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Crypto & the SVB Banking Crisis with Marty Bent & Michael Krieger

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 21. März 2023 - 9:48

In this episode, Whitney is joined by Marty Bent and Mike Krieger to unpack the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the financial instability that has ensued and interrogate the flimsy narratives used to justify, among other things, the SVB bail-out and the shutdown of Signature Bank.

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Originally published 03/17/23.

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Crypto & the SVB Banking Crisis with Marty Bent & Michael Krieger.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

TLAV Fundraiser

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 21. März 2023 - 2:16

Whitney joined the TLAV Livestream. Other guests include Derrick Broze, Taylor Hudak, Robert Inlakesh and Matthew Ehret.

TLAV Fundraiser.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker


UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 11. März 2023 - 0:56

Whitney joined TLAV to discuss her newest article “CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US.” Show notes here. Available on Odysee.


Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 11. März 2023 - 0:55

Whitney joined Tin Foil Hat to discuss One Nation Under Blackmail and what the digital future might look like.

Audio only version available in podcast apps. Video available here.

Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 10. März 2023 - 14:50

Launched in 2016 in response to a Tel Aviv shooting and the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, Gabriel offers a suite of surveillance products for “security and safety” incidents at “so-called soft targets and communal spaces, including schools, community centers, synagogues and churches.” The company makes the lofty promise that its products “stop mass shootings.” According to a 2018 report on Gabriel published in the Jerusalem Post, there were an estimated 475,000 such “soft targets” across the U.S., meaning that “the potential market for Gabriel is huge.”

Gabriel, since its founding, has been backed by “an impressive group of leaders,” mainly “former leaders of Mossad, Shin Bet [Israel’s domestic intelligence agency], FBI and CIA.” In recent years, even more former leaders of Israeli and American intelligence agencies have found their way onto Gabriel’s advisory board and have promoted the company’s products.

While the adoption of its surveillance technology was slower than expected in the United States, that dramatically changed last year, when an “anonymous philanthropist” gave the company $1 million to begin installing its products throughout schools, houses of worship and community centers throughout the country. That same “philanthropist” has promised to recruit others to match his donation, with the ultimate goal of installing Gabriel’s system in “every single synagogue, school and campus community in the country.”

With this CIA, FBI and Mossad-backed system now being installed throughout the United States for “free,” it is worth taking a critical look at Gabriel and its products, particularly the company’s future vision for its surveillance system. Perhaps unsurprisingly, much of the company’s future vision coincides with the vision of the intelligence agencies backing it – pre-crime, robotic policing and biometric surveillance.

Safety” Through Invasive Surveillance Gabriel Network, LinkedIn

Gabriel’s product suite is built around its “smart shield” panic button. The panic button can be activated both manually and remotely and offers two-way communication, a live video feed, instant altering and gunshot detection by acoustic means. However, the panic button is meant to be used in tandem with company’s “threat detection” suite, which includes “smart cameras” that use AI, facial recognition and related technologies to detect not just weapons, but also “fights” and “abnormal behavior” of people in a particular area. Gabriel’s cameras and panic buttons throughout a facility are meant to act as “activation triggers.” The triggering is largely automated and managed by AI. When an “activation trigger” is set off, the Gabriel system then enters any one of its alert modes, which include emergency, panic, silent panic and yellow (which is the alert mode for minor incidents).

As noted elsewhere on the company’s website, Gabriel is looking to expand far beyond schools and houses of worship to retail stores, warehouses, data centers and banks. At these other facilities, it specifically promotes its “abnormal behavior” detection capabilities. One example, given in reference to how its products might be used in the banking sector, states the following as an “abnormal behavior detection example”:

A group of people are loitering in the ATM lobby. Gabriel is activated in silent panic mode and sends alerts with live video to the security operations center and on-site security team. Audio talk warnings begin to broadcast in the lobby. Security arrives to clear the scene.

Another example, this time for the retail sector, notes how Gabriel surveillance cameras would activate alerts when they detect “unusual movements.” Yet another example for warehouses and distribution centers notes how facial recognition functionality could be used to activate “silent panic mode” when a terminated employee is detected on the premises.

One of the hallmarks of the Gabriel system versus other systems, per the company, is its heavy reliance on AI and machine learning. As noted on their website, “we are disrupting the security industry by replacing legacy security systems dependent on human interaction with automated systems that reduce response time, chaos and cost.” That “disruption” is predicated in part on Gabriel’s commitment to “innovation,” which has prompted them to integrate what they call “preventative capabilities” into its platform. The company also notes that they have “already begun integrating [the Gabriel system] with cutting edge technologies such as weapons detection, security drones, robotics and smart cameras.”

There is little further information available about the company’s efforts to integrate their system with security drones and robotics. Many security drones are currently on the market for use in homes, industrial sites and other types of locations, as are security robots, such as the robot “dogs” created by the Hyundai-owned company Boston Dynamics that are currently used by some U.S. law enforcement agencies. This, of course, means that Gabriel’s ambitions in this regard are likely to become reality sooner rather than later. What is worth noting, however, is that drones and robots alike can easily be “upgraded” to wield deadly weapons. With Gabriel’s technology in mind, the Orwellian possibility of having an entirely automated response to various types of incidents, including those arising from the detection of “abnormal behavior,” that could include the use of deadly force no longer seem as futuristic or far-fetched as they once did.

Also important to note is the company’s intended goal of offering predictive policing (i.e., pre-crime) functionalities. They state that: “In the future, we see a security platform [i.e., a future iteration of Gabriel’s products] that can anticipate a mass causality [sic] events based on human behavior, identify mass casualty threats prior to the first action taken, and automate alerting to inform potential victims before any harm is done.” Predictive policing has been a major goal of companies deeply tied to the CIA, as well as Israeli intelligence for a number of years, with the most well-known of these being Palantir.

Gabriel’s systems, once installed, offer complete yet invasive surveillance of civilian areas. While the schools and community centers that Gabriel most often courts have been sporadically targeted by shooters over the past few decades, these are often places that are traditionally uninterested in implementing AI-driven surveillance solutions on their premises. Yet, such places must become “connected” if the future paradigm of complete connectivity between all people and places (e.g., the internet of things, the internet of places, the internet of bodies) is to come to pass. Indeed, this paradigm is necessary to further the connections between the digital and physical worlds that are seen as necessary to usher in the so-called 4th industrial revolution, or 4IR (which itself has been described as the “fusion” of the physical and digital realms).

Notably, Gabriel’s products are meant to form a network equivalent to “the internet of places,” which is a “specialization of the internet of things” that allows buildings to be “instrumentally empowered through sensors, data sharing, and computation.” Gabriel openly touts the “network effect” of its products when they are installed in multiple buildings in the same area, creating a “safe and connected community.” While Gabriel casts this “network effect” as helping to keep entire communities safe, it also benefits the implementation of the “smart city” model, which utilizes the internet of things and ubiquitous sensors and cameras to harvest massive troves of data that are then used to “manage service delivery,” with those services including the deployment of law enforcement.

The main drivers (and builders) of the “smart city” and “internet of things” paradigms are, of course, Big Tech. It is worth noting that, despite marketing itself as a company aimed at thwarting mass shootings when and before they occur, Gabriel has also been actively courting the “Big 5” tech behemoths of Silicon Valley – Google, Amazon, Meta (formerly Facebook), Apple and Microsoft. Speaking to the Times of Israel last year, Gabriel’s co-founder Yoni Sherizen stated that:

Our product is now being adopted by the banking and financial services sector and we have some pilots with some of the biggest technology companies, the Big 5. So, we’re looking at data centers, corporate offices or campuses, manufacturing facilities for pharmaceuticals and other essential goods… [we’re] protecting a whole variety of different types of spaces.

The Wind Beneath Gabriel’s Wings

While mass casualty events in the United States are dreadful and could likely be mitigated to some extent by technologies like those offered by Gabriel, the company’s deep connections to Israeli and American intelligence agencies, which have been seeking to utilize such technologies for ulterior ends, are a cause for concern.

When I first wrote about Gabriel in 2019, their board of advisors included four individuals. They included Ram Ben-Barak, former deputy director of Mossad and former director-general of Israel’s intelligence ministry; Yohanan Danino, former chief of police for the state of Israel; Kobi Mor, former director of overseas mission for the Israeli intelligence agency Shin Bet; and Ryan Petty, the father of a Parkland shooting victim and friend of former Florida governor (and current Florida senator) Rick Scott. At the time, Petty was the only American on the board.

Since then, Gabriel has been courting American schools, business and other institutions much more aggressively and have added more Americans to its advisory board. These include Bob Pocica, former FBI Special Agent, former Senior Director for Global Security at Pfizer and Senior Advisor to the Chertoff Group (as in former head of the Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff), and Don Hepburn, former CIA executive for 26 years as well as a former FBI Deputy Assistant Director. Also added was Menachem Pakman, who worked as a senior executive for Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office for over 30 years and is an expert in “intelligence, security and counterterrorism.”

While it is certainly possible that these numerous former officials from American and Israeli intelligence may have no ulterior motive in advising Gabriel, it is important to note that the leaders of Israeli military intelligence and Mossad don’t see it that way. As I’ve detailed in several previous reports, Israel’s Calcalist Tech published a report in 2019 which noted that “since 2012, cyber-related and intelligence projects that were previously carried out in-house in the Israeli military and Israel’s main intelligence arms are transferred to companies that in some cases were built for this exact purpose.” It later states that:

In some cases, managers of development projects in the Israeli military and intelligence arms were encouraged to form their own companies which then took over the [military and/or intelligence] project.

It’s not exactly clear why Israel’s military intelligence and other intelligence agencies decided to begin outsourcing its operations in 2012, though Calcalist Tech suggests the reasoning was related to the difference in wages between the private sector and the public sector, with pay being much higher in the former. However, 2012 was also the year that American hedge fund manager Paul Singer — together with Benjamin Netanyahu’s long-time economic adviser and former chair of the Israeli National Economic Council, Eugene Kandel — decided to create Start-Up Nation Central (SUNC).

As I previously reported for MintPress News, SUNC was founded as part of a deliberate Israeli government effort to counter the nonviolent Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement and to make Israel the dominant global “cyber power.” This policy is aimed at increasing Israel’s diplomatic power and specifically undermining BDS as well as any national or international efforts to hold Israel’s government accountable for war crimes and violations of international law in relation to the Palestinians. The goal is to have other countries become so dependent on Israeli companies, and more specifically technology companies, that they are unable to effectively challenge Israeli domestic or foreign policy.

In 2018, Netanyahu was asked by Fox News host Mark Levin whether the large growth seen in recent years in Israel’s technology sector, specifically tech start-ups, was part of Netanyahu’s plan. Netanyahu responded, “That’s very much my plan … It’s a very deliberate policy.” He later added that “Israel had technology because the military, especially military intelligence, produced a lot of capabilities. These incredibly gifted young men and women who come out of the military or the Mossad, they want to start their start-ups.”

Netanyahu again outlined this policy a year later at the 2019 Cybertech Conference in Tel Aviv, where he stated that Israel’s emergence as one of the top five “cyber powers” had “required allowing this combination of military intelligence, academia and industry to converge in one place” and that this further required allowing “our graduates of our military and intelligence units to merge into companies with local partners and foreign partners.”

This merging of “military intelligence, academia and industry” has also been openly acknowledged by former Mossad Director Tamir Pardo, who stated in 2017 that “everyone” in the Israeli cybertechnology sector is an “alumni” of either Israeli intelligence, like the Mossad, or Israeli military intelligence, like Unit 8200 (Israel’s equivalent of the National Security Agency, or NSA). Pardo even went as far as to say that the Mossad itself is “like a start-up.”

Pardo would know. After leaving his post as Mossad director in 2016, he dove straight into the world of Israeli tech start-ups, becoming chairman of Sepio Systems, whose two CEOs are former Unit 8200 officers. Sepio Systems’ advisory board includes the former chief information security officer of the CIA, Robert Bigman, and former head of the Israel National Cyber Bureau and veteran of Israeli military intelligence, Rami Efrati. Sepio Systems’ cybersecurity software has been adopted by several banks, telecom and insurance companies, including in the U.S. and Brazil.

Now that we’ve established that numerous Israeli tech-focused companies are known to be operating as fronts for intelligence, the question arises of whether Gabriel is one such company. While it is difficult to know for sure, several companies that have been outed as fronts, such as the Jeffrey Epstein and Ehud Barak-connected Carbyne, have been involved in creating and implementing the necessary structure for a “pre-crime” approach to law enforcement in the United States. Gabriel’s vision for a fully automated system that can use predictive analytics of human behavior to stop crimes before they happen is eerily similar to the same vision espoused by Carbyne before their ties to Epstein and Israeli intelligence were outed very publicly in 2019.

The use of “pre-crime”, as detailed in sci-fi epics like Phillip K. Dick’s The Minority Report, has deeply unsettling implications for society, civil liberties and the future of policing. As noted by the British Journal of Criminology, “pre-crime links coercive state actions to suspicion without the need for charge, prosecution or conviction” and is part of a larger trend “towards integrating national security [e.g., intelligence agencies] into criminal justice.” Indeed, as I have noted in my work for many years now, American and Israeli intelligence agencies, particularly their most nefarious components, have covertly been the drivers of “pre-crime” protocols meant to eliminate public dissent since the 1980s, if not even earlier.

How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare Israel’s Mossad and infamous Unit 8200 are partnering with the CIA and US tech firms to create an Orwellian pre-crime nightmare.

These early “pre-crime” systems, like those in the works today, have long been dependent on technology as well as mass surveillance as a means of profiling would-be dissidents. The software key to these early iterations was the PROMIS software, which was stolen by Israeli intelligence operatives in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice and used to profile and track people as well as cash flows in the U.S. and beyond. U.S. national security officials involved in the Iran-Contra scandal used PROMIS to create the “Main Core” database, still in use today, which lists those Americans deemed “dangerous” in the event of a vaguely defined “national emergency” that could threaten “continuity of government.” As I’ve previously noted, Israeli intelligence played an integral role in the development of Main Core.

