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Fourth suspected Crocus City Hall attacker Fayzov arrested

SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency - 25. März 2024 - 7:52

Moscow, SANA- Moscow’s Basmanny Court has arrested the fourth suspected Crocus City Hall attacker Muhammadsobir Fayzov until May 22, 2024, TASS reported.

The court hearing went behind closed doors. According to the investigation, Fayzov was filming the attack on the concert hall.

Thus, the court arrested all four defendants: Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev, Saidakrami Rachabalizodu, Shamsidin Fariduni and Muhammadsobir Fayzov.

Fayzov attended the hearing on a stretcher and had difficulty talking. Considering these circumstances, the defense asked for a restriction measure, not connected with detention.

A terror attack occurred at the Crocus City Hall music venue in the Moscow Region on March 22.

According to the Investigative Committee, a total of 137 people died, and the death toll may rise. The Moscow Region Health Ministry reported 182 people injured. A total of 11 people involved in the attack have been apprehended, including 4 suspected attackers, who sought to flee towards the Ukrainian border.

Manar Salameh/ Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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Lebanese resistance targets Israeli enemy in al-Tayhat Hill

SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency - 25. März 2024 - 7:34

Beirut, SANA- The Lebanese resistance targeted a gathering of Israeli occupation soldiers in al-Tayhat Hill on the Lebanese-Palestinian border.

“In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, our fighters this morning targeted a gathering of enemy soldiers in al-Tayhat Hill with rocket weapons and artillery shells, and they achieved direct hits,” the resistance said in a statement.

On Sunday, the Lebanese resistance targeted the Israeli enemy in many locations, including Jal al-Alam and al-Raheb, and achieved direct hits.

Manar Salameh/ Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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Putin: „Wir haben keine Todesstrafe, aber…“

ANTI-SPIEGEL - Fundierte Medienkritik - 25. März 2024 - 7:00
Die Terrorangriffe von aus der Ukraine unterstützter Nazis auf die russischen Grenzregionen Belgorod und Kursk haben in Russland für einen Anstieg der Entschlossenheit gesorgt, dieses Problem in jedem Fall zu lösen. Noch bevor es zu dem schrecklichen Terroranschlag im Krokus bei Moskau gekommen ist, hat sich der russische Präsident dazu sehr deutlich geäußert. Darüber hat […]
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The US and Europe Have Given Their Countries to Immigrant-Invaders, by Paul Craig Roberts

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The Iranian Conundrum: Shaping a Way Ahead, by James Durso

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Democracy Is an Ideal Government for Jewish Influence, by Thomas Dalton

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Ernährungsunsicherheit in Haiti nimmt täglich zu

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The Russian Elections: Were They Actually Rigged?, by Boyd D. Cathey

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Cutting the Pentagon Down to Size

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The X Files: Rural Britain in the Crosshairs, by Gregory Hood

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Can Congress Ban TikTok?

“Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech.” ~ First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution When James Madison set about to draft the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution – he was articulating what lawyers and philosophers and judges call “negative rights.” A positive right grants a privilege, like a driver’s … Continue reading "Can Congress Ban TikTok?"

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Congressional Omnibus Is Like a Bad Hollywood Movie Sequel, by Ron Paul

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What Does the Coup in Niger Tell Us about the War in Ukraine?

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American Pravda: Samantha Power, R2P, and the Politics of Genocide, by Ron Unz

Earlier this month I published a long article on the notorious 1994 genocide in Rwanda, explaining that the actual facts may have been very different than what I'd always assumed. As reported by the Western media, Hutu extremists assassinated the country's moderate Hutu president by shooting his plane out of the sky and then immediately...
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