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The Economic Situation of the West, by Paul Craig Roberts

Once upon a time America had a capitalist economy. Bank deposits were used for loans that expanded productive ability. America produced its own goods and grew its own food. America’s currency was backed by gold and inflation was nonexistent. New technology brought into play by new investment improved the productivity of labor, and living standards...
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VDare.Com vs. Cancel Culture—My Story, by Lydia Brimelow

My husband, VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow, has described, in his resignation announcement above, the lethal lawfare waged against us by New York State Attorney General Letitia James. But Peter also mentioned other interlocking issues that are also contributing to our decision to suspend. Here I want to put on the record, because I lived it...
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Die USA wollen bei Friedensverhandlungen eine „dominante Rolle“ spielen

ANTI-SPIEGEL - Fundierte Medienkritik - 31. Juli 2024 - 6:00
In den USA wurde mal wieder eingestanden, worum Washington im Ukraine-Konflikt wirklich geht. Der der Erste Stellvertretende US-Außenminister Kurt Campbell war bei einer Befragung im US-Senat sehr ehrlich und hat letztlich eingestanden, dass es den USA in der Ukraine am Ende des Tages um ihren Machtkampf gegen China geht. Man muss nur genau zuhören, denn […]
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Situation in Venezuela nach den Wahlen angespannt, beide Lager rufen zu Mobilisierungen auf

Caracas. Die Lage in Venezuela nach den Wahlen ist von regierungsfeindlichen Mobilisierungen und Konfrontationen mit Sicherheitskräften geprägt. Die Ausschreitungen folgen auf die Präsidentschaftswahlen vom 28. Juli, bei denen sich Amtsinhaber Nicolás Maduro eine dritte Amtszeit... weiter 31.07.2024 Artikel von , zu Venezuela, Politik
Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Diplomatische Krise in Lateinamerika nach der Wahl in Venezuela

Caracas. Die Regierung von Präsident Nicolás Maduro hat am Montag ihr diplomatisches Personal aus Argentinien, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, der Dominikanischen Republik und Uruguay abgezogen und die Länder aufgefordert, "ihre Vertreter unverzüglich aus dem venezolanischen... weiter 31.07.2024 Artikel von zu Venezuela, Politik
Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Tote Geflüchtete zwischen Panama und Kolumbien nach US-Abkommen

USA will mehr Abschiebungen aus Panama. Neues Abkommen. Kolumbien kritisiert Migrationspolitik. Rekordzahlen auf der gefährlichen Fluchtroute. Panama/Bogotá/Washington. Zehn Geflüchtete sind im Dschungel von Darien auf der Migrationsroute zwischen Kolumbien und Panama gestorben. Die kolumbianischen Behörden führen ihren Tod auf die Schließung mehrerer Grenzübergänge mit Stacheldraht durch die Regierung Panamas zurück. Die... weiter 31.07.2024 Artikel von zu Kolumbien, Panama, USA, Menschenrechte
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Today In ‘Every Accusation Is A Confession’

Caitlin Johnstone - 31. Juli 2024 - 4:33
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):

Today in Every Accusation Is A Confession, the same nation which has spent ten months calling Palestinians rapists without evidence has found itself dealing with rioters supporting the right to continue the systemic and extensively evidenced rape of Palestinian prisoners.

When Israeli police detained nine IDF soldiers on accusation of sodomizing a Palestinian prisoner so brutally he couldn’t walk at the notorious Sde Teiman prison in southern Israel, protests erupted from far right activists in defense of the soldiers with the backing of multiple officials from the Netanyahu regime. The rioters were so aggressive that they actually broke into the Israeli military base where the soldiers were being questioned in an attempt to free them.

Asked by the press about the rape accusations, US State Department Deputy Spokesman Vedant Patel refused to say whether gang raping Palestinian prisoners would be considered a war crime, even if conclusively proven.

The western press are refusing to even use the word “rape” in reference to the allegations, with the BBC describing the soldiers as standing accused of “severely mistreating a Palestinian prisoner” and the New York Times describing it as “suspected abuse”.

Israeli society has a very twisted attitude toward rape. A 2011 poll found that 61 percent of Israeli men don’t believe forcing sex on an acquaintance counts as rape, and only seven percent of Israeli men believe there’s such a thing as spousal rape.

They lied about mass rapes so that they could systemically rape. 

They lied about beheaded babies so that they could kill babies. 

They lied about “human shields” to shield themselves while killing civilians. 

They lied about being victims so that they could victimize others.

No one is more dangerous than warmongers who believe they can win an unwinnable war. https://t.co/6fGnyRHDRo

— Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) July 26, 2024

Meanwhile the US is disputing the election results in Venezuela again because they didn’t get the result they want, with more sanctions and other interventionism likely on the way for the empire-targeted nation.

It’s so wild how every few years the US just casually tries to install a coup regime in the oil-rich nation of Venezuela and the western political-media class treats this as perfectly normal. And then they’ll have the gall to shriek about “election interference” if some Russians make some Facebook memes about a presidential race or whatever. Really says a lot about how evil, entitled, supremacist and stupid western civilization is.

People who support these regime change operations always tell me, “You know nothing about Venezuela! You’ve never been there! Talk to Venezuelans!”

And I always tell them that no matter how many times I visit Venezuela or how many Venezuelans I talk to, it will still be a fact that US regime change interventionism is literally always disastrous and literally always based on lies.

One thing that sucks about understanding the US empire is knowing with absolute certainty that there are empire managers watching a black woman run for president and saying “Oh man we’re gonna be able to use her administration to manufacture consent for SO many military agendas!”

Bit surreal seeing all the progressives who spent ten months saying they oppose the genocide in Gaza suddenly pivot to "YASSS COCONUT QUEEN"ing the administration responsible for that very genocide as November approaches. https://t.co/k9XtxoAuYP

— Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) July 30, 2024

We’re already seeing some strong “shut up shut up SHUT UP about Gaza” energy from Kamala supporters toward those to their left. 

If I needed to defend my political faction by telling people to overlook an active genocide until after an election, I personally would simply leave that political faction.

It was a bit rich watching progressive Democrats like AOC posture against Netanyahu’s visit to Washington last week while throwing their full support behind the president who’s backed Netanyahu’s genocide and the vice president who’s dedicated to continuing it. We also saw things like Jerry Nadler announcing that he would be attending Netanyahu’s speech “out of respect for the State of Israel and the office of the Prime Minister” while denouncing Netanyahu himself as “the worst leader in Jewish history since the Maccabean king who invited the Romans into Jerusalem over 2100 years ago.”

One of the biggest scams being peddled by Democrats today is this frantic campaign to spin Netanyahu as meaningfully separate and distinct from everything Israel is — instead of the perfect embodiment of it — to protect Israel’s image while it commits genocide and ethnic cleansing.

They’re working overtime to hang this whole mess on Bibi, so that when it’s all over and the final solution to the Palestinian question has been carried out, he can take the sins of the Zionist state and the entire US-centralized empire with him when he leaves office without anything ever needing to change about status quo US foreign policy. They’re repeating the George W Bush playbook.

Netanyahu didn’t create the genocidal racism in Israel, the genocidal racism in Israel created Netanyahu. He rode already-existing sentiments within Israel to power, and has relied on them to stay in power ever since. You could not ask for a better representative of everything Israel is than Benjamin Netanyahu — nor indeed a better representative of everything the US empire stands for.


If you’d prefer to listen to audio of these articles, you can subscribe to them on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud or YouTube. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece here are some options where you can toss some money into my tip jar if you want to. Go here to find video versions of my articles. Go here to buy paperback editions of my writings from month to month. All my work is free to bootleg and use in any way, shape or form; republish it, translate it, use it on merchandise; whatever you want. The best way to make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. All works co-authored with my husband Tim Foley.

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Featured image via Adobe Stock.

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President Biden Admin Must Facilitate Israel, Hezbollah Deescalation

Win Without War Executive Director Sara Haghdoosti released the following statement responding to reports of an Israeli strike in Beirut in response to the tragic events at Majdal Shams:

“The latest round of strikes between the Israeli military and Hezbollah puts the region at the edge of a major war. Win Without War is alarmed by the escalation over the last several days. We call on the Biden administration to redouble diplomatic efforts to calm tensions and prevent further violence.

“A ceasefire in Gaza remains the most crucial step in ending this devastating cycle of violence. We urge the Biden administration to use all the leverage at its disposal to secure a deal that returns hostages held in Gaza, ends the killing and horrific humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and averts a regional war.”

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

KOSA is advancing in the Senate. It still makes kids less safe.

The controversial Kids Online Safety Act passed out of the Senate today by a vote of 91-3. As the vote was taking place, a group of human rights, LGBTQ+, and civil liberties experts held a virtual press conference to discuss the longstanding issues with the bill, how passing it would be a major handout to Big Tech, and why the House must reject it.

You can watch the press conference in full at this link or below:


Here a sampling of important quotes given during the press conference:

“The fact of the matter is, young people are naturally curious and taking away potentially educational resources limits their learning and can actually endanger them.” –Jenna Leventoff, Senior Policy Counsel at American Civil Liberties Union

“I think some of this is just based on hoping or believing that the enforcement of a speech law will be done by the good guys. And that’s we’ve just never seen that be the case. And that’s why it’s better to stick by our First Amendment values.” –Joe Mullin, Senior Policy Analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation

“I’m really particularly concerned about the impact on youth in states that are already living under abortion bans or living in the 25 States that have bans on gender and care. I think you’re just gonna see that kind of censorship get much worse.” –Mandy Salley, Chief Operating Officer at Woodhull Freedom Foundation

“I’ve literally had legislators tell me to my face that they would love to see our website taken off the Internet because they don’t want people to have the kinds of vital community resources that we provide.” –Dara Adkison, Executive Director of TransOhio

“We need legislation that addresses the harm of big tech. And still lets young people fight for the type of world that they actually want to grow up in.” –Evan Greer, Director at Fight for the Future

Senator Ron Wyden (OR) also sent in this quote to be read during the press conference:

“Everyone agrees tech companies need to be held accountable, and Congress needs to do more to keep kids safe online. But that shouldn’t mean making some kids safer while putting others in harms’ way. I appreciate the intent of KOSA, and support restrictions on harmful design elements, along with new privacy protections for teenagers. At the same time, I implore my colleagues in the House to listen to the LGBTQ+ teens and the folks on the call today. It is not too late to do more to ensure that KOSA can’t be misused by MAGA politicians who are waging a dangerous and retrograde culture war. It’s not too late to make commonsense changes that ensure KOSA can’t be used to scare platforms away from responsible use of privacy protecting technologies like encryption or anonymous accounts. I hope Congress can work together to pass legislation to make ALL kids safer online.”

The grassroots human rights coalition opposing KOSA will redouble our efforts to stop it in the House, where younger progressives like Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep Maxwell Frost have already come out against it.

Additional resources about the opposition to KOSA:

  • See Fight for the Future’s statement on KOSA advancing HERE.
  • View our Tuesday, July 30 12 pm ET press conference on KOSA advancing HERE. More info on speakers, including bios, below.
  • See a letter from hundreds of parents of trans kids opposing KOSA here: TransParentsLetter.com
  • And read this in-depth piece lifting up the voices of LGBTQ youth who have led the opposition to KOSA.
  • See photos of LGBTQ youth opposing KOSA at Pride Events here.
  • See a full list of organizations opposing KOSA at StopKOSA.com, a tool that hundreds of thousands of people have used to contact their legislators opposing the bill.
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ACLU Slams Senate Passage of Kids Online Safety Act, Urges House to Protect Free Speech

The Senate today passed the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which would violate the First Amendment by enabling the federal government to dictate what information people can access online and encourage social media platforms to censor protected speech. The House of Representatives must vote no on this dangerous legislation.

“KOSA compounds nationwide attacks on young peoples’ right to learn and access information, on and offline,” said Jenna Leventoff, senior policy counsel at the ACLU. “As state legislatures and school boards across the country impose book bans and classroom censorship laws, the last thing students and parents need is another act of government censorship deciding which educational resources are appropriate for their families. The House must block this dangerous bill before it’s too late.”

As the ACLU and a wide array of civil rights, civil liberties, and privacy organizations have repeatedly explained, this bill would not keep kids safe, but instead threaten young people’s privacy, limit minors’ access to vital resources, and silence important online conversations for all ages. The ACLU has also raised concerns about how this bill could be used to limit adults' ability to express themselves freely online or access diverse viewpoints.

The ACLU is also worried that the government’s attempts to regulate select design features will implicate First Amendment-protected speech. If passed, this legislation would require online platforms that minors are likely to use to take steps to prevent harm. While the revised duty of care requirement supposedly regulates “design features” instead of speech, the list of “design features” are defined so broadly that platforms are likely to censor content that could prove objectionable to the government, which could include anything from sexual health resources to information about gender identity, or how to get help for an eating disorder.

This vote comes just days after the ACLU led more than 300 students in a lobbying day on Capitol Hill in opposition to the bill.

“It’s called the Kids Online Safety Act, but they have to consider kids’ voices, and some of us don’t think it will make us safer,” said Anjali Verma, a 17-year-old rising high school senior. “We live on the internet, and we are afraid that important information we’ve accessed all our lives will no longer be available. We need lawmakers to listen to young people when making decisions that affect us."

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Internationalist:innen auf dem Weg nach Şengal gestoppt

Internationalist:innen aus Deutschland, Schweiz und Italien ist im Nordirak die Weiterfahrt nach Şengal verboten worden. Die Gruppe wollte zum zehnten Jahrestag des Völkermords an der ezidischen Gemeinschaft in die Region reisen und wurde an einem Checkpoint in Telafer gestoppt. Die Internationalist:innen teilten in einem Video mit, dass sie an Gedenkveranstaltungen teilnehmen und humanitäre Projekte in Şengal unterstützen wollten.


Am 3. August 2014 überfiel der IS das im Nordirak gelegene Gebiet Şengal (Sinjar) mit dem Ziel, die bereits seit Jahrhunderten verfolgte ezidische Gemeinschaft auszulöschen. Durch systematische Massaker, Vergewaltigung, Folterung, Vertreibung, Versklavung von Mädchen und Frauen sowie der Zwangsrekrutierung von Jungen als Kindersoldaten erlebten die Ezidinnen und Eziden den von ihnen als Ferman bezeichneten 74. Völkermord in ihrer Geschichte.

Zehn Jahre nach dem Massaker wird in Şengal mit verschiedenen Veranstaltungen an das damalige Geschehen erinnert und der Toten gedacht. Mindestens 10.000 Menschen fielen laut Schätzungen der Vereinten Nationen (UN) den Massakern in Şengal zum Opfer. Mehr als 400.000 Menschen wurden aus ihrer Heimat vertrieben, über 7.000 Frauen und Kinder verschleppt. Bis heute befinden sich etwa 2.700 der Entführten in der Gewalt ihrer Peiniger, die meisten davon sind Frauen und Kinder. Die Frauen und jungen Mädchen werden bis heute systematisch vergewaltigt und als Sklavinnen gehalten und verkauft. Daher stellt dieser Genozid in seiner Form zugleich auch einen Feminizid dar. Die ezidische Frauenbefreiungsbewegung TAJÊ hat eine internationale Kampagne gegen Femizid und für die Selbstverteidigung von Frauen weltweit ausgerufen.

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Weltpolitische Abgründe werden sichtbar

Die politische Ereignisdichte der letzten Wochen – vom Trump-Attentat bis zur jüngsten Eskalation im Nahen Osten – ist ungeheuer groß. Das sprichwörtliche „Sommerloch“ scheint im Jahre 2024 nicht mehr zu existieren. Statt eines vergeblichen Versuches, mit dem Tempo immer neuer Meldungen mitzuhalten, will ich mich hier mit einem im Wortsinne „hintergründigen“ Thema beschäftigen. Auf den […]

<p>The post Weltpolitische Abgründe werden sichtbar first appeared on Ansage.</p>

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Seymour Hersh berichtet, dass Obama Bidens Absetzung organisiert hat

ANTI-SPIEGEL - Fundierte Medienkritik - 30. Juli 2024 - 20:16
Am 22. Juli, einen Tag nach Bidens Rückzug aus dem Wahlkampf, habe ich einen Artikel mit der Überschrift „Verschwörungstheorien – Wo ist Joe Biden?“ veröffentlicht, in dem ich eine „Verschwörungstheorie“ über Bidens Rückzug aus dem Wahlkampf aufgestellt habe, die mir an dem Tag noch zu „wild“ klang, als dass ich sie ernsthaft in Erwägung gezogen […]
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Israeli drone attack targets Beirut Southern Suburb

SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency - 30. Juli 2024 - 19:52

Beirut, SANA-Lebanese Media reported that the Israeli occupation launched an airstrike that targeted a residential building in Beirut Sothern Suburb.

“The attack targeted a residential area near Bahman Hospital in Haret Hreik that led to the collapse of a building near the hospital and caused injuries among civilians,” Lebanese National News Agency said.

The agency added that ambulances rushed to the site of the attack to treat the injured, affirming that the attack has been carried out by an Israeli drone that fired several rockets against the residential area.

Later, it reported that a woman was killed and a number of civilans injured, some of them in critical conditions, in the attack.

Mazen Eyon

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Protest vor irakischem Konsulat in Frankfurt

Vor dem irakischen Konsulat in Frankfurt am Main haben Aktivist:innen gegen den türkischen Annexionskrieg in Südkurdistan protestiert. Aufgerufen zu der Protestaktion hatte die Demokratische Föderation der Gesellschaften Kurdistans e.V. (KAWA). Die Teilnehmenden riefen „Stoppt das Massaker in Kurdistan“ und prangerten das internationale Schweigen zu den Kriegsverbrechen der Türkei an. Der irakischen Regierung wurde vorgeworfen, die Annexion von Teilen der kurdischen Autonomieregion im Nordirak zuzulassen. Bagdad habe sich auf Druck aus Ankara in den Angriffsplan einbeziehen lassen und sei zum Mittäter geworden.


Die Aktivist:innen übergaben Konsulatsangestellten ein Dossier und informierten über den Hintergrund und die Auswirkungen der türkischen Militäroperation. In der Kurdistan-Region des Irak seien zahlreiche Dörfer entvölkert worden, Armee und Geheimdienst der Türkei hätten in Kooperation mit der Barzanî-Partei PDK die Kontrolle über Gebiete auf irakischem Territorium übernommen. In einer Erklärung wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass der auf Kosten der Zivilbevölkerung geführte Krieg gegen die kurdische Freiheitsbewegung einem von der NATO befürworteten Vernichtungskonzept folge und alle Teile Kurdistans einschließe. Die Türkei halte seit Jahren Gebiete in Nordsyrien besetzt und wolle die Besatzung auf den Nordirak ausdehnen, sagte ein Sprecher.

https://anfdeutsch.com/hintergrund/informationsdossier-zum-turkischen-annexionskrieg-in-sudkurdistan-42994 https://anfdeutsch.com/aktuelles/protest-gegen-die-turkische-kriegspolitik-und-gruss-an-die-guerilla-43040 https://anfdeutsch.com/kurdistan/erdogan-plant-kein-ende-des-krieges-in-kurdistan-sondern-dessen-eskalation-42928 https://anfdeutsch.com/kurdistan/sudkurdistan-nicht-das-kleinste-lebewesen-wird-toleriert-43076 https://anfdeutsch.com/kurdistan/altan-die-annexion-hat-begonnen-42925


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First two cochlear implant operations for newborns performed

SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency - 30. Juli 2024 - 18:53

Damascus, SANA- Medical team of the National Program for Early Detection and Intervention of Hearing Loss at newborns on Tuesday performed the first two cochlear implant operations for two children benefiting from the program which was launched under support and patronage of First Lady, Mrs. Asma al-Assad, in August, 2023.

“The two operations were performed for two children with deep bilateral hearing loss, which was discovered during tests conducted for the two children according to the program and within approved international medical protocols for intervention, at the General Authority of Damascus Hospital- Al-Mujtahid.” Health Minister, Hasan al-Ghabbash said in a press statement.

The Minister called on all families to benefit from the program by conducting a hearing screening of their newborn babies before their first month of life.

Member of the surgical team, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Awad, pointed out that the two operations were the first fruits of the national program and were timed appropriately for the age of the two children in a way that ensured their adaptation and the restoration of their normal lives.

Mazen Eyon


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Heat Dome Blanketing Much of US Following Four Hottest Days Ever Observed

Once again this year, a prolonged heat wave is slated to engulf much of the United States. People in the Southwest, Southeast, and Plains could be at particularly high risk of dangerous and possibly deadly heat this week, with the potential for coast-to-coast impacts by mid-August. In western states, already reeling from devastating wildfires, the heat will increase risks of damaging fires and could worsen drought conditions. This comes on the heels of the leading scientific agencies sounding the alarm that this year alone the world has experienced its four hottest days on record and July is on track to be the 14th straight month of record-breaking global temperatures.

More than 57 million people in the United States and its territories are threatened today by what the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) has deemed “Danger Season”—the time roughly from May through October in the Northern Hemisphere when climate change impacts in the United States are at their peak and increasingly likely to coincide with one another. Additionally, 60% of extreme heat alerts since May 1, 2024, were made more likely by climate change. This data is according to the UCS Danger Season map, which tracks daily heat, wildfire weather, storm and flood alerts.

Fossil-fuel driven climate change has increased the frequency and severity of extreme-heat events over the last half century. Extreme heat, especially over such an extended period of time, could be harmful for anyone but poses particularly grave risks to those experiencing poverty or homelessness, people (often people of color) living in the hottest parts of urban heat islands, elderly adults, small children, people with cardiovascular and other health conditions, outdoor workers, and people facing electricity shut offs or lacking reliable access to air conditioning. High demand for air conditioning also increases the risk of electricity prices spikes, outages, and increased pollution from fossil fuel-fired power plants. Until the United States and other countries phase out fossil fuels, summers will continue getting hotter and hotter and more dangerous and deadly.

There are actions national, state, and local policymakers can take right now to better protect people. These should include implementing local emergency heat safety plans that entail heat alerts, access to community cooling centers, and other health-protective measures for those most vulnerable to heat. Preventing utility shutoffs during times of extreme weather, including heatwaves like this one, and implementing commonsense safeguards to ensure outdoor workers have access to shade and water, as well as more frequent rest breaks, is also vital. Looking ahead, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration should expeditiously finalize robust federal heat health safety standards, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency should update their regulations to recognize extreme heat and wildfire smoke as eligible for major disaster declarations.

But ultimately, limiting the number of days of extreme heat in the long term necessitates that policymakers and decisionmakers in all sectors of society do their part to cut heat-trapping emissions, halt the decades-long deception and obstruction by fossil fuel companies that has enabled runaway climate change, phase out fossil fuels, and accelerate the transition to a clean and just energy system.

A list of UCS experts who can discuss this heat dome and other extreme weather events this Danger Season, is available here. They can also discuss the connection of these events to climate change and their impact on the electric grid and other critical infrastructure, as well as relevant local, state, national, and international policies needed to address the climate crisis and accountability for fossil fuel companies whose products are driving this crisis.

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Deutschland, deine Journalisten: Informieren mit Herrn Patzig

Herrn Patzig muss man nicht kennen. Ich kannte ihn bis eben auch nicht. Herr Patzig, Max Patzig, um es genau zu nehmen, ist stellvertretender Redaktionsleiter in der Nachrichtensparte von” TAG24“. Nun ist er mit einer seiner Schlagzeilen sogar auf Google News gelandet. Und dessen Algorithmus hat mir dann seine Headline als lokal relevant auf den […]

<p>The post Deutschland, deine Journalisten: Informieren mit Herrn Patzig first appeared on Ansage.</p>

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Pezeshkian sworn in as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency - 30. Juli 2024 - 18:24

Tehran, SANA-Masoud Pezeshkian, was sworn in Tuesday as presidentof the Islamic Republic of Iran at the Iranian Parliament in the presence of a delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic, headed by Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous, and dozens of other delegations, including heads of states, prime ministers and parliament speakers.

“Our government will be a government of national consensus that represents all spectrums of the people, we will put an end to discrimination and respect human dignity, and we have an opportunity for radical change to follow the path of the people,” Pezeshkian said in a speech following the oath-taking ceremony, stressing that Iran will not give up to pressures or arrogance.

“Despite the difficult circumstances the region is witnessing, we have conducted fully competitive elections, we will defend the country’s dignity at the international leveland our priority is to boost relations with neighboring countries,” Pezehkian added, stressing that Iran has always stood on the right side of history and will not allow foreign presence to continue in the region.

“Those who provide weapons to the entity that kills children cannot give lessons of humanity to the Muslims” Pezeshkian said.

Mazen Eyon





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Pfändungsschutzkonto: Abzocke beim P-Konto – Das ist unzulässig

Lesedauer 2 Minuten

Ein Girokonto in ein Pfändungsschutzkonto (P-Konto) umzuwandeln schützt Schuldner davor, in Hunger und Elend zu geraten, denn es garantiert ein Existenzminimum. Sie müssen dafür nicht nachweisen, dass eine Pfändung unmittelbar bevorsteht. Banken haben kein Recht, Ihnen zu verweigern, ein P-Konto einzurichten.

Unzulässige Abzocke

In mehreren Fällen verlangten Banken für das P-Konto höherere Kontoführungsgebühren als zuvor für das Girokonto. Außerdem wurden Kreditlinien gelöscht, sodass P-Konto Inhaber kein Geld mehr mit Kreditkarte vom Automaten holen oder Rechnungen per Einzugsverfahren bezahlen konnten. Der Bundesgerichtshof erklärte diese Praxis für unzulässig.

Das dürfen Banken nicht!

Finanzinstitute dürfen, laut Bundesgerichtshof, kein Entgelt verlangen, um ein Girokonto zu einem P-Konto zu machen. Sie dürfen für das P-Konto keine höheren Gebühren verlangen als für ein normales Girokonto. Sie dürfen nicht automatisch, zum Beispiel als “Zusatzvereinbarung” im Vetrag Kreditlinien löschen.

Eindeutuiges Urteil gegen die Sparkasse Bremen

Der Bundesgerichtshof hatte gegen die Sparkasse Bremen entschieden. (Az. XI ZR 145/12). Die wollte für ein P-Konto 7,50 Euro pro Monat haben, also seinerzeit fast doppelt so viel wie für ein reguläres Girokonto.

Der Bundesgerichtshof verurteilte dieses Handeln als unangemessene Benachteiligung der Inhaber von P-Konten.

Vereinbarte Leistungen dürfen nicht eingeschränkt werden

Der Bundesgerichtshof urteilte gegen die Deutsche Bank. Diese hatte im Vertrag zur Umwandlung eines Girokontos in ein P-Konto festgelegt, dass Leistungen wie Kreditkarte und db-Card damit keine Gültigkeit mehr hätten.

Bestehender Dispo darf nicht aufgelöst werden

Eine klare Aussage des Bundesgerichtshofes lautet: Bestehende Kreditlinien dürfen nicht automatisch wegen der Gründung eines P-Kontos gelöscht werden.

Hier ging es um eine Zusatzvereinbarung der Deutschen Bank, nach der die Umstellung auf ein P-Konto bedeuten sollte, einen bestehenden Dispokredit aufzuheben, kein Lastschriftverfahren nutzen zu dürfen und kein Kreditkarte verwenden zu können. Der BGH beurteilte dies als schwere und ungerechtfertigte Nachteile für die Betroffenen.

Bundesgerichtshof und Landesgerichte sind sich einig

Der Bundesgerichtshof bestätigte damit mehrere Oberlandesgerichte, die bei ähnlichen Fällen zum gleichen Ergebnis gekommen waren.

Das OLG Frankfurt am Main (rechtskräftiges Urteil, Az. 19 U 238/11), das OLG Bremen (Urteil Az. 2 U 130/11) und das Schleswig-Holsteinische Oberlandesgericht (Urteil Az. 2 U 10/11) beurteilten zusätzliche Entgelte beim P-Konto ebenfalls als unangemessene Benachteiligung.

Der Dispo wird auf ein separates Konto gebucht

Ein P-Konto ist zwar definiert als Guthabenkonto und darf insofern kein Minus haben. Wird es jetzt aber überzogen, kommt das im Dispo-Bereich liegende Minus auf ein separates Konto des Kunden, der das P-Konto führt.

Wann darf die Bank einschreiten?

Die Bank darf hier lediglich intervenieren, wenn auf dem P-Konto ein pfändbarer Betrag liegt.

Die Bank muss zurückzahlen

Wenn ihr Finanzinstitut bereits rechtswidrig Extragebühren von ihrem P-Konto eingezogen hat, dann fordern Sie es sofort auf, Ihnen dieses unrechtmäßig angeeignete Geld zurückzuzahlen.

Bei gestrichenen Leistungen wie einer Kreditkarte verlangen Sie, diese Leistung wieder herzustellen.

Was tun, wenn die Bank sich weigert?

Wenn ihr Ansprechpartner bei ihrer Bank sich weigert, dies zu tun, dann weisen Sie ihn auf die bestehende Rechtslage hin. Darüber hinaus können Sie die Verbraucherzentrale auf ihren Fall aufmerksam machen.

Der Beitrag Pfändungsschutzkonto: Abzocke beim P-Konto – Das ist unzulässig erschien zuerst auf Gegen Hartz IV - Bürgergeld Ratgeber und Hartz 4 Tipps.

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