Today, pre-crime is already here, though it is currently reserved for special cases as opposed to the main approach of U.S. law enforcement. In 2019, then-Attorney General William Barr formally adopted pre-crime as Department of Justice policy via a program called DEEP (Disruption and Early Engagement Program). Since then, the Biden administration’s War on Domestic Terror framework is largely predicated on pre-crime and aims to pick up where Barr left off. In order to have an effective pre-crime system, one needs the necessary infrastructure. That infrastructure is currently being provided by several companies with overt ties to intelligence, such as Mark43, Carbyne and Gabriel.

Who Is A “Terrorist” In Biden’s America? Far from being a war against “white supremacy,” the Biden administration’s new “domestic terror” strategy clearly targets primarily those who oppose US government overreach and those who oppose capitalism and/or globalization.

Yet, while Mark43 and Carbyne target law enforcement and emergency services, respectively, Gabriel is installing the infrastructure necessary for pre-crime directly into places of business, leisure, learning and worship. Its focus – schools, houses of worship and community centers – are places that would normally not purchase such invasive technology. Yet, Gabriel’s fear-driven marketing focusing on mass shootings (which notably mirrors Carbyne’s own marketing efforts) have prompted some to buy in.

Enter the “anonymous philanthropist” mentioned at the beginning of this article. Per reports, that “anonymous philanthropist” is providing the money needed to place Gabriel’s products in schools, houses of worship and campuses throughout the United States “for free.” As noted by the Israeli outlet No Camels, Sherizen shared that “[the philanthropist’s] vision is to actually cover every single school and synagogue and get everyone on the same platform.”What a boon for Gabriel’s “network effect” and broader pre-crime ambitions.

The anonymity of this “philanthropist” is notable as the term “philanthropist” has been used to launder the reputations of notoriously corrupt and cutthroat businessmen for generations. If one remembers back to the Jeffrey Epstein case, the intelligence-linked pedophile was widely hailed as a “philanthropist” before his covert and illicit activities became more widely known. It also begs the question – what kind of “philanthropist” would want pre-crime surveillance infrastructure in every school in the country? The story supplied by Gabriel’s co-founder could easily be cover for the same intelligence agencies backing Gabriel and related companies and we would do well to better scrutinize the technology being used to study and surveil our children and our communities.

CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker


UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 9. März 2023 - 0:21

Whitney joined Redacted to discuss the news about the death of Dana Hyde. Segment starts at 1:26:16.


Kategorien: Externe Ticker

AM Wake Up

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 7. März 2023 - 18:26
Available on Rokfin.

AM Wake Up.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

The Original Jeffrey Epstein

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 6. März 2023 - 16:36

There was once a wealthy billionaire philanthropist who owned houses in Palm Beach, New York, and France, as well as a Caribbean Island paradise where he hosted young girls for elite sex parties, far away from prying eyes. Like the infamous paedophile people trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, this Harvard graduate sent his employees into the streets to recruit young girls for him to coerce and molest. One such employee, Stephen Ward, a man who played a central role in the downfall of the British government in the early 60s, reportedly recruited girls from the streets of London for this wealthy man, and even drew him a sketch of a young girl being pleasured by machines in peculiar ways. Also, like Epstein, this wealthy paedophile had significant intelligence ties which ensured he was protected from prosecution. The person I speak of was richer than Epstein and had more properties than Epstein; yet, unlike Epstein he was never caught, charged or prosecuted for any of his crimes, eventually dying of old age in his late nineties.

This is the story of George Huntington Hartford II, a friend of Hod Dibben and Stephen Ward, and a billionaire who was closely related to the intelligence-linked propaganda creators who were behind the invention of James Bond.  

George Huntington Hartford II – The Original Jeffrey Epstein Annigoni and Steele’s forgeries of Huntington Hartford’s signature from the night at Esmeralda Gullan’s Montrose Club – Evening Standard – 18 December 1954

Sitting at a table at Esmeralda Gullan’s Montrose Club one evening in the mid-1950s was a young actress who went by the name Marjorie Steele. She wasn’t just an actress, she was also a master forger who, on the night in question, was reportedly competing with the artist Pietro Annigoni to see who could best reproduce her husband’s signature. Steele was her stage name, with her married name being Huntington Hartford. Marjorie had married into a very wealthy family: her husband was George Huntington Hartford II, who was born on 18 April 1911 in New York City and had inherited his vast wealth from his grandfather, George Huntington Hartford I. When Huntington Hartford was just 6 years old he began receiving an annual income of $1.5 million. His grandfather had created the concept of chain grocery stores after taking over the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company (A&P) and had amassed a great fortune. Huntington Hartford II’s father, Edward, was not as interested as his brothers in the creation of excessive wealth and slowly distanced himself from the wider family, once declaring that at least “one Hartford ought to be a gentleman.” George’s mother, Henrietta, was also unlike the rest of the family and this led to a persisting rift. Edward’s brothers had refused to help their sibling financially, and eventually Edward went so far as to break off contact with them. Edward would also do the same with his own children before his death in 1922. Josephine Bryce, George’s sister, said before her death in 1992, “I don’t think Hunt ever saw him at all.” If the absence of his father wasn’t bad enough for George, his mother also negatively impacted his psychological development.

Henrietta Huntington Hartford was a domineering mother and George was her favourite child. He became the focus of most of her attention, and his sister later described her mother as smothering him in “a cocoon of mother [sic] love.” In a lengthy article published in Vanity Fair on the life of George Huntington Hartford entitled Hostage to Fortune” on 12 June 2010, it was said that Henrietta would still lean across the dinner table when George was a teenager to cut his meat for him. That article, which contained quotes from a dishevelled 93-year-old George Huntington Hartford, also notes that he “scowled” at the memory of his mother, telling the reporter, “She was domineering, very domineering.” She sent Hartford away to school at St. Paul’s in New Hampshire where George was reportedly bullied constantly by the other students for being from “new money.” He stated, “I was very innocent, 12 years old, and I was sent to a very horrible place. My mother should never had done it.” While making the latter statement, Huntington Hartford is also noted as having raised his voice in distress at the memory. It was very clear from the early life of George Huntington Hartford II that his development had been stunted in many ways by the absence of his father and the overbearing nature of his mother. It is also very clear from his later life that he had kept much of that hatred and anger for his family hidden inside.

George Huntington Hartford II and Marjorie Steele, pictured 3 days after their 1949 wedding. Fort Worth Star Telegram – Sunday 18 Dec 1960

In 1931 Huntington Hartford eloped with his first wife, Mary Lee Epling, the daughter of a dentist from West Virginia, a decision which apparently caused his mother to throw herself onto the floor and weep. The pair were regularly found mingling with other members of American high society, but the marriage came to an early end in 1939 after his wife left him for the actor, Douglas Fairbank Jr. This was mainly due to Huntington Hartford chasing skirt, but also because he had impregnated a 23-year-old chorus girl named Mary Barton. Unfortunately for Mary Lee Epling, Douglas Fairbank Jr. himself was a notorious rascal and would become a future attendee of Horace Dibben’s elite sex parties. Huntington Hartford had reportedly “floated the idea” of his mother adopting Mary Lee Epling so that he “might keep her as a sister after their divorce.”

George Huntington Hartford II pictured alongside his first wife Mary Lee Epling – July 1986 – Vanity Fair

Huntington Hartford graduated from Harvard University in 1934, where he studied English literature. Only a couple of years after graduation he bought a sailing ship named The Joseph Conrad, a rare square-rigger sailboat that he had purchased from famed writer and adventurer Alan Villiers. Huntington Hartford soon became an avid sailor, taking part in ocean races such as the one reported on 28 August 1937, an event where he and Walter S. Gubelmann raced from Newport, Rhode Island, to the Bahamas.

After graduating from Harvard, Huntington Hartford went to work for his uncles at A&P’s company headquarters. However, his uncles were apparently keen to make George’s entry into the family business difficult. They put him in the statistical department of the company where he oversaw the tracking of the sale of bread and pound cake. Quickly becoming disenchanted with the experience, George took a day off to attend the Harvard/Yale football game. His alma matter lost and George Huntington Hartford also lost his position within the family firm. By 1942, Huntington Hartford was investing in property in Santa Monica, purchasing a house built by an opera singer in Runyon Canyon during the war in 1942. In 1948, Hartford also launched a modelling agency in Los Angeles and New York so that he could “be with girls” and it is here where his employees began picking up young girls off the street for him to sleep with. Lisa Rebecca Gubernick, who wrote a biography of George Huntington Hartford II entitled “Squandered Fortune,” stated, “Hartford believed that if he bought enough and built enough, he could convert those boldfaced mentions in the society columns to lasting fame,” positing that the A&P heir hoped to build a cultural empire. Indeed, throughout the 1940s and 50s, Huntington Hartford attempted to make a name for himself in the art scene, but the incoherence of his vision meant that all his grand projects eventually failed.

By this time he was becoming known as a patron to the arts, which continued to be the case when Hartford had met his second wife, the young Marjorie Sue Steele, who was recorded in the New York Times as being a “former night club cigarette girl.” He had met Marjorie while she was selling cigarettes at Ciro’s night club in Los Angeles, and he had enticed her into a relationship by purchasing her merchandise. His ruse worked and by all accounts she became the favourite of his four wives he had during his lifetime. At the time that Huntington Hartford began wooing Marjorie Steele, she was already engaged to Charlie Chaplin’s son, with the legend of silent movies himself being the one to advise her to leave his own son and marry the wealthy Huntington Hartford instead.

George Huntington Hartford II pictured with Marjorie Steele – Courtesy of the July 1986 edition of Vanity Fair

In the 1950s, Huntington Hartford began purchasing properties in New York City, Palm Beach, and New Jersey. He also purchased the famous Hollywood estate known as “The Pines”, a London town house, a property in France, as well as buying a house on Hog Island in the Bahamas. He later purchased Hog Island entirely in 1959 and renamed it Paradise Island, soon attempting to turn it into a haven for illicit elite sex parties involving underage girls. He even gave Paradise Island its own flag which was shaped like a “P,” a symbol he also wanted to put on the moon as a symbol for “world peace.”

The decade of the 1950s were seen as the most productive years of his life. Bolstered by Marjorie’s ambitions as an actress and a painter, he began investing in the movie industry, produced one of his wife’s more successful movies in 1951, opened a theatre in Hollywood, and founded what was described as an “artists colony.” During these busy years, he found time to write an adaptation of Jane Eyre for Marjorie, which had a short run on Broadway and eventually flopped after Marjorie pulled out of the project because “she just decided it would hurt her reputation as an actress.” To that, Huntington Hartford had stated, “I think she was right.” Hartford began investing in all manner of grand projects during this era, all of which were to be failures under his leadership. This was also to be the fate of his marriage to Marjorie, which was heading for divorce by the end of the 1950s.

Huntington Hartford, Ivar Bryce and James Bond

By 1960, Huntington Hartford’s marriage to Marjorie was coming to an end, and he was celebrating by organising elite sex parties, as well as becoming a regular at Hod Dibben’s sordid London-based events. At the famous, sometimes satanic themed, sex parties held by Hod Dibben and Mariella Capes, aka Mariella Novotny, George Huntington Hartford mingled with the elites of London, gangsters such as the Kray twins, as well as many of the main characters involved in the Profumo Affair, an event which saw the downfall of the British government. One of the people who sometimes attended these gatherings was Stephen Ward, who was to become the main patsy in the Profumo scandal, resulting in his death by overdose while in custody during one of the most high profile court cases Britain had ever seen. Douglas Thompson mentions Huntington Hartford’s relationship with Stephen Ward and Horace Dibben in his book, “Stephen Ward: Scapegoat,” stating:

Throughout the 1950s, employees would approach young women on the street on his [Hartford’s] behalf. In London, Stephen Ward, sketchpad in hand, did that for him. He also sketched a drawing of a girl being pleasured ’round the world’ by a machine for Huntington Hartford, who gave it to a friend of Kim Waterfield. The billionaire American liked girls in the flesh. As did the producer Harry Alan Towers, who was invited to a London party thrown by Huntington Hartford. There, with Stephen Ward and Hod Dibben, was Mariella [Novotny].

Commenting on Marjorie Steele, Thompson also states:

The first of his four wives was Marjorie Steele, an aspiring actress. When they married in 1949, she was a teenager (Huntington Hartford liked prime).

The latter statement was partly false, as Marjorie Steele was actually the second of Huntington Hartford’s wives, however, he was well known for liking “prime”, with Thompson going on to say:

As it was, George Huntington Hartford, one of the world’s richest men and a fan of Hod Dibben’s sex parties, found 18-year-old Mariella a little on the old side.

In fact, Stephen Ward’s attempt to entice Huntington Hartford into Mariella Novotny’s bed chamber opened-up a very dangerous can of worms, which eventually contributed to Ward’s untimely death, something we’ll explore more later in this series.

One of the most interesting associates of Huntington Hartford was his brother-in-law, a man named Ivar Bryce. Born John Felix Charles Bryce in 1906, Ivar’s father had made his fortune dealing in guano while his mother had worked as a painter with a side job writing detective novels. During World War I, to escape potential Zeppelin attacks, an eleven-year-old Bryce was sent to Cornwall. There, on a Cornish beach, Bryce met a young Ian Fleming and the two boys formed an enduring friendship. Fleming and Bryce attended Eton College together and later went on to co-publish a magazine called The Wyvern, where Bryce’s mother used her connections to persuade famous artists such as Welsh painter Augustus John to contribute drawings. The magazine was also used as a far-right propaganda tool, and at one point they even published an article praising the British Fascist Party.

Ivar Bryce, the only foreign national who served in the American OSS.

During World War II, Bryce began working for William Stephenson, who was the head of the British Security Coordination (BSC) operating out of New York. The BSC was an offshoot of MI6, which was setup by Winston Churchill to investigate enemy activities, prevent sabotage of any British interests in the Americas, and to positively influence American sentiment towards the British. They used many underhand methods to achieve their goals and Bryce was charged with stirring up trouble between the United States of America and their various Latin American neighbours, initially by using the threat of Nazi infiltration to force specific American policy actions. In Thomas Mahl’s book published in 1998, entitled, “Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939-44,” it states:

Bryce worked in the Latin American affairs section of the BSC, which was run by Dickie Coit (known in the office as Coitis Interruptus). Because there was little evidence of the German plot to take over Latin America, Ivar found it difficult to excite Americans about the threat.

To remedy American disinterest in the potential Nazi infiltration of Latin America, Bryce created fake propaganda, which successfully helped to sour relations between the US and Cuba. In his biography, You Only Live Once, Bryce writes about an early operation to undermine the Cuban-American relationship via the creation of a map, which was intended to be given to US Congress as evidence that Cuba was helping the Nazis set up secret bases in their country. Bryce writes:

Sketching out trial maps of the possible changes, on my blotter, I came up with one showing the probable reallocation of territories that would appeal to Berlin. It was very convincing: the more I studied it the more sense it made… were a genuine German map of this kind to be discovered and publicised among… the American Firsters, what a commotion would be caused.

In this instance, the ruse was carried out successfully and became a catalyst for Congress’ decision to dismantle what remained of their neutrality legislation which went on to pave the way for a more acrimonious relationship between the US and their Cuban neighbours. During World War II, Ivar Bryce built a property in Jamaica and his friend, Ian Fleming, who was then the personal assistant to the director of British naval intelligence, Admiral John Godfrey, had decided that he would also live in Jamaica and write full time after the war. In 1945, Bryce helped Fleming find some land and a house outside Oracabessa, with Fleming calling his newly found retreat “Goldeneye” – the name of one of his projects during the war.

In 1950, Ivar Bryce married into the Huntington Hartford family and wed Josephine Huntington Hartford. Like George Huntington Hartford II, his sister, Josephine Bryce, had inherited wealth from their grandfather. Yet, unlike George, she invested it well, concentrating on owning racehorses and becoming very successful in her own right. During the late-1950s, Ivar Bryce, Ian Fleming, and George Huntington Hartford also began producing films together. In April 1953, Fleming had published a novel entitled Casino Royale, which introduced his readers to a British secret agent, serving Queen and country, who went by the name James Bond. The book was successful and soon Fleming began working with Ernest Cuneo to develop scripts for James Bond’s cinematic debut. Cuneo had been an important, if not vital, figure in the operations of the aforementioned BSC during World War II. He also admitted to passing information about American decision-making onto British spies, during a time where the Brits were intent on manipulating US actions. Cuneo stated:

Given the time, the situation, and the mood, it is not surprising however, that BSC also went beyond the legal, the ethical, and the proper. Throughout the neutral Americas, and especially in the U.S., it ran espionage agents, tampered with the mails, tapped telephone, smuggled propaganda into the country, disrupted public gatherings, covertly subsidized newspapers, radios, and organizations, perpetrated forgeries—even palming one off on the President of the United States—violated the aliens registration act [sic], shanghaied sailors numerous times, and possibly murdered one or more persons in this country.

Xanadu or Bust

In April 1959, the film journal Kinematograph Weekly reported that:

Producer Kevin McClory and financier Ivar Bryce, who head Xanadu Productions, are planning to build their own studio in the Bahamas. 

The Bahamian government was keen to see a film production company establish itself on one of their 3000 islands. They were quick to offer the company tax cuts and other incentives under their Encouragement of Industry Act to entice Bryce and McClory to invest in the Bahamas. Kevin O’Donovan McClory had originally met Ivar and Josephine Bryce during a visit to their villa on Providence Island in the Bahamas—the villa itself is called Xanaduto discuss collaborating on a film called “The Boy and the Bridge.” The Sunday Mirror reported on the match in September 1959, stating that:

The upshot was that Bryce went into partnership with Kevin–Bryce’s money and Kevin’s know-how–to make a film.

Also in April 1959, Ian Fleming wrote a letter to McClory concerning potential James Bond movie ideas, with that letter also being used in a 1963 court case between Bryce and McClory after their business relationship eventually broke down. However, in August 1959, McClory and Bryce were still on agreeable terms and were reportedly about to start work on their new studio in the Bahamas.

Basing the production company and much of the development of the James Bond franchise in the Bahamas made sense for many reasons. The Huntington Hartford children had both purchased homes in the Bahamas, with George’s “Paradise Island” being located very close to Ivar and Josephine Bryce’s Xanadu villa. But the main reason for Bond being based in the Bahamas was McClory himself, who claimed that he was responsible for a large part of Ian Flemings novel, Thunderball, being set in the Bahamas. McClory claimed in the previously mentioned 1963 court case that Bryce and Fleming had tried to oust him as the producer of the proposed Bond film. Eventually, like the relationship between McClory and Bryce, the plans to build a studio in the Bahamas began to unravel.

George Huntington Hartford had promised that his redevelopment of Hog Island into “Paradise Island” was to see the creation of a “dignified vacation resort.” In 1960, the New York Times reported that the island at Nassau in the Bahamas was to be a place for “artists and writers, socialites, and diplomats, teachers and scientists, sportsmen and students” in an atmosphere of “cultural enjoyment.” But Huntington Hartford was going to have to work hard to make his Paradise Island vision a reality, especially if he was to attract the right crowd. In November 1962, the project was described as:

The most elaborate resort primping for its first full winter of operation is the $23,000,000 Paradise Island project of Huntington Hartford. Just 15 minutes across Nassau Harbour by special boat, this holiday complex encompasses a French restaurant, a 52-room hotel, lavish tropical gardens, a swimming pool and superb tennis courts.

When the island’s Ocean Club finally opened in 1962, elites jetted in from all over the globe, with over a thousand people reported to have attended Paradise Island’s official launch party. But by March 1964, Huntington Hartford’s island resort was experiencing problems with crime after gunmen held up a group of tourists who were visiting Nassau and on their way to the Paradise Island resort. Four men were reported to have stopped the taxi after ramming it with their vehicle and were said to have stolen the belongings of the taxi’s occupants. At the time, the tourists were travelling back from a night at the Bahamian Club, Nassau’s only gambling casino at the time. The taxi driver also told the police that the bandits all “sounded like Americans.” Even though the robbers managed to get away with only around $1,000 in cash, their haul contained some extremely pricey jewellery—including a diamond ring worth $250,000—and their heist saw them net items totalling in excess of $750,000, which was equivalent to over $7 million in today’s money.

As it was with every other endeavour which Huntington Hartford undertook, he soon became disinterested in his Paradise Island project. By October 1964, his resort was up for sale. The press reported statements by Huntington Hartford’s broker, a man named Johnny Maschio, admitting that the island had never been profitable, blaming the 52-room hotel for limiting the venture’s profitability, saying:

You can’t pay for men like Pancho Gonzales, the island tennis pro, and Gary Player, the golf pro, with 52 paying guests.

The 700-acre property, which Huntington Hartford had originally purchased from a Swedish Industrialist named Dr. Axel Wenner-Gren in 1959, was finally reported to have been sold seven years later. Huntington Hartford didn’t get the $32 million which he originally wanted, with the resort eventually selling for around $14 million instead.

A Man About London Town

Many wealthy elites, such as George Huntington Hartford, had significant and close ties to various members of different national intelligence agencies during this period. Many of these agencies were still evolving in terms of the scope, scale, and style of their operations throughout the 1950s and 1960s. American and British intelligence agencies were not fighting their Soviet foe publicly and, instead of taking certain actions themselves, they were often found utilising front organisations such as the BSC to coerce their allies into making certain decisions.

George Huntington Hartford II – From July 1986 edition of Vanity Fair

Central to the ideological war between East and West during this era was the battleground of London. The Cold War was rarely fought in the open, and in major capital cities such as London, spies representing all sides were conducting deals in the shadows. This put the night clubs of London on the front lines of an information war, which had the power to sour international relations, or potentially spark wide-reaching international incidents. This era of spy-games was made much more dangerous by the dawning of the nuclear-age, with everyone involved believing in the risk of nuclear warfare, mutually assured destruction, and the potential extinction of life on Earth.

To gain access to sexual encounters with young women and girls, men like Huntington Hartford attended these secretive elite sex parties based in London and exposed themselves in more ways than one. While his vast inherited wealth and his many significant and powerful connections afforded Huntington Hartford some protection, the only benefit that these not-so-private events had for the wealthy billionaire was that they offered him the opportunity to fulfil his carnal desires. However, for the intelligence agents and their associates, these sordid events became a prime place to gather compromising information on powerful people, which could then be used against them later. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that organisers of elite sex parties such as Horace Dibben and George Huntington Hartford II, were useful allies for compromise operations run by the various intelligence agencies, whether they knew it or not. Like Horace Dibben, Huntington Hartford himself gave his companions access to a real underworld of hidden sexual subversion, which many people still think is fantasy.

However, this particular era of sexual compromise operations was coming to an end. The people involved were naive to believe that they could control such a complex blackmail operation indefinitely. Soon, a group of much more serious and sinister predators were slowly surrounding the people who thought they occupied the top of the intelligence food chain. There was a new wave of spies coming to prominence who were active among the melting pots of both London and Washington DC; people such as Tom Corbally were skulking around the American and English capitals and soon would begin to enact the scandal of the decade and bring about the downfall of the British government. Yet, it wasn’t only the British government which these intelligence agents intended to coup—they were also looking over the Atlantic, towards America, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

George Huntington Hartford II – From July 1986 edition of Vanity Fair

Soon, this investigation will go deep into the actual Profumo Affair and the intelligence linked characters who made it happen. As for George Huntington Hartford, he became a drug addict and lost nearly all his fortune. He spent the last years of his life lamenting his many negative childhood experiences, bed bound and disgruntled. He eventually died in the Bahamas at the age of 97.

The Original Jeffrey Epstein.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Bombthrower TV

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 3. März 2023 - 18:51

Whitney joins Mark on Bombthrower TV to discuss her book, the merger between organized crime and global intelligence agencies, the World Economic Forum datamining your brainwaves – taking control over your own mind and the battle for the fate of humanity.

Bombthrower TV.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Barbara Malthusian Hubbard: From Limits to Growth to UN Agenda 2030

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 3. März 2023 - 14:57

For decades, New Age guru Barbara Marx Hubbard preached a futurist gospel of “conscious evolution” guided by “love and light.” Yet, at the same time, in stark contrast, Hubbard also touted Malthusian population control. If Hubbard called for the human population to be culled, then how could she have genuinely floated her dreams of conscious evolution sincerely upon the “self-actualization” mantras of the Human Potential Movement or the “co-creation” ethos of her New Age homilies?

While Hubbard’s advocacy for population control contradicts the benevolent rhetoric of her New Age spiritualism, her Malthusianism cohesively aligns with her championing of transhumanism. As I historicized in a previous article entitled Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality, transhumanism was conceptualized by Julian Huxley as the second phase of eugenics, which would artificially enhance Darwinian evolution by merging human biology with machines. In fact, according to Darwin’s autobiography, his theory of evolution by natural selection, which inspired his cousin Francis Galton to develop the pseudo-science of eugenics, was conceived as the biological consequence of growing populations competing for limited resources in a Malthusian ecology:

“I [Darwin] happened to read for amusement ‘Malthus on Population,’ and being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence which everywhere goes on from long continued observation of the habits of animals and plants, it at once struck me that under these circumstances favourable variations would tend to be preserved, and unfavourable ones to be destroyed.  The result of this would be the formation of new species. Here then I had at last got a theory by which to work.”

In brief, Malthusianism is the bedrock of Darwinism, which is the foundation of eugenics, which is the cornerstone of transhumanism. Put another way, transhumanism encompasses both the Malthusian-sustainable control of population quantity and the Darwinian-eugenic control of population quality by means of technocracy. 

Thomas Malthus, Charles Darwin, Francis Galton, and Julian Huxley.

In my first installment in this series, I documented how Hubbard, bankrolled by Rockefeller “philanthropy,” teamed up with Abraham Maslow’s Eupsychian Network, including the Esalen Institute, to push trans-eugenic evolution through partnerships with the HeartMath Institute, which propagates transhumanist neurofeedback wearables that are programmed to induce synthetic spiritual bliss. In this current installment, I will explain how Hubbard’s vision for “conscious” transhuman evolution is inseparable from her Malthusian outlook on human population growth and sustainable ecology. More specifically, I will expose how:

  1. Hubbard championed Malthusian population control policies advanced by the environmentalist forecasts of the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth and the sustainable development initiatives of United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030.
  2. Hubbard collaborated with World Economic Forum (WEF) globalist, Maurice Strong, who spearheaded UN Agenda 21’s sustainable development program, and Club of Rome member Mikhail Gorbachev, who co-created the Earth Charter “sustainable development” initiative in partnership with Strong.

In future installments of this series, I will reveal how Hubbard’s Malthusian environmentalism was shaped by her spiritual muse, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; her kindred “psychological mutant,” Jonas Salk [2]; and her longtime financial benefactor, Laurance Rockefeller. I will also unveil how Hubbard’s affiliations with the World Future Society, the Human Potential Movement, and the Foundation for Conscious Evolution were connected to networks of alleged pedophiles and sexual abuse cults.

Hubbard and the “Riders of the Pale Horse”

The following quote, which has been widely circulated as a purported excerpt from Hubbard’s 1993 Book of Co-Creation, declares that “one-fourth” of humanity will need to be culled in order to usher in a utopian New World Order:

“[o]ut of the full spectrum of the human personality, one-fourth is elected to transcend and one-fourth are destructive, defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a natural death. Now, as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human―the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers―the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects―we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.”

To be sure, this passage cannot be found within the pages of Hubbard’s Book of Co-Creation. However, The Mail Archive, which records “archived postings” and “active mailing lists,”logs an email exchange in which Hubbard reportedly acknowledged that this passage was excerpted “from a manuscript which has not been published.” According to The Mail Archive, on “Thursday, November 04, 1999,” Hubbard replied to an email from a Dave Hartley, who had shared the misattributed passage with his email list:

Dear Dave: whoever you are, this quote is taken completely out of context from a manuscript which has not been published. The passage you refered [sic] to referred to the thought that we do not need to go through the Armageddon scenario that was predicted in the book of Revelation. The whole purpose of the Book of Cocreation [sic] is to say that the human species has the freedom to avoid the massive destruction predicted. The meaning of that particular passage, which I never published, because I do not believe it at all, came from the possiblity [sic] that if there is to be any further massive destruction on this earth, it will not be perpetrated by humans, but by some other force.

I personally do not believe this, have not published this, will never published it. My whole life is dedicated to bringing greater peace and gentleness to the human race.

This quote has been used by a small minority of people seeking to damage the reputations of many people and I ask you to release it, tear it up. IT is not viable. I totally refute it, and ask you to be kind enough to do the same.

With appreciation for your concern, Barbara Marx Hubbard

Email from Barbara Marx Hubbard to Dave Hartley, The Mail Archive

According to this email, Hubbard took ownership of the infamous passage while simultaneously disavowing it. Although she “totally refute[d]” the quote, emphasizing how she “never published” it, she did not deny ever writing it; rather, she admitted that she had written it in “a manuscript which has not been published.” Indeed, she even tried to rescue “the meaning of that particular passage” by suggesting that the passage emphasizes how the Malthusian “destruction” of the human population would “not be perpetrated by humans, but by some other force,” and only if humankind abdicates its “freedom to avoid the massive destruction predicted.” Obviously, this is contradicted by Hubbard’s use of the personal pronoun “we” in the active-voice construction of the final sentences, which proclaim, “[w]e are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects―we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.”  

Notice here that she also did not outrightly reject the premise that some form of Malthusian depopulation, whether voluntarily or by means of “some other force,” would be a necessary precondition for the conscious evolution of the human species. In fact, this theoretical dilemma, which posits that humans must rein in population growth or else suffer “massive destruction” from “other forces” of ecological catastrophe, is the crux of Malthusian theory. In the 1803 edition of An Essay on the Principle of Population, economist Thomas Malthus enumerated that “(1) Population is necessarily limited by the means of subsistence. (2) Population invariably increases where the means of subsistence increase, unless prevented by some very powerful and obvious checks.” Based on these “Principles of Population,” Malthus called for “preventive checks” on overpopulation in order to avert “massive destruction” from “other forces” of ecological catastrophe, including “famine,” “plague,” and “pestilence.”

To be sure, this email exchange between Hubbard and Hartley cannot be verified. Under the “Original Message” header, the email addresses are “protected”: “From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]] . . . To: [EMAIL PROTECTED].” Furthermore, at the very top of the email thread is a heading that reads “Caveat Lector,” which basically translates as “reader beware,” indicating that the information contained therein may not be accurate.

If this email is not fabricated, and Hubbard did in fact write the passage, then her genocidal vision of Malthusian-eugenic population reduction, even if only drafted in an unpublished manuscript, cannot be reconciled or spirit-washed with any amount of benevolent rhetoric she touted. That she would draft such a genocidal proposition at all, even if she disavowed it later, reveals a window into the darker undercurrents behind her dreams of conscious evolution, especially since she never outrightly denounced the need for depopulation. 

It is worth noting that, in The Revelation: Our Crisis Is a Birth (The Book of Co-Creation), which is the book that is supposed to contain the infamous quote in question, there is a passage that reads as if it could be a revised version of the notorious “pale horse” quote:

“at a time of Quantum Transformation, the momentum of past activities forces those activities to overshoot the mark. ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ goes too far and becomes overpopulation. ‘Preserve human life’ goes too far and results in undesirable prolongation of creature/human existence. ‘Give food and shelter to the people’ becomes the overindustrialization, pollution, inflation, and resource depletion by the developed world.  . . .

‘Be fruitful and multiply’ now becomes ‘Consciously conceive children who will be given the opportunity of optimum development.’ 

‘Preserve all life’ now becomes ‘Avail yourself of the opportunity for chosen death, and chosen extended life.’ Thanatology and gerontology enter the scene. Death can be chosen by those who have finished their work on Earth. The purpose of advanced medical technologies is not to maintain creature/human bodies in a semivegetative state. It is to be used by those minds that are motivated to do new work on Earth and especially in the new environments of outer space, to extend life, change bodies, and eventually build new bodies accustomed to the new conditions of universal life, whatever they may be.  . . . 

‘Give food and shelter to the people’ now becomes ‘Activate the creative revolution–building new worlds on Earth, new worlds in space,’ an environment of resources capable of meeting the needs of all members of that body. The population overgrowth on Earth must cease. Only those who choose to live on, shall. The others will voluntarily go to their rest. This is the new condition toward which the magnificent achievements of the past have taken you” [1].

Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: Our Crisis Is a Birth (The Book of Co-Creation) (Sonoma, CA: Foundation for Conscious Evolution, 1993).

Notice that this passage from the Book of Co-Creation refers to a “Quantum Transformation” while the unpublished passage refers to a “quantum shift.” Notice also that both passages call for human population to be culled; the unpublished passage proclaims that “one-fourth [of humankind] must be eliminated from the social body” while the Book of Co-Creation declares that “[t]he population overgrowth on Earth must cease. Only those who choose to live on, shall.” The only real difference between these passages is that the unpublished excerpt glorifies how Hubbard and her evolutionary “riders of the pale horse” will selectively cull the population while the Book of Co-Creation prophesies that the “unfit” will voluntarily cull themselves from the human population. Although the rhetoric in the Book of Co-Creation is less menacing than the rhetoric in the unpublished excerpt, the former nonetheless asserts the Malthusian prognosis that human population must be culled in order for the human species to consciously evolve into the New Age. 

To be fair, it is possible that the unpublished passage is actually a counterfeit. But even if it is a fabrication, there are multiple other excerpts from Hubbard’s writings, as you will see, in which she promotes Malthusian means of population control. 

Malthusian Limits to Growth: Hubbard and the Club of Rome

Hubbard’s Malthusian overpopulation theories were partly inspired by the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind. In fact, in Hubbard’s Book of Co-Creation, there are multiple passages which warn of Malthusian “limits to growth” that could lead to ecological catastrophes [1]. She also met personally with Club of Rome Co-Founder, Aurelio Peccei [2], who prompted the World Economic Forum to adopt the Malthusian tenets of the Limits to Growth at the World Economic Forum’s Third Annual Meeting in 1973.

The Limits to Growth, Source: Club of Rome

Established in 1968, the Club of Rome is a globalist non-governmental organization (NGO) that convenes meetings between heads of states, members of royal families, business leaders, international financiersacademic scholars, laboratory scientists, and administrators of global governance institutions, such as the UN, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Modeled after the “Round Table” structure of the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Club of Rome facilitates meetings where delegates plan the global economy through public-private stewardship of the world’s natural and human resources in accordance with the Malthusian ecology of  sustainable development. Club of Rome member André Hoffmann is also a trustee of another Round Table NGO, the WEF, which is advancing the Great Reset to usher in public-private stakeholder sustainability for the technocratic Fourth Industrial Revolution.

In 1972, the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth published the results of computer-simulated forecasts calculated by a team of scientists recruited from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The Club of Rome’s MIT team was led by Dennis Meadows, who is a member of the WEF. Another central architect of the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind was MIT Professor Jay W. Forrester, who was commissioned by the Club of Rome to apply his System Dynamics theory to design computer models that would graph population growth, resource consumption, and environmental pollution forecasts, all of which provided the basis for the Malthusian thesis of Limits to Growth. While working at MIT, Forrester programmed the World One computer, which modeled a prediction of the Malthusian collapse of civilization in 2040. According to Big Think “2020 is the first milestone envisioned by World One.  . . . ‘At around 2020, the condition of the planet becomes highly critical.'” In several publications and speeches, Hubbard concurred with the World One computer forecasts as she predicted that 2020 would be the “shift” point for a “new norm.”

Dennis Meadows | World Economic Forum (

At the same time, Hubbard’s Book of Co-Creation explicitly invokes the Club of Rome’s Malthusian “limits to growth” rhetoric. In a chapter titled “The Journey,” she writes, “[o]ne more doubling of the world population will destroy our life-support system. Our Mother will not support us if we continue to grow in numbers! We must stop.  . . . The so-called ‘population crisis’ is a crisis of our planetary birth. The limits to growth on Earth shift us from procreation to co-creation” [1]. Note here how Hubbard asserted that human population has reached a Malthusian “limits to growth” which will render “Mother Earth” incapable of sustaining life unless we collectively curtail “procreation.”

The Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth is not only Malthusian in principle, but a survey of its bibliography reveals that it is also backed by extensive citations from an array of Malthusian-eugenicists and affiliated institutions that have been dedicated to population control. These include:

  1. Jospeh J. Spengler: a eugenicist who contributed to the League of Nations World Population Conference, which was orchestrated under the leadership of Malthusianeugenicist Margaret Sanger.
  2. Frank Notestein: an American Eugenics Society (AES) member, who was the founding director of the Population Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA); an “Organizer” of the Second UN World Population Conference; anda president of both the Population Association of America and the Population Council
  3. Alexander Morris Carr-Saunders: a secretary of the Research Committee of the British Eugenics Education Society and a protégé of eugenicist Karl Pearson, who was himself a protégé of the founding father of eugenics, Francis Galton.
  4. The Population Reference Bureau: an international NGO that advances Malthusian population control programs through partnerships with the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA); the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; the Population Council; and the Population Association of America, which was founded by AES President Henry Pratt Fairchild and AES Co-Founder Frederick Osborn, who was also a president of the Population Council
  5. Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment: a book written by Paul Ehrlich (author of the Population Bomb) and John P. Holdren (US President Barack Obama’s White House Science Czar), both of whom postulated Malthusian population control policies, including the spiking of drinking water with sterilants and the imposition of a government-issued “long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin. . .and might be removable, with official permission.”
Reinventing Prosperity: Managing Economic Growth to Reduce Unemployment, Inequality, and Climate Change (Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2016).

In 2016, Jørgen Randers, who was another captain of the MIT team that produced Limits to Growth, co-authored another Malthusian “Report of the Club of Rome.” Titled Reinventing Prosperity: Managing Economic Growth to Reduce Unemployment, Inequality, and Climate Change, this “Report,” which reasserts the Malthusian forecasts of Limits to Growth, declared that “the poor world should seek to improve the lot of its population by using whatever means necessary,” including “follow[ing] the example of China and seek[ing] to limit their populations, not with a one-child policy necessarily but through improved education and health, more easily available contraception―and ideally, by paying a bonus to those families who have had fewer than two children” [3].

Not only were the Malthusian-eugenics of Limits to Growth adopted rhetorically by Barbara Marx Hubbard, but she also met personally with the co-founder of the Club of Rome. In her 1989 autobiography, The Hunger of Eve, Hubbard relayed how she “had met Aurelio Peccei, head of the club [of Rome], in Bucharest in 1972 at a World Futurist Congress” [2]. Hubbard disagreed with Peccei’s outlook on the extent to which civilizational growth must be curtailed to avoid ecological catastrophe. However, she nonetheless concurred with Peccei that environmental resource consumption must be curbed to at least some degree in order to avoid the ecological catastrophes forecasted in Limits to Growth

Aurelio Peccei, Source: Club of Rome

In fact, Hubbard promoted the Committee for the Future’s “Choiceful Future,” which “accepted the Limits to Growth position of the necessity for conservation of nonrenewable resources, for decentralization, diversity, self-sufficiency, use of appropriate technology, and respect for nature, the environment and all people as members of our own body” [2]. To put it another way, Hubbard assimilated Peccei’s push for the rationing of limited “nonrenewable resources” while she also synthesized his environmental “conservation” with her own call for sustainable economic development through innovative “use[s] of appropriate technology.”

Similarly, Hubbard also affirmed that “[t]here was much that was positive and right about” the Limits to Growth thesis even though she was critical of the Limits to Growth “advocates” who resolved that ecological catastrophes could only be averted by means of ultra-Malthusian checks on the global population-growth/resource-consumption ratio. She stated that:

“the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth . . . considered earth [sic] a finite system with fixed resources and counselled us to adapt to the current limitations, or even to ‘return’ to a simpler stage of life as proposed by the deep ecologists. There was much that was positive and right about this perspective: restoration of the environment, decentralization, self-sufficiency, re-location of industry, energy efficiency, non-money economies, the barter system, cooperatives and the rebuilding of community. However, many of its advocates denied even the possibility of a concurrent and complementary, and equally natural, development of a new environment beyond our biosphere.” [2]

The Club of Rome Logo

Again, Hubbard assimilated the Club of Rome’s policies concerning the “restoration of the environment” through resource conservation while she also synthesized the Club of Rome’s policies with her own call for sustainable development through outer-space technologies that can enable the “development of a new environment beyond our biosphere,” thereby increasing the global population-growth/resource-consumption ratio.

In The Book of Co-Creation, in a chapter titled “Revelation,” Hubbard expounds on the ways in which “resource shortage” and “overpopulation” can be transcended with “‘postnatal’ technologies . . . such as astronautics, genetics, longevity, cybernetics, robotics and nanotechnology” that can be utilized to capitalize on “the universal environment beyond the biosphere”: 

“[t]he meta-crises of limits began: resource shortage, overpopulation, alienation, confusion, malaise about the future, disconnection with the past. Experts with an Earthbound perspective advocated a return to the simpler past, an adaptation to limits, a program of maximum conservation, and no growth. At the same time, some futurists wrote of a paradigm shift from self-centeredness to whole-centeredness. And some evolutionaries proclaimed the extended gospel of ‘postnatal’ technologies, to be developed within the womb of Earth for use after birth in the universal environment beyond the biosphere, such as astronautics, genetics, longevity, cybernetics, robotics and nanotechnology.” [1]

Barbara Marx Hubbard, Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential (Novato, CA: New World Library, 1998).

In sum, Hubbard affirmed the Malthusian premises of the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth, and she believed that human population growth should be regulated accordingly. At the same time, she believed that Malthusian population control should be complemented with transhumanist technological innovations which would enable humans to efficiently steward interplanetary resources at sustainable rates of consumption.

Malthusian “Sustainability”: Hubbard, Strong, Gorbachev Maurice Strong (L), Mikhail Gorbachev (R)

On top of adopting the Malthusian tenets of the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth, Hubbard collaborated with Maurice Strong, who was instrumental in setting up the UN Environmental Program (UNEP), coining the term “sustainable development,” and launching UN Agenda 21, which has since been revamped as Agenda 2030. Hubbard also collaborated with a cohort of New Age Soviets during the political rise of the first and only President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev [2], who was a Club of Rome member who partnered with Strong to set up the Earth Charter global sustainability project in conjunction with the launch of Agenda 21. Altogether, Hubbard’s Malthusian outlook on “limits to growth” and “sustainable development” was evidently shaped by her connections to Strong and Gorbachev, who played pivotal roles in ushering in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are now pillars of the WEF’s Great Reset for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The 8 UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Strong served alongside Hubbard on the World Future Society’s (WFS) Global Advisory Council. Under the directorship of Hubbard and Strong, the WFS’s flagship publication, The Futurist, printed at least one issue that advocates for “sustainable lifestyles,” including “sustainable consumption habits,” for a “sustainable economy” in a “sustainable future.” In this 2014 issue of The Futurist, an article titled “Demographics, Consumption, and Climate Change” reports that “[m]odels for climate-change scenarios need to dig beneath population-growth projections to understand their potential impact on the environment. While it’s true that more people consuming more resources will have more impact, it’s where the population growth is happening that matters.” Of course, Strong was one of the founding fathers of Neo-Malthusian sustainable development.

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs)

In 1972, the same year that the Club of Rome published its Malthusian treatise in Limits to Growth, Strong led the UN Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE), which resulted in the formation of the UNEP where he became its first executive director. Then, in 1987, Strong, who was also a member of the WEF Foundation Board, became a member of the UN World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) where the term “sustainable development” was coined in the “Report of the WCED,” which contains 298 references to “population.” Five years later, the Club of Rome officially adopted the term “sustainable development” in its publication of Beyond the Limits: Confronting Global Collapse, Envisioning a Sustainable Future, which is the sequel to Limits to Growth. That same year, in 1992, Strong led the UN Earth Summit Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, resulting in the kickoff of UN Agenda 21, which established “sustainability” as one of the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that are now revamped as the 17 Agenda 2030 SDGs. It is important to note here that SDG 5.6, which “[e]nsure[s] universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights,” is explicitly guided by the Neo-Malthusian “family planning” tenets of the Program of Action of the UN’s 1994 International Conference on Population and Development.

The First Global Revolution – Club of Rome

In Hubbard’s 2001 Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence, she echoed the Malthusian overpopulation catastrophism and sustainable environmentalism touted in both the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth treatises and the UN’s environment and population conferences: “[y]ou hit a definitive limit to growth in your current mode” in which “[t]here are no adult Universal humans who have been through the transition from a high-technology, over-populating, polluting world at the edge of destroying its own life-support systems to a new world that is sustainable, compassionate, and life-enhancing” [4]. Later in the same chapter, Hubbard writes, “[w]herever they have the choice, women are shifting from massive procreation to co-creation. We have reached a limit to population growth on Earth. One more doubling of the population will take us over ten billion. We will have fewer children―whether by choice or catastrophe is the only question” [4]. In other words, for Hubbard, sustainable development encompasses not only the elimination of environmental pollution, but also the Malthusian limitation of human population growth. 

Based on this sustainable-Malthusian equation, human population itself can be equivocated to a form of pollution that must be expunged from the planet, which is essentially what the Club of Rome proclaimed in The First Global Revolution. Published one year before the UN set up Agenda 21, this “Report by the Council of the Club of Rome,” which calls for global “sustainable development,” contains a section titled “The Common Enemy of Humanity Is Man,” declaring that: 

“[i]n searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”

Stated differently, since humans are the cause of pollution, “humanity itself” can be equivocated to the greatest environmental pollutant which is the “real enemy” of the planet; in turn, environmental pollution must be prevented by eradicating human pollutants from the population.

Mikhail Gorbachev (L), Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (Center), Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (R)

Shortly after the launch of Agenda 21 at the UN Earth Summit, Strong partnered with Club of Rome member Gorbachev to launch Earth Charter, which combined Gorbachev’s Green Cross International with Strong’s Earth Council to form a global sustainable development initiative that would buoy UN Agenda 21 projects. It should be noted that Strong and Gorbachev were introduced to each other by Club of Rome and Bilderberg Group member, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, who is the daughter of Bilderberg Founder, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. A former Nazi stormtrooper, Prince Bernhard was the “honorary sponsor” of the Third Annual WEF Meeting where Peccei presented the Club of Rome’s Malthusian Limits to Growth to the WEF, which is now bolstering the UN’s SDGs through its Great Reset projects, including “Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) scoring schemes designed to penalize companies that fail to comply with SDG benchmarks. In brief, the Gorbachev-Strong sustainability alliance was orchestrated to operate a crucial pivot point in the global governance nexus of the UN, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, and the WEF; and Hubbard had ties to this nexus through Gorbachev, Strong, the UN, and the Club of Rome.

Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Hunger of Eve: One Woman’s Odyssey Toward the Future (Eastsound, WA: Island Pacific NW, 1989).

Hubbard’s ties to Gorbachev stem from her collaborations with Soviet New Agers during the 1980s. According to her autobiography, The Hunger of Eve, in 1985, the Director of the Center for Soviet-American Dialogue, Rama Vernon, who was a yoga instructor, swayed Hubbard to travel to the Soviet Union. While visiting the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR), Hubbard met with a leader in the Soviet “citizen diplomacy movement,” Joseph Goldin, who enthusiastically discussed prospects of Soviet-American “co-creation” aimed at achieving the utopian futurist visions of her mentor, R. Buckminster Fuller [2], who is cited in the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth. Hubbard was even “given buttons that said ‘Co-creator’ in English and Russian, with a diagram of the evolutionary spiral” [2].

A couple years later, in 1987, Hubbard met at the: 

“Cosmos Hotel . . . with Gennadi Alferenko, who was the founder of the Foundation for Social Inventions in the Soviet Union, and Rustem Khairov, who was working with Yevgeny Velikhov, the special science advisor to Gorbachev. We were planning the next major symposium, to be held in March, 1987, in Moscow entitled ‘A New Way of Thinking in the Nuclear Age — Social Innovations for the Third Millennium.” [2]

The next year, Hubbard “was amazed and delighted when on December 7, 1988 Gorbachev addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations, calling for ‘the kind of cooperation that could more accurately be termed co-creation and co-development'” [2]. Notice here that, according to Hubbard, both she and Gorbachev invoked the “co-creation” rhetoric of “conscious evolution.”

Hubbard went on to praise Gorbachev as a preeminent global leader who could “be our co-creative partner in restoring the environment . . . and expanding outer space peacefully”:

“I thought of Gorbachev as a political Sputnik. When Khrushchev put up Sputnik, he surprised us, and we responded with Apollo. If we recognized that the Soviet Union need not be our enemy, but could be our co-creative partner in restoring the environment, freeing people’s creativity and expanding outer space peacefully, what would happen over here?  . . . It could usher in the greatest age of cooperation and co-creation on a global scale that has ever been seen on earth [sic]. I felt that this is what we are preparing for now.” [2]

Emphasizing the globalist, environmentalist, and futurist affinities between herself and Gorbachev, Hubbard reported that even UN Assistant Secretary General, Robert Muller, who authored the UN’s World Core educational curriculum, highlighted how she and Gorbachev shared kindred visions of “co-creating” global sustainable development enterprises dedicated to “restoring the environment” and “expanding outer space”: “Robert Muller, former Assistant General of the United Nations called me up and said, ‘Barbara, you are the person in this world who sounds most like Gorbachev'” [2]. It is worth noting here that Gorbachev’s close advisors, including Hubbard’s comrades, Velikhov and Goldin, also collaborated with the Esalen Institute, which, along with Hubbard, was part of Abraham Maslow’s transhumanist Eupsychian Network.

Esalen Catalog (Sep. 1990 – Feb. 1991)

To sum it all up, Hubbard endorsed the sustainable development directives of UN Agenda 21, and she was connected to two of its most powerful architects: Gorbachev and Strong, who were leading figures at the epicenter of the global governance nexus of the UN, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, and the WEF. Simply put, Hubbard played an influential role in the historical development of UN Agenda 2030’s Neo-Malthusian SDGs, which are now being instituted across the globe through the WEF’s Great Reset for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and other means.

Malthusian Globalization: The UN, the State of the World Forum, and the Round Table Oligarchy

The liaisons between Hubbard, Gorbachev, and Strong were not limited to their associations through the Center for Soviet-American Dialogue and the World Future Society [2]. Hubbard also crossed paths with Strong and Gorbachev through the UN and the State of the World Forum (SWF). In brief, Hubbard not only echoed Strong and Gorbachev in their “co-creative” advancement of the sustainable development initiatives of the UN, the Club of Rome, the WEF, the WFS, and the SWF; she also worked directly with the SWF and the UN to push the MDGs and SDGs of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 respectively.

In 2016, Hubbard addressed the UN High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace where she gave a speech at a panel titled “Enhancing Synergy between Sustainable Development Goals and 8 Action Areas of the UN Program of Action on the Culture of Peace.” During this speech, she pontificated that “the Culture of Peace adds a dimension to the SDG goals, a vision. Inherent in the Culture of Peace movement is a vision of a new world. The SDG goals are more or less key items as to how to get there.” Emphasizing how “[c]risis is a driver for evolutionary breakthrough,” Hubbard asked, “[h]ow do we enhance SDG basic goals with the actions for a culture of peace?” In brief, Hubbard worked directly with the UN to advance the SDG agenda that was set in motion by her fellow WFS Board Member, Maurice Strong, who spearheaded the UNCED, the UNEP, the UN WCED, the UN Earth Summit, and UN Agenda 21

Both Strong and Hubbard also participated in the State of the World Forum, which was formed and led by Mikhail Gorbachev. The SWF’s “Mission” statement declared that the State of the World Forum was committed to “building a global coalition” of “stakeholders” who would “participate with partners worldwide in a spiritual renaissance to keep pace with humanity’s scientific and technological advancement, believing that humanity must be as committed to ecological sustainability as the generation of wealth; global governance as national sovereignty; and to a compassionate society as much as to the global flow of capital.” Stated differently, the SWF’s mission aimed to usher in a global “stakeholder capitalist” economy regulated by “sustainable development” provisions from technocratic world governance institutions, such as the UN and the WEF, propped up by evolutionary beliefs in a futurist “spiritual renaissance.” 

Modeled after the WEF, the Bilderberg Group, and the Club of Rome, the State of the World Forum was structured as a globalist Round Table NGO. Like its Round Table predecessors, the SWF brought together delegates from national governments, multinational companies, corporate foundations, UN agencies, and a host of other Round Table NGOs, such as the WEF, the Club of Rome, and the Council on Foreign Relations. In contrast with its Round Table predecessors, the SWF was unique in that its participants included a remarkable number of “Religious & Spiritual Leaders,” including an array of New Agers and futurists, many of whom were also Hubbard’s associates.

Hubbard’s New Age and futurist comrades included the following SWF participants:

John Naisbitt, Source: Charlie Rose Lynne Twist at the 2019 Conscious Capitalism Annual Conference , Source: Conscious Capitalism, Inc. Hazel Henderson, Source: Earth Charter
  • Deepak Chopra was listed as one of the SWF’s “Religious & Spiritual Leaders.” Both he and Hubbard were Fellows of the World Business Academy, and he was an “ally” of Hubbard’s Birth 2012 Campaign [5]. Chopra praised Hubbard as “the voice for conscious evolution of our time.”
Deepak Chopra Michael Murphy, Source: Esalen Journal
  • Stanislav Grof spoke on an SWF Panel titled “Legacy of Wisdom.” In The Book of Co-Creation, Grof is noted as one of Hubbard’s “[c]olleagues and teachers of conscious evolution” [1].
Stanislav Grof
  • Jean Houston was listed as one of the SWF’s “Religious & Spiritual Leaders.” In Birth 2012 and Beyond, Houston is recorded as an “ally” of Hubbard’s Birth 2012 Campaign [5]. Additionally, Both she and Hubbard were Fellows of the World Business Academy.
Jean Houston, Source: Conscious Connection,

In addition to all of these New Age and futurist “co-creators” who have bolstered Hubbard’s gospel of conscious evolution, other SWF participants included numerous top-level administrators of UN agencies that have been propagating Malthusian population policies in conjunction with sustainable development initiatives. Some of these UN figureheads, who were commissioned as delegates to the SWF, also collaborated with Hubbard.

For instance, the Director-General of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Federico Mayor, served as a co-chair of the SWF; and he also spoke at the UN High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace where Hubbard gave her speech promoting Agenda 2030’s SDGs. Additionally, UN Assistant Secretary General, Robert Muller, served on the SWF International Coordinating Council. As Assistant Secretary General, Muller served under UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, who was previously a Nazi Wehrmacht officer. According to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Muller was ” instrumental in the conception of . . .  the UN Development Programme” (UNDP) and the “UN Population Fund” (UNFPA); and he ” helped” Maurice Strong “orchestrate the first-ever UN Conference on the Human Environment.” In a blurb on the back cover of Hubbard’s autobiography, Muller exalted Hubbard with the following accolades: “[i]f I have ever met a person who is fully conscious of her responsibilities toward the earth, humanity and the cosmos, it is certainly Barbara Marx Hubbard. She is a true 21st century woman” [2]. 

Robert Muller (L), Kurt Waldheim (R)

Another UN delegate to the SWF was Nafis Sadik, who was the Secretary General of the 1994 UN International Conference on Population & Development, which stipulated the Neo-Malthusian family planning policies that guide Agenda 2030’s SDGs. Other UN delegates to the SWF included UNEP Executive Director Elizabeth Dowdeswell, UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsurra, UNDP Director Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, UNDP Administrator Mark Malloch Brown, and UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Executive Director, Carol Bellamy.

These UN agencies, which partnered with the SWF, have all worked to advance the SDGs. At the same time, according to the executive producer of the SWF, the final State of the World Forum was convened “in conjunction with the UN Millennial Summit [sic],” which established the UN MDGs that are now revamped as the SDGs. Evidently, the UN-SWF alliance, which encompassed Hubbard’s circle of New Age futurists, was instrumental in laying the groundwork for the Agenda 2030 SDGs that are now being accelerated by the WEF’s Great Reset for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Not only has the WEF taken up the SDG mantle of the UN and the SWF, but the State of the World Forum also hosted several top officials of the World Economic Forum along with other high-ranking Round Table globalists, including prominent members of the Club of Rome and the Council on Foreign Relations. For instance, Club of Rome member Wouter van Dieren and Club of Rome President Ashok Khosla were “Additional Speakers” at the SWF. Khosla is also a member of the WEF, and he has served as an advisor to the UNDP, the UNEP, and the UN WCED, the latter two of which were spearheaded by Maurice Strong, who was a WEF Foundation Board Member and a “Featured Speaker” at the SWF. Another SWF “Featured Speaker” was WEF Trustee Marc Benioff while WEF member George Soros was a “Distinguished Guest” of the SWF. Additionally, CFR member Stephen Rhinesmith served on the SWF International Coordinating Council, and he “conducted a session on global leadership” for the WEF’s Young Global Leaders program, which recruits national leaders to adopt SDG initiatives. Rhinesmith was also the Chairman of the Board of Advisors of the Esalen Soviet-American Exchange Program where Hubbard’s “co-creators,” Velikhov and Goldin, were Russian liaisons. 

It is worth noting here that the SWF was sponsored by Time Warner, which was bankrolled by its largest shareholder: WEF member Ted Turner, who has been a vocal proponent of population control. On the “Supporters” page of the State of the World Forum’s website, which is archived in the Wayback Machine, there was a quote from Turner warning that “[t]he population problem and environmental destruction that is going on in the world will eventually lead to our demise if it is not reversed.”

Altogether, the SWF helped launch the UN MDGs, which became the SDGs, by bringing together representatives from the UN, the WEF, and the Club of Rome, the latter of which propagated the “limits to growth” theories that paved the way for the SDGs. At the same time, Hubbard and her cohort of New Age “evolutionaries” were positioned in the middle of this sustainability nexus between the SWF, the UN, the WEF, and Club of Rome. In sum, the SWF yoked together Hubbard and her New Ageco-creators” with UN representatives and Round Table globalists, including Strong and Gorbachev, who laid the groundwork for the UN SDGs. This was done in order to advance the Club of Rome’s Malthusian sustainable development policies through the UN MDGs that have been revamped through Agenda 2030, which is currently being bolstered by the WEF’s Great Reset.

Caveat Lector 

In response to my first installment in this investigative series on Hubbard, several of her colleagues have critiqued my report, arguing that I unfairly represented Hubbard’s character. These Hubbard apologists have suggested that she was well intentioned, but that she was taken advantage of by globalist oligarchs, who hijacked her ideas and co-opted her image to usher in a technocratic New World Order under a veneer of New Age spirituality. 

To be sure, with all due respect, neither this nor my previous article is intended as a judgment of Hubbard’s personal character. Rather, this investigative series aims only to document her involvement in the transhumanist and Malthusian-eugenic agendas of the UN-Round Table oligarchy. While it may be possible that Hubbard was naïve to the machinations of her comrades at the UN, the Club of Rome, the SWF, and the WEF, it is hard to believe that she was totally ignorant of the techno-fascist ambitions of many of her associates. 

But even if you’re convinced that Hubbard was unwittingly beguiled by these international oligarchs, it cannot be ignored that she cooperated with the top brass of some of the very same Round Table NGOs and global governance institutions that are now at the epicenter of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Beyond her liaisons with the UN-Round Table syndicate, Hubbard explicitly championed transhumanism and Malthusian sustainable development, which are the crux of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Regardless of whether Hubbard was gullibly seduced by unsavory elitists, or whether she willingly lent her New Age ethos to trailblaze for the technocratic enterprises of globalist oligarchs, it cannot be denied that Hubbard’s writings and speeches explicitly call for transhumanism and Malthusian population control on several occasions. 

In the next installments of this series, I will dig deeper into the key influencers behind Hubbard’s Malthusian-eugenic transhumanism. These include Jonas Salk, Laurance Rockefeller, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. I will also unveil how Hubbard’s affiliations with the World Future Society, the Human Potential Movement, and the Foundation for Conscious Evolution were connected to networks of alleged pedophiles and sexual abuse cults.


[1]  Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: Our Crisis Is a Birth (The Book of Co-Creation) (Sonoma, CA: Foundation for Conscious Evolution, 1993).

[2]  Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Hunger of Eve: One Woman’s Odyssey Toward the Future (Eastsound, WA: Island Pacific NW, 1989).

[3]  Graeme Maxton and Jørgen Randers, Reinventing Prosperity: Managing Economic Growth to Reduce Unemployment, Inequality, and Climate Change (A Report to the Club of Rome) (Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2016).

[4]  Barbara Marx Hubbard, Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence (10 Steps to the Universal Human) (Charlottesville, VA: Walsch Books, 2001).

[5]  Barbara Marx Hubbard and The Welcoming Committee, Birth 2012 and Beyond: Humanity’s Great Shift to the Age of Conscious Evolution (USA: Shift Books, 2012).

Barbara Malthusian Hubbard: From Limits to Growth to UN Agenda 2030.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker

Black Hand – A Match Made in Hell

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 20. Februar 2023 - 16:55

At the height of the Cold War, in a country experiencing the final throes of a post-war economic boom, one strange man went on to play a central role in a scandal that brought down the British government. In a master class of how to get away with grand espionage, Hod Dibben coasted through danger seemingly without any fear. The night clubs of London, which have been the focus of our attention so far, are all under new ownership after a series of tragic deaths of their previous owners and hostesses. As always, with anything Horace Dibben did during this period, elite sex parties and sadomasochistic orgies were a key part of what would eventually develop into the Profumo Affair.

Constance Capes and the Mysterious Mr. Atherley

Stella Marie Capes was born on 9 May 1941 in Sheffield, Yorkshire, to an unmarried mother, Constance Capes. Although she was born Stella Marie Capes, the name she chose to use most often before she met Hod Dibben was Mariella Capes. To understand why “Mariella” Capes went by so many different names—including Mariella Novotny and Henrietta Chapman— it is worth revisiting a little-known anecdote concerning her mother, Constance Capes. 

Mariella’s mother was born in Grimsby in 1903 and was involved in a very curious and well-documented case in 1927 concerning a man who had also used multiple identities. Constance was twenty-four-years-old when she went to work as a secretary for a fascinating fraudster named Mr. Reginald Winterburn Atherley. She was described in a Daily Mirror article dated 5 October 1927 as a “pretty North-country typist” with the article describing how she had “several strange experiences while she was acting as Mr. Atherley’s secretary at the Four Winds caravan in Thirsk.” Constance Capes described in her own words what occurred when she arrived in Thirsk after corresponding with Mr. Atherley: 

“The salary he proposed was small, but he said he would give me shares in his business. I knew that Four Winds was a caravan, but I did not know it was his permanent head-quarters. After I had worked four days with Mr. Atherley at the Four Winds I felt compelled to leave.

In the first place, it seemed a little too much to expect a typist to work by day, and sometimes by night, in a caravan situated in a field far from town. When I had been at Four Winds two days a curious incident occurred which made me doubtful. It was on Sunday, September 18 when Mr. Atherley came to my lodgings and told me that he had seriously injured a man with his car. He urged me to return to the caravan, which I did. At the Four Winds he got me to type a letter to a woman in Southport stating that Mr. Winterburn was dying, and if she wished to send him a message it would be delivered to him on regaining consciousness.

I then received the amazing request to sign the letter as Mr. Winterburn’s private secretary. (I must explain that Mr. Atherley sometimes called himself Mr. Winterburn. On the Tuesday he astonished me by asking me to sign most of his letters for him. I told him that I could not put my name to some of his correspondence, and remarked that I thought I had better leave. In consequence of this I left his service the same day. Of course, I received no salary, but I was really glad to be away from Four Winds. Although I was in need of a job, I think I acted for the best in leaving, and I am sure every typist would have done the same.” 

Constance Capes had had her first run-in with a conman at the Four Winds caravan and it garnered her a lot of attention. The curious case of Mr Winterburn Atherley and the Four Winds caravan received a lot of coverage in the Daily Mirror, so much so that Atherley complained to the newspaper via his solicitors that the reports about him were both libellous and defamatory. But it was not only a lone typist, Constance Capes, who was standing up for the truth, as there had been a number of fraudulent incidents involving the illusive Mr. Atherley, including with Captain Denis Ewart Bernard Kingston Shipwright, a former-MP who took it upon himself to confront the conman on a station platform, with the conversation being described as both “heated and futile.”

Source: Daily Mirror, 1927

In response to Miss Capes recollections of her employment making the pages of one of the most popular newspapers at the time, Mr. Atherley’s solicitor sent her a demand, ordering her to return a notebook in which she had taken shorthand notes of Mr. Atherley’s business letters. Constance was lauded publicly for her response, with the plucky young lady stating: 

“Re Note Book. I regret being unable to accede with your request, as the book referred to, containing Mr. Atherley’s note, is my property, a fact of which he is aware.” 

Many other victims of Atherley’s fraudulent behaviour contacted the newspaper after they read the Winterburn/Atherley stories, giving their own experience of this conman. This level of publicity was probably something which a lowly typist such as Miss Capes enjoyed. In the same year that Constance exposed Reginald Winterburn as the fraudster he was, the audacious conman was sentenced on four charges including the assault of a lady named Beatrice Gray, impersonating the police, doing malicious damages to a police cell, and obtaining a driving licence after previously being disqualified. In court, Winterburn described himself as the “Mysterious Mr. Atherley, the super publicity agent” and when the magistrates were leaving to consider their verdict, he offered to read his life’s history to the court and even went on to sing a hymn for the baffled onlookers.  

Did the extravagant real-life adventures of Reginald Winterburn inspire the daughter of Constance Capes towards a similar destiny? Not much else is known about Mariella’s mother, except that she never married and the fact that Christine Keeler, the wily central figure in the Profumo Affair, who was a friend of Mariella Capes, referred to Mariella’s mother as “a whore.” However, no evidence yet exists that Constance Capes engaged in such activity. Mariella was born two years into World War II and her mother was never married. Given the time period, that could have been enough for any lady to receive a negative reputation. Yet, Mariella herself would have no qualms about being involved in the sorts of activities which could lead to such name calling. 

On 7 October 1940, Mariella’s mother is noted as “Miss Constance Capes” in the Daily Mail Newspaper while attending the wedding of her sister, Alice Capes. Roughly eight months later, Constance Capes gave birth to one of the most famous vixens of the 20th century. The next time Constance Capes was to be mentioned in the British press was in the Daily Telegraph on 6 June 1961. In that article, Constance and Hod Dibben are reported as meeting with Mariella as she arrived into Southampton on the Queen Mary after multiple intelligence agencies had coordinated to smuggle her out of the US.

The Hod Couple

By 1958, Mariella Capes was cast in the Folie Bergère London revue—a form of theatrical entertainment consisting of short sketches, songs, and dances—called Ah, Quelle Folie, at age 17. On 30 January 1958, it was announced in The Stage magazine that the French revue was heading for the West End. The Folies Bergère was a cabaret music hall which was located in the 9th Arrondissement in Paris. It had opened in 1869 and was famed for featuring raunchy nude cabaret, something which England in the late 1950s was still not quite ready for culturally speaking. 

Mariella Capes in her ‘Ah Quelle Folie’ costume, Source: Daily Mail

Jules Borkon who was representing the owners of the world rights of the official Folies Bergère announced that James Laurie was to present the show in London, with rehearsals were planned for March of 1958. Laurie would have to delay the production by a few months as he also had another curious international project to deal with first. In April 1958, it was reported in the Stage that: 

“In July, Mr. Laurie is going to Australia to present his wife, Rosina Raisbeck, on a three-month concert tour and in the autumn he has plans for presenting an American opera star behind the Iron Curtain.” 

By June, the revue of Ah, Quelle Folie, had begun receiving negative attention from one of the highest offices in the United Kingdom. The Daily News newspaper based in London reported that: “Changes have been ordered by the Lord Chamberlain’s office in the Folies Bergere revue, Ah, Quelle Folie, due to open tonight at the Winter Garden Theatre, Drury Lane.” The demand had come on the opening night of the show on 28 June 1958, and, if the necessary changes were not made, the show would not be allowed to continue. James Laurie would be quoted as saying: “We’ve made minor modifications mostly concerning the nudes.” One of those nudes was a very young Mariella Capes, who was still a minor. She was also to be used to advertise the raunchy cabaret, with a picture of her adorning page 2 of the Daily Mirror and an accompanying paragraph describing her “Edwardian strip-tease” and referring to Mariella Capes as “half-dressed in a coral pink negligee.” 

By August 1958, the People newspaper was describing the Folies Bergère dancers as “Angry chorus girls” after James Laurie demanded that they commit to “pack drills” to improve their performances after the girls were found to be going to “so many parties and getting so little sleep that their dancing was suffering.” Just two months later, the Daily Herald was reporting on the flagging act under the headline: “Nude-show man denies close-down,” describing the act as costing £40,000 to produce and insisting that James Laurie denied that the show was closing, the reporter, Mike Nevard, states: 

“Mr. Laurie is thinking about the girls. And if audiences don’t come up to scratch in the near future, girls like Mariella Capes will be trooping to the nearest employment bureau.” 

The show was noted in the latter article as running for only four months before it flopped. Yet, Mariella Capes was hardly heading to an employment bureau in search of work. Instead, she was soon to wed none other than Hod Dibben, who would later make Mariella Capes one of the most famous women in the world. 

In an article entitled “Club Boss To Wed Waitress”, the Sunday Mirror on 24 January 1960 continued with the bizarre plugging of the life and times of Horace Ronald Dibben. On this occasion, reporter Matt White was sent to find out about Horace Dibben’s new young lady-friend. After giving a brief recap of how Hod had previously made his former ward Patsy Morgan-Dibben into a charming young lady, White writes:

 “Patsy Morgan-Dibben, the girl who was the subject of his first experiment and added his name to her own, left him three years ago – after he made her into the Hostess with the Mostest in London’s West End. Patsy’s Successor is blonde, Czech-born Mariella Capes. Dibben met her six weeks ago when he advertised for girls to work in his new Mayfair club, The Black Sheep.” 

The story of how Hod and Mariella met is hard to take seriously and was likely told to the media in order to obfuscate the true nature of their first encounter. Per this narrative, Mariella had apparently gone for her job interview at the Black Sheep because she thought they needed dancers. She was soon to discover that they needed waitresses rather than dancers. However, the article goes on to state: “She was so short-sighted she was unable to see customers trying to attract her attention.” It was also reported that Hod’s business partner fired Mariella as a result, after which point she went weeping to Horace Dibben. Hod, being a “gentleman,” told her that he’d like to marry her. She had already said yes, but it is then reported that Dibben bought Mariella a pair of spectacles so she could see him properly. The article reads: 

“She blinked at him, took in his mutton chop whiskers and said:- ‘I still love you. And I can’t wait till March. Let’s get married right away.’ So the date was brought forward to next Friday.” 

The article only gets more tongue in cheek, with Hod Dibben being quoted as saying: 

“By giving her those glasses, I’ve opened the world around her. Mariella will tour hairdressers and beauty salons until we find a hair-style and make-up which suits her best. She will be taught to sing – her voice is good, but needs training – and there will be lessons in deportment and fashion.” 

A picture of Mariella Capes ran alongside the article, showing her biting the temple tip of her brand new spectacles.  The Daily News in London reported the shotgun wedding of Mariella Capes and Horace Dibben on Saturday 30 January 1960, in a small piece entitled: “Bride of 18 moves into a mansion.” There it was reported that Horace Dibben had bought her a “40-room, sixteenth-century mansion near Pentworth, Sussex.” The previous article is also the first time in which Horace Dibben’s son from his first marriage is mentioned, stating: “By his previous marriage Mr. Dibben has a son who is 12 years older than his bride.”  On the same day, the Daily Mirror also printed an article about the wedding which describes Mariella Capes as an: “Eighteen-year-old ex-Folies nude.” 

Horace ‘Hod’ Dibben kisses his bride, Mariella Capes, on their wedding day in 1960, Source: Spartacus International

This story of how the happy couple met may appear trite to us now, but it seemed to resonate with publications and readers around the world, with various articles about their romance appearing even in American local newspapers in places such as Arizona, Tennessee, and Indiana, to name a few. One article on 1 February 1960 in the Yuma Daily Sun and Arizona Sentinel stated that the couple had giggle fits at their wedding ceremony, with the article reporting on how the priest (referred to as “the preacher” in the American newspapers) warned them: “This is a serious occasion. You’ll have to leave if this doesn’t stop.” It was also said that Mariella, who was wearing a 200 year-old engagement ring given to her by Hod, was devastated when their spectacular multi-tiered wedding cake turned out to be stuffed with sawdust. It appeared that a lot of their wedding pomp was, in fact, just for show.  

Ward, Dibben and Sugden – The Society Sexmen

Hod Dibben and Mariella Capes soon became a serious partnership, a force to be reckoned with, but it would be a friend of theirs who made their fetish sessions an enterprise with the power to take down a government. For many people, Stephen Ward, often referred to as the “society osteopath”, is remembered as the unlucky patsy in the “Profumo Affair”, an extremely well-documented sex scandal which resulted in the downfall of the British government.

Stephen Ward was the son of Canon Arthur Evelyn Ward who was, until his death in 1944, the Canon of Rochester Cathedral. Stephen Ward studied to become a doctor of osteopathy in America, attending the University of Minnesota. Yet, one of Dr. Stephen Ward’s many notable talents was sketching. During his lifetime of sketching, Ward would sketch portraits of the Duke of Edinburgh, Princess Marina, Lord Snowden, the Duke and Duchess of Kent and many others. Ward may have been close to Hod and Mariella and a definite sex addict, though he wasn’t a big fan of Dibben’s satanic-themed sex parties which were being held for London’s elite.

Stephen Ward with central Profumo figure Christine Keeler, right, and two friends, Source: Daily Mail

Horace Dibben was unconventional in almost every possible way, as was his relationship with Mariella Capes. They would also forge some very unconventional relationships after they were officially wed. In Douglas Thompson’s book, Stephen Ward: Scapegoat, Hod Dibben is mentioned on numerous occasions, with the author quoting a business partner of Hod’s, Mary Sykes, who stated: 

“There wasn’t much not to like about Stephen [Ward] – he pursued his interests without any shame. As, of course, did Dr. Ward’s close friend Hod Dibben, who had three custom-made leather suits: two in black, one in faded red. He said the leather intensified the pleasure when he was caned or, preferably, birched. It was so pleasant he didn’t mind too much the chafing of the suits between his legs: ‘not so bad, if you use lots of talc – Johnson’s baby powder is best.’” 

Thompson follows this rather revealing quote by writing: 

“The pink-bottomed Dibben was the charming raconteur of White Horse Street. He spoke highly of the teenager he married at Caxton Hall on 29 January 1960: ‘She ties me to a chair in my leather suit, whips me and then makes me watch her screwing someone else.’ Exquisite excitement, he announced, adding: ‘I’m showering her with gifts – nothing is too good for this wonderful girl.’”

Thompson goes on to write: 

“The only thing his bride (we’ll call her Mariella, for brevity) never got up close and intimate with was the truth about herself. Stella Capes, aka Mariella Capes, aka Maria Novotny, aka Henrietta Chapman is up there as a wonder of the world. She had a name for all seasons, a kink for all takers, an explanation for everything.”

The same book would also quote the renowned London gangster Bobby McKew and his experience with Mariella Capes, stating: 

“‘The only thing that was consistent about Mariella,’ said Bobby McKew, who knew her well, ‘was that she wore her hat at all times – she never took it off. Once I was having a drink with this rather upper-class chap, who told me he was meeting his new girlfriend, Henrietta Chapman. Would I like to meet her? I thought nothing of it and went with him and there was Mariella. I said: “Hello, Mariella.” She smiles sweetly: “Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m Henrietta. You’re the third person this week to make that mistake – we must look very alike.” She was superb. She was sitting there smiling and wearing the hat she’d been wearing the night before when I saw her stark naked at an orgy. She was a one. She was certainly special – she was meant to be the President of some-where’s daughter but it was all bollocks, she was from Sheffield. But she turned everybody on, everybody upside down.” 

For such a young lady, it seemed like it was second nature for Mariella to wrap very wealthy and powerful men around her little finger. The latter quote from Bobby McKew came with an anecdote of how she had once “put a needle through the window cleaner’s bollocks when he tried to fuck her,” also noting that the window cleaner was an “associate of the British Security Services” and had admitted that “he thought it was worth the risk.”

Douglas Thompson again quoted Bobby McKew in relation to the sex parties which Hod Dibben ran: 

“‘He had a tough war, all these men in the skies did. That sort of thing makes you want to get on with life quickly – Hod just did it at double time. For a [Plymouth] Brethren boy, he certainly ran the most elaborate sex parties in London. You never knew who you might see there. Black magic and men in masks and peacocks wandering around were all at parties organised by Hod, not Stephen Ward. Stephen went to some of the parties but he wasn’t organising them. For many of us, it was curiosity. They were going on all over town but Hod’s were special, he had something for everybody.’” 

Mariella Capes and Hod Dibben in 1960, Source: Daily Mirror

Hod Dibben always had a keen eye on whatever was happening at his parties. Even when Gypsy Riley, the partner of infamous London gangster Billy Hill, went to the toilet at one of Hod’s gatherings, she was met with Hod’s eye’s watching her through spy-holes. Bobby McKew would later recant: “You couldn’t get up to anything without Hod seeing. Even having a pee.” 

Stephen Ward and Hod Dibben became thick as thieves, so to speak, with the pair meeting up regularly in Knightsbridge and maintaining close connections with Dr. Teddy Sugden who, whereas Ward was known as the “society osteopath”, Sugden was the “society abortionist”. These three men were assisting the elites of London with everything from illicit hookups and sex gatherings, all the way to elaborate satanic-themed sex parties and secret abortions, they knew everyone’s secrets. Edward “Teddy” Charles Sugden was rumoured to perform 15 abortions a day during a time when abortions were illegal in Britain. For many of the gangland pimps, Teddy was a miracle worker, renowned for being able to abort a baby and get the girls back to work almost immediately. These three men had burrowed out a niche for themselves, Hod Dibben as the master of ceremonies, Stephen Ward as a high flying pimp, and Sugden as the clean-up crew for any unwanted pregancies. But none of these men could have gained any of this power if it wasn’t for the girls and long-queues of paying punters. 

Sugden was another very strange character. He was said to have two distinguishing features; one being that half his face was paralysed which apparently left him looking as though he was always smiling; and the other was that he was sexually aroused by girls committing sex acts on reptiles. Mariella described him as a “150-guinea man” and Lillian Pizzichini claims in her book, The Novotny Papers, that: 

“His illegal abortion clinic specialized in society ladies, actresses and whores pimped by gangsters who ran Soho. He guaranteed that he could get them back to work within the day.” 

The latter book also claims that the night before her wedding to Hod Dibben, Sugden asked Mariella if he could watch while she simulated sex with a python. Although there are other witnesses to back-up the claim that Sugden had such serpentine peccadilloes, it is also clear for most researchers that Mariella told as many falsehoods as she told truths. For such a young lady, Mariella Capes had a lot of very strange associations and experiences. However, once she had married Hod, her experiences only became more profound, more protracted, and more Profumo.

The main reason why most of the characters in this series ended up dead or disappeared seems to be their common connection, the London night clubs that they were involved with or frequented. One thing was certain in London during the late-1950s, the gangland villains were taking over the town. Hod Dibben had moved his operation over to the Black Sheep and soon-after the Kray twins bought a stake in Esmeralda’s Barn. It was the first time that the gangsters of the East End of London had started to overtly move into the West End scene. In fact, you couldn’t own a club in London by the early 60’s if you weren’t paying protection money to one of the many organised racquets. The only group with enough power during this era to trump the gangland villains were the intelligence agencies, and they were about to play their hands and take control of the London scene. 

As for Mariella Capes, she would eventually meet a very unusual and sad end, drowning in jelly, we’ll investigate that soon.

Black Hand – A Match Made in Hell.

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Black Hand: The Devil Himself

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 3. Februar 2023 - 16:51

The peculiar and fascinating Horace “Hod” Dibben took over Esmeralda’s Barn within a year of Esmeralda Gullan’s tragic death. Hod’s supposed ward, Patsy Morgan Dibben, was then put in charge of the club and the Barn then became the centre of intelligence-led spy-games, gangland infiltration and an elite sex blackmail operation. Soon Patsy Morgan-Dibben would go missing, reportedly taken by the devil himself. Let’s take a look at the mad world of satanic super-spy Hod Dibben.

Patsy Morgan was a simple grocer’s daughter from Southampton, England. However, some time between the age of twelve and sixteen-years-old, she became the legal ward of a very strange and perverted individual. The evidence reveals that Patsy was groomed by a former-RAF squadron leader who later claimed to have also been a high level Satanist within a “black magic circle” based in the UK. She soon-after changed her name to Patsy Morgan-Dibben once she had become her legal guardian. This official “guardian” was a strange antique dealer named Horace “Hod” Dibben, who eventually created The Black Sheep night club in London. The Black Sheep would subsequently become a notorious haunt for some of the most famous people to inhabit the British capital’s night club scene.

Hod Dibben took control of Esmeralda’s Barn less than a year after Esmeralda Gullan’s untimely death by gassing. He then ensured that his ward Patsy Morgan-Dibben became the Barn’s next “hostess with the mostest.” Yet, like Esmeralda, Patsy would soon be out of the picture, and her fate is still unclear to this very day. 

A Brief Introduction to Horace “Hod” Dibben

Horace Ronald Dibben was born on 15 May 1905 and was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dibben of Heather Hill in Chillworth. Horace married his first wife, Phyllis D. Stent at the age of 23 years-old in a church ceremony in Havant. The Dibben family were part of the Plymouth Brethren and were affluent enough for the marriage to be reported in the 30 June 1928 edition of the Hampshire Advertiser, with the newspaper featuring a grainy picture of the happily married couple. The Hampshire Telegraph also reported on the wedding of Horace and Phyllis, stating that there were over 250 guests assembled for the wedding breakfast and the publication also noted a list of the gifts given to the bride and groom. Harry Dibben gave his son and daughter-in-law a house and a cheque, while the other members of the family gave such gifts as a Singer sewing machine and candle stands. Horace himself eventually became known as an antique dealer, amongst other things, and—in 1928—he and his blushing bride were seemingly setup for life. But a simple life was not something Hod Dibben had ever wanted, instead he aimed for a much more exciting existence. The next mention of Hod Dibben in the UK press came several years later, in July 1934, when his house in Wentworth, Southampton, was broken into and items valued at around £200 were stolen. 

Hod Dibben Circa 1960 Source:

It was after the war when Horace Dibben’s profile began to rise significantly. In fact, Hod Dibben stated in an article in 1961 that, during the war, he served as a RAF officer in the Orkneys. There, he claims to have joined a black magic circle and become a practising Satanist. This weird tale gets stranger still, but we’ll return to Hod’s alleged Satanic bent soon enough; first, we must investigate the circumstances surrounding the mysterious disappearance of his young female “ward.” 

Dibben claims to have decided to leave the black magic circle only a few years after he joined, a decision he says he made due to his participation in a Satanic ritual called “The Girl and the Goat”. It is during this ceremony in which Hod told newspapers that his black magic circle, in which he claimed to have once been an Elder, offered a human sacrifice; yet, he is also careful to state that the girl who was “sacrificed” was not murdered but instead wounded and forever psychologically scarred. 

Dibben wrote a selection of articles for The People newspaper in the early 60s entitled; Slave of Satan; My Death Warrant; I Flee From the Vengeance of Satan’s Brotherhood; and I Cursed This Man and He Fell Dead respectively, which described the aftermath of his supposed foray into the dark arts. In the article ‘I Cursed This Man and He Fell Dead´, Dibben bombastically states: 

“As a fully fledged member of that circle I had surrendered my body and soul to the worship of evil. I revelled in the wildest orgies and rituals attended by men and women equally depraved as I. Willingly I rejected goodness, honesty and purity. In their place I embraced lust and obscenity. Only after two years of this depravity, when I attended a particularly loathsome and horrible ceremony, was I jerked back to my senses and convinced that I must quit this evil cult.” 

Even though this could be seen as just the ramblings of an eccentric old coot with a wild imagination, Horace Dibben played a very important part in multiple extremely high level sexual compromise operations in the near future that involved intelligence circles and powerful elements of British organized crime. One of these operations would ultimately bring down the government in the UK and would nearly do the same in the USA. 

At the start of the 1950s, Hod and his first wife got divorced and, soon after, he lost most of the inheritance he was expecting from his late father’s estate. However, he still had Patsy. Hod Dibben claimed that Patsy became his ward when she was twelve-years-old, which suggests that this would have happened sometime between the start of World War II and 1940. However, other reports state that Patsy was sixteen-years-old when she came under the guardianship of Dibben, which suggests it happened after the war. This is probably much more likely. Why she agreed to this arrangement is unknown, but Horace Dibben himself described his decision to become her guardian as part of an attempt to mould her into the “perfect woman.” 

Throughout the 1950s, it appeared that everything was going wrong for Hod Dibben. The Shepton Mallet Journal reported on 4 March 1955 that: “Horace Dibben, former owner of Lytes Cary Manor, Kingsdon, Somerset, and now of 24, Eaton Place, London S.W.1. was given a suspended sentence of one month’s imprisonment at Langport.” Dibben had been summoned to court for “non-payment of a fine, costs and National Health contribution arrears,” he could only avoid serving prison time by paying a fine of over £70. Over two months later, Horace Dibben’s bankruptcy was announced in the Westminster and Pimlico News with another bankruptcy notice reported by the same outlet the following year. However bad life seemed to be getting for Hod Dibben by 1956, he was still wealthy enough to buy a sizeable stake in Esmeralda’s Barn. 

Hod Dibben had lost his wife, his fortune, his inheritance, and, with the reported disappearance of Patsy Morgan-Dibben, he had lost his beloved ward. It is during this period that the wild and unruly world of Hod Dibben begins its spiral towards infamy. 

The “Devil Himself” Took Patsy Morgan-Dibben

As previously mentioned, Hod Dibben had claimed that he became Patsy’s ward when she was only twelve-years-old, which was the reason she had taken on his surname. In a 1961 article, Dibben stated that Patsy had been: “The grocer’s daughter whom I had taken into my home and brought up with the extravagant idea of turning her into the perfect woman.” Dibben had lost his guardianship of Patsy once she had turned twenty-one and their relationship had been very strange from the off, made stranger by Horace himself. An article in the Sunday Mirror, published 28 July 1957, began rewriting Horace’s supposed history with Patsy, with the writer, Peter Hawkins, claiming that: “Patsy was a sixteen-year-old typist when she met Dibben. She answered his advertisement: “Intelligent young girl wanted for antique business.” The latter article also mentions that Horace Dibben had sent her to “an exclusive finishing school.” 

Patsy Morgan Dibben being Serenaded by Cy Grant at Esmeralda’s Barn – Source: The Sketch – Wednesday 19 October 1955

By the mid-50s, Patsy Morgan-Dibben was having a very interesting career. She was just about to be installed by Hod Dibben as the hostess of Esmeralda’s Barn and she had been running a publicity agency in London’s West End. In this latter role, she represented some of the stars of the silver screen and acted as the agent for Hollywood actresses such as Zena Marshall and Jean Carson. In fact, Patsy herself was beginning to become an icon, appearing in The Sketch magazine on 19 October 1955 as it celebrated the reopening of Esmeralda’s Barn with a picture of Patsy being serenaded by Cy Grant, the Guyanese actor and musician, who sang Caribbean and folk songs in revues and cabaret venues during this period. 

As mentioned in the first article of this series, Patsy Morgan-Dibben was eventually erroneously described by many as the woman who had originally created Esmeralda’s Barn, with books such as Douglas Thompson’s “Stephen Ward: Scapegoat” referring to Esmeralda’s Barn as: “A club established by Patsy Morgan-Dibben.” Under the stewardship of Patsy Morgan-Dibben and the enigmatic Hod Dibben, Esmeralda’s Barn started to become a centre for illicit activities. It was also noted in Thompson’s book that Esmeralda’s Barn during this period had regular guests such as Bill Astor and Stephen Ward. Thompson described the night club as being: “Five minutes from the American Embassy in Grosvenor Square, not much more from the Russian Embassy in Kensington Park Gardens, and a brief drive along the Embankment and a couple of lefts from Whitehall, it was convenient.” Esmeralda’s Barn’s close location to the “dead letter drop boxes”, which were being used by Soviets in Britain to pass on information they had collected to their “KGB hands-on controllers,” as Thompson terms it, made the Knightsbridge night spot a hub of Cold War activity. 

Thompson also wrote that: 

“Alexander Nekrassov’s father was a KGB colonel, as was his stepfather, and he spent his early life in the London Embassy. In 2013, the former Kremlin adviser and Soviet specialist told me: ‘In the late 1950s, there were many, many Russian diplomats or researchers or whatevers attached to the Embassy. They all worked for the KGB. Why else were they there? It was the Cold War, it was frenetic – the world wasn’t going to end tomorrow, it might end today. That was the environment they were working in. Every person who came to London from Moscow had a specific mission. It wasn’t to learn to make tea.’ Which wasn’t on offer at Esmeralda’s. A good time and information were.”

On Sunday 19 August 1956, the Sunday Pictorial reported on the strange disappearance of Patsy Morgan-Dibben. In an article, entitled: Night Club Girl Riddle – Earl of Warwick Answers a ‘Pic’ Call, the Sunday Pictorial reporters informed their readership about the curious tale of a missing night club hostess in a very familiar London night-spot. The piece explains: “The girl is Patsy Morgan-Dibben, 28. Six weeks ago she left Esmeralda’s Barn, the Knightsbridge club she had been running for the past year.” During this period, Patsy Morgan-Dibben had been living in a luxury flat in Eaton-place, Belgravia, along with her legal guardian, the aforementioned Horace Dibben. 

Dibben would later become the organiser of black magic themed sex parties catering to certain groups of London’s elites. Many people would consider Dibben’s relationships with very young girls to be suspicious at best and paedophilic at worst, as Horace Dibben appeared to repeatedly target girls between the ages of twelve and seventeen-years-old, including well after the disappearance of Patsy Morgan-Dibben. Some of his more sinister behaviour will be fully revealed in subsequent instalments of this series, alongside some of the most bizarre real life accounts of activity within the higher echelons of this specific black magic circle, an alleged Satanic cult with some very powerful and wealthy members. 

Somehow, Esmeralda’s Barn had quickly fallen into the hands of a group of very twisted characters and, only a year after the death of Esme Gullan, the hostess who had replaced the green-eyed Esmeralda had gone missing. The Sunday Pictorial reporters “took up the quest” to find Patsy Morgan-Dibben. They claimed to have called the Villa Grevillea at St. Jean Cap Ferrat, which was owned at the time by Hon. Richard Maynard Greville, who was the younger brother of the Earl of Warwick. The reporters claim to have spoken to the Earl himself and he gave a very detailed quote, with the 45-year-old stating: “Patsy left here by air on Friday morning, for Zurich I think.” Going on to talk about his younger brother, the Earl told the reporters: “I don’t exactly know where Richard is, but I think he’s touring Italy. I should think he’s with Patsy.” The Earl elaborated: “There is no mystery about Patsy’s stay here. She came several weeks ago and has been here before. She has been the guest of my brother and myself.” 

Instead of saying his piece and moving on, the Earl of Warwick is quoted again: 

“Whatever people might have said about this are baseless slanders. We have been friends for a long time. And this was a purely social occasion. I saw very little of her as she spent much of her time with other guests. Whatever other men friends she may have are her business and, so far as I am concerned, hers alone. Patsy is quite capable of working out her own intimate problems in her own way.” 

The Earl appeared keen to quash any potential rumours, whatever they may be, before they gained any traction at all. Patsy, when put into position at Esmeralda’s Barn, had started to be described as ‘London’s newest and youngest night club owner’ and her disappearance from the popular club had obviously left many of the wealthy patrons with questions, particularly after the recent deaths of night club owners and hostesses such as Esmeralda Gullan and Barbara Knox Marsh.

The article, which goes on to make a brief mention of the club’s ‘previous owner’ Esmeralda Noel-Smith’s tragic death, also makes a very interesting mention under the subtitle “Brief note”, saying: “Before leaving suddenly she [Patsy Morgan-Dibben] told the manager, Stefan de Fey, former host of B.B.C. television’s “Cafe Continental”—“I can’t tell you why I’m going, but something exciting is to happen.” The article also notes that Patsy was known by her first name not only to the club visitors like Billy Wallace, previously mentioned artist, Pietro Annigoni, and the Duke of Kent, but also by many other stage and screen stars of the period. Patsy had reportedly left Horace Dibben a”brief note” before she disappeared. 

Patsy Morgan-Dibben appeared in the newspapers on a few occasions from the time she took over Esmeralda’s Barn onwards. One extremely peculiar report from after she originally went missing was published in the Weekly Dispatch on 28 April 1957, entitled: “Ex-Major and Girl Plan ‘Chute Drop Over Pole,” started by saying: “A man who once kidnapped a German general, and a beautiful woman who has never jumped from anything higher than bar stool, are planning to parachute down to the frozen wastes of the North Pole.” The general, Mr. William Stanley Moss, who had been a war-time member of the British Special Operations Service, hopes that on Midsummer Day he will be the first to parachute over the Arctic Circle. The article quotes Miss Morgan-Dibben as saying: “I know people will think I am crazy to go. Perhaps I am, but it sounds like fun, anyway.”

Source: Weekly Dispatch (London) – Sunday 28 April 1957

By Sunday 28 July 1957, Patsy Morgan-Dibben was featured again in the Sunday Mirror with the same reporter, Peter Hawkins, who wrote: “Patsy Morgan-Dibben, the girl from a tenement who was taught the airs and graces of High society by a wealthy man, just like Eliza Doolittle in Shaw’s ‘Pygmalion,’ may now marry into society.” The rumour on this occasion was that Patsy Morgan-Dibben was due to marry into “High society” after agreeing to wed the nephew of Lord Onamore and Browne, one of the biggest landowners in Ireland. The man she was supposedly due to marry was Michael Mordaunt-Smith, who was quoted as saying: “Patsy is the most wonderful girl in the world. We discussed marriage this week – as we have done many times before. But nothing definite has yet been arranged.”

From the time Patsy Morgan-Dibben initially made front-page news after reportedly going missing, throughout the following year or so, many reports, almost exclusively from the Sunday Mirror publication, began to follow her bizarre and unverifiable adventures. Yet, it would be Horace Dibben’s own articles, written in the early 60s, that tell us some of what Patsy Morgan-Dibben may have experienced. At that time, Horace Dibben claimed that Patsy had been taken by a dark stranger, a Hungarian-born lawyer, fine art dealer, diplomat and inventor by the name of Andre Gabor Tihamer Boszormenyi, who Horace Dibben claimed: “Came to my home with a business proposition.” The business deal he sought was reportedly: “The control of a night club in Knightsbridge, Esmeralda’s Barn.” If Horace didn’t agree to Boszormenyi’s demands then he was told that he’d never see Patsy again.

The Devil Himself – Andre Gabor Tihamer Boszormenyi

A young Boszormenyi was pictured hanging out amongst the elites in the US state of Florida in a picture,published in Tatler on 17 April 1935. The image shows him alongside Miss Martha Magrane, an attractive American socialite who lived part of the year in London with her mother who was described in the Bystander publication in January 1936 as a “dreamy poetess.” The latter publication on 22 May 1935 reported that: “Martha Magrane is over here for the summer with her mother, who has taken a house in Queen Anne’s Mansions as a change to North Carolina.” It also appears that Miss Magrane died the year after she was pictured alongside the intriguing Hungarian. During World War II, Boszormenyi was sent to a British internment camp under the guard of the Metropolitan Police’s Special Branch from 9 December 1941. He appealed the decision to detain him, with his appeal being refused on 9 March 1942. 

Source: The Tatler – Wednesday 17 April 1935

Andre Gabor Tihamer Boszormenyi was not only employed as a practising lawyer, rather, he was best known and most successful as an inventor and had various patents under his belt for pressure exchange devices in jet engines. By the 1950s, Boszormenyi was mainly working on new innovations in gas turbine technology for jet engines on behalf of Jendrassik Developments LTD, a Hungarian company which was led by György Jendrassik. Until his death in 1954, Jendrassik had also been behind the innovation of various advances in gas turbines for aircraft. 

In June 1941, Germany and Hungary signed a mutual defence pact and this saw Jendrassik’s company at the time, the Invention Development and Marketing Co. Ltd., arm Nazi fighters and bombers with turbine technology such as the “turboprop Jendrassik Cs-1.” It also led to Hungarian-born men, such as Andre Boszormenyi, being sent to internment camps. Jendrassik fled Hungary for the Nazi safe-haven of Argentina after World War II with the Hungarian government website stating that he had moved because: “distrust surrounded him”. After his self-imposed exile to Argentina, Jendrassik moved to England, where he stayed until the end of his life. 

Boszormenyi worked alongside Clara (spelt Klára in Hungarian) Jendrassik, a close relative of György Jendrassik, jointly registering their patents in the US, Germany, Britain, and elsewhere. All of these patents had military applications. Boszormenyi’s immigration papers to Brazil in 1950 also show that he was considered a British citizen by this time. His address was officially (and curiously) listed on those documents as being Leicester General Hospital, Gwendoline Road, Leicester. 

Notably, the National Gallery in Britain also possesses correspondence between a man named Cesar de Hauke and Andre Boszormenyi concerning the purchase of the Cézanne masterpiece “La vieille au chapelet,” formerly of the Jacques Doucet collection. De Hauke was a controversial figure who had been one of the art dealers reported by the OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit in 1946, who were investigating missing artworks that had been looted by the Nazis. Even though he was obviously a suspect in the profiteering from Nazi-looted artworks, De Hauke also became friends with the famous “Monuments Man” officer, Tom How, with their relationship continuing long after World War II. 

Boszormenyi was hanging around amongst the elites from very early on and his association with the powerful and wealthy continