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Eine historische Debatte und die roten Linien der NATO-Osterweiterung (2)

Peds Ansichten - 17. September 2024 - 6:37
Rüstungsbegrenzung, Konversion, Atomwaffen Eine spannende Debatte um die Begrenzung, die Reduzierung strategischer Atomwaffen und Rüstungskontrolle — unter Einbeziehung einer Grundbedingung: keine NATO-Osterweiterung. Beteiligte in den Maitagen des Jahres 1990: US-Außenminister James Baker, sein sowjetischer Amtskollege Eduard Schewardnadse sowie der gerade erst zum Präsidenten der UdSSR ernannte Michail Gorbatschow. Am 18. Mai 1990 reiste der damalige […]
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Cathy Young vs. Darryl Cooper, by Spencer J. Quinn

In order for white Europeans to finally escape the hole they have dug for themselves, they must reevaluate the Second World War. This was the war in which Europe was conquered by the forces of liberal democracy coming from the west, and the forces of communism coming from east—two sides of the same globalist coin....
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To the Israeli Soldier Who Murdered Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, by Chris Hedges

I know you. I met you in the dense canopies in the war in El Salvador. It was there that I first heard the single, high-pitched crack of the sniper bullet. Distinct. Ominous. A sound that spreads terror. Army units I traveled with, enraged by the lethal accuracy of rebel snipers, set up heavy .50...
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There's Something Fishy About the Polio Vaxx Campaign in Gaza, by Mike Whitney

The emergency authorization use of the novel oral polio vaccine (nOPV2) that has been given to over 500,000 children in Gaza very likely constitutes the type of mass medical experimentation banned under the Nuremberg Code. Keep in mind, the Israeli Defense Forces have destroyed clean water resources and critical water infrastructure across Gaza with the...
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Lebanon: Pagers Apparently Exploding and Blowing Pieces Off of People, by Andrew Anglin

Used in the late 1990s and early 2000s, a pager was a small mobile device that could receive a short text message on an LCD screen. Apparently, these are easier to encrypt than a cellphone. In Lebanon, they still use pagers, or at least some people in Hezbollah do. It’s useful for encrypted communication. Hezbollah...
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Antifa Prosecution Chokes at Trial; Virginia Attorney General Candidate Shannon Taylor’s Key Witness Proven Liar, by Gregory Conte

Charlottesville Antifa and their supporters at the University of Virginia and the Prosecutor’s office have finally gotten a little piece of what they deserve. After seven years of specious lawsuits and criminal charges against dozens of men who dared to stand up to Antifa, the corrupt local government, and the University of Virginia (UVA), one...
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BASED National Review Editor-in-Chief Calls Haitians “Niggers” on Megyn [sic] Kelly Show, by Andrew Anglin

The hardcore editor of the cuckold conservative outlet National Review, Rich Lowry, was on Megyn [sic] Kelly’s podcast this week and referred to goose-eating Haitian migrants as “niggers.” He quickly corrected himself, but everyone heard it. This happens when you talk differently in your personal life than you do on TV. You can slip up...
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The Russians Are Coming? The Russians Are Coming?

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. ― H. … Continue reading "The Russians Are Coming? The Russians Are Coming?"

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Ebonics Translation: “Fuck My Cousin II” by Lil Zay Osama & Lil Durk, by Andrew Anglin

The translation of rap songs from ebonics into English is intended to promote cross-cultural understanding. In particular, I want to promote the understanding among white people that black people, if left to their own devices, behave like tribal savages from Africa thousands of years ago. Previous Stormer Ebonics Translations can be found here. English translation...
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UN Whines About Western Support for Jews Baby-Killing Jews, Does Nothing, by Andrew Anglin

The UN is in a difficult position. It is an organization totally founded and funded by the United States, a US slave organization, but the people who work there don’t really know that. They put out a warrant for the arrest of Putin, literally for evacuating children from a war zone, which made zero sense...
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The War in Ukraine and the Search for the Goldilocks Formula

On Friday, September 14, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer met U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House to discuss granting Ukraine permission to use U.S. and British long-range missiles to strike inside Russia, or, at least, to discuss the U.S. granting Britain permission to allow Ukraine to use British long-range missiles. The meeting passed … Continue reading "The War in Ukraine and the Search for the Goldilocks Formula"

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The Freedom Flotilla Ship Handala Makes Waves

During a two-week midsummer port call at the Tino Rossi Harbor in Corsica’s capital city Ajaccio, the Norwegian-flagged Handala – an international solidarity ship sailing toward Gaza – generated considerable attention and interest, with the help and strong support of local organizations. Carrying 17 international passengers and crew from New Zealand, Spain, Canada, the United States, … Continue reading "The Freedom Flotilla Ship Handala Makes Waves"

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Springfield Ohio Is Just the Beginning, by Paul Craig Roberts

Why does the US government hate the American people? Why does the US government try to destroy us? The Anti-White American Democrats are Incapable of Understanding that an illegal alien does not become part of a national community by unlawfully entering it, any more than a thief becomes an owner of property by stealing it....
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The Longest Day – Israel’s Victim Mindset

Next month will see the commemoration in Israel of the tragic events of October 7th, 2023. For Israelis, that day has taken on a degree of sanctity. It is seen as an event that was unprecedented, unforeseen and unconnected to all that came before. To look for causes, beyond antisemitism and military and political culpability … Continue reading "The Longest Day – Israel’s Victim Mindset"

