a far-right mob, that included an MP and minister, storming the detention centre and a military court in protest against the arrests.

“Five of those detained were released to house arrest on Tuesday, pending a potential decision by the army to file indictments.

“On Sunday, the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) revealed that 65 percent of Israeli Jews thought that the five should be punished only by the army and not face criminal charges.”

A new poll by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) has suggested a majority of Israelis believe the prison officials accused of sexually assaulting a Palestinian detainee should not face criminal charges and just be disciplined by the army

— Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) August 18, 2024

Israel has seen demonstrations that have become known as “right to rape” rallies ever since the arrests, with protesters demanding the accused rapists be allowed to walk free without any consequences for their actions. 

Earlier this month an Israeli reporter named Yehuda Schlesinger sparked outrage with an appearance on Israel’s Channel 12, during which he not only supported the accused rapists but called for the IDF to formally implement raping Palestinian prisoners as a matter of state policy. 

One of the accused was invited on to Israel’s Channel 14 to defend himself and tell his side of the story, while wearing a mask to hide his identity.

To be clear, this is for a widely witnessed gang rape for which there is hard video evidence.

Israel is a deeply sick society, with a deeply sick attitude toward rape. A 2011 poll published by Haaretz found that 61 percent of Israeli men don’t view forced sex with an acquaintance as rape, and that only seven percent believe marital rape is a thing. 

Rape is abundant in the Israeli military and is almost never punished — an important thing to keep in mind when Israelis tell pollsters that IDF troops should only face internal disciplinary measures as opposed to criminal charges. In 2022 The Jerusalem Post reported that 1,542 incidents of sexual assault complaints were received by the IDF in the year 2020, and that of these, only 31 indictments were filed.

In a 2011 poll, 61% of Israeli men said it’s okay to rape someone you met before

— David Sheen (@davidsheen) July 29, 2024

During the initial right-to-rape protests in Israel, The New York Times outdid itself with the unbelievably obfuscatory headline “Unrest at Army Bases Highlights a Long Battle for Israel’s Soul”, with neither the headline nor the sub-headline making any mention of rape at all. California State University professor Asad Abukhalil quipped on Twitter, “The headline is actually accurate if you understand that Israel’s soul is rape.”

And he has a point. Rape is deeply interwoven throughout the fabric of Israeli society. In a sense, Israel is rape.

The phrase “every accusation is a confession” has been thrown around a lot since October, and for good reason. People who are deeply messed up and dysfunctional inside don’t typically have the internal resources and creativity to come up with accusations out of thin air, so they tend to just accuse people they don’t like of whatever they have going on inside themselves. If you ever have to deal with a malignant narcissist or sociopath in your personal life, you can often understand their behavior a lot better by mentally reversing the accusations they level at people and interpreting them as confessions about themselves.

Israel and its defenders shrieked and hollered so fervently about unsubstantiated rape rumors on October 7 because they themselves have a perverse relationship with sex and bodily sovereignty. Which should not be surprising given that Israel itself is a state that is built on the notion that you can simply take what you want from people because it is owed to you. The entire society is based on this premise.

This has nothing to do with Jewishness or Judaism. It’s just the attitude any population will develop if they are indoctrinated from birth into believing it’s their right to take things that belong to other people, which is precisely what was done to the Palestinians when a modern apartheid ethnostate was dropped on top of them out of nowhere by western colonizers and their western backers. 

Just like the ongoing mass atrocity we are witnessing in Gaza, this fondness for rape is just one of the many, many symptoms of the injustice and abusiveness that the state of Israel is founded on and built from.


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Einige Anmerkungen zur globalen Machergreifung der Sauropoden

Wenn Sie bei der obigen Überschrift an die Science-Fiction-Verschwörungstheorien denken, in denen Reptilien oder Sauropoden in Menschengestalt unsere Welt übernehmen wollen, dann vergessen Sie diesen Mist ganz einfach wieder. Weil es nun aber einmal keinen Begriff für hinterhältige Globalverschwörer gibt, borgen wir uns an dieser Stelle dafür einfach mal die vorstehend erwähnten Sauropoden aus. Demokratische […]

<p>The post Einige Anmerkungen zur globalen Machergreifung der Sauropoden first appeared on Ansage.</p>

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