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The Odd Couple To Decide the Fate of Humanity

US State Secretary Antony Blinken and UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy hinted during their recent joint trip to Kyiv that the US would lift restrictions on Ukraine using long-range missiles to strike deep into Russia. Still, when both men added that their bosses would have to make the final decision, no one doubted that it had already been made, … Continue reading "The Odd Couple To Decide the Fate of Humanity"

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Panama: verschärfte Migrationskrise an der Grenze zu Kolumbien

Panama-Stadt. Panama verschärft seit dem Amtsantritt von Präsident José Raúl Mulino am 1. Juni sein Grenzregime massiv. Der konservative Politiker hatte im Wahlkampf versprochen, die Zahl der irregulär aus und über Kolumbien einreisenden Migrant:innen drastisch zu verringern.... weiter 17.09.2024 Artikel von zu Panama, Menschenrechte
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El Salvador: Demonstration gegen "Ausnahmeregime" am Unabhängigkeitstag

San Salvador. Rund tausend Menschen haben am Sonntag in San Salvador gegen den Ausnahmezustand und willkürliche Festnahmen demonstriert. Der Protest fand zeitgleich zu den offiziellen Märschen statt, mit denen El Salvador seine am 15. September 1821 erreichte Unabhängigkeit von der... weiter 17.09.2024 Artikel von zu El Salvador, Politik, Menschenrechte
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Klage gegen Präsident von Kolumbien: Sanfter Putschversuch?

Wahlbehörde entscheidet Ende September, ob Petro wegen unzulässiger Spenden im Wahlkampf angeklagt wird. Streik von großen Unternehmen als Destabilisierungsstrategie Bogotá. Präsident Gustavo Petro hat die Aufhebung seiner partiellen Immunität durch eine Entscheidung des Staatsrates als verfassungswidrig und als Weg zu einem "sanften Putsch" angeprangert. Laut Verfassung darf nur die Anklagekommission des Repräsentantenhauses gegen Kolumbiens... weiter 17.09.2024 Artikel von zu Kolumbien, Politik
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The Real Election Meddling Will Happen Right Out In The Open

Caitlin Johnstone - 17. September 2024 - 3:25

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):

The election in November will be rigged.

This election rigging will not be done by Russia, or by China, or by Iran, or by far right coup plotters, or by some shadowy cabal tampering with voting machines. It will happen right out in the open, and will be perfectly legal.

In fact, it’s already happening.

This election is being rigged by the donor class. It’s being rigged by lobby groups. It’s being rigged by the plutocrat-owned mass media, and by plutocrat-controlled Silicon Valley algorithm manipulation. It’s being rigged by obscenely wealthy people who can afford to extract political favors in exchange for massive campaign donations in ways normal members of the public never could. It’s being rigged by people who’ve bought up so much narrative control in the form of media ownership that they can set agendas for the entire country in ways the average voter has no chance of ever doing.

These election meddlers dictate the political framework and information environment in which elections take place. They decide what positions will be considered normal and acceptable, and which will be considered radical and extreme. They predetermine the location and range on the political spectrum at which the election will be contested, and they restrict the Overton window of acceptable political opinion within which debates and discourse will occur.

They do this without any regard for the interests of ordinary members of the public, but solely for their own interests. That’s why you see candidates arguing not about WHETHER wars should happen, but WHICH wars should happen, and HOW they should occur. It’s why you see them accusing one another of being too weak and dovish on foreign policy instead of attacking each other as reckless warmongers. It’s why you see them arguing over who loves Israel the most and who will send it the most weapons, rather than who will do the most to end Israel’s genocidal atrocities. It’s why you see them debating who supports the most fracking and oil-drilling instead of promising to end ecocidal policies and stop the corporate destruction of our environment. It’s why you see them arguing over the minute details of what capitalism and imperialism should look like, rather than if capitalism and imperialism should exist at all.

It’s also why, when you see a candidate show up with a platform of ending war and militarism, stopping ecocide, and curbing the injustices and abuses of capitalism, they are treated as outlandish extremists. Not just by the rich and powerful, but also by ordinary members of the public who’ve been indoctrinated by all this manipulation into accepting status quo politics as the norm.

This rigged, controlled political environment is what we were all born into, so we’re conditioned to think it’s normal. It’s very easy to miss how freakish and abominable the whole thing is. How destructive it is. How much needless death and misery and devastation it causes. If we came from a healthy world into this one we would scream in horror, but because we’ve never lived in a healthy world, we can be manipulated into mistaking the sickness of this civilization for health.

Elections are rigged in this way by a fairly small group of plutocrats and empire managers, not just in the United States but throughout the western world. They rig our entire political system in their favor, and then have the gall to tell us we all need to freak out because some Russians made some Facebook memes near an election season.

This is not democracy. This is plutocracy. This is oligarchy. We’re just indoctrinated into calling it democracy, by the very same mass-scale psychological manipulations they use to keep it from being a democracy.

All US elections these days come with allegations of election interference, especially from the losing side. But it’s important to keep in mind that even in the unlikely event that those allegations were 100 percent true, they’d still be a tiny drop in the ocean compared to the election interference that’s already happening right out in the open.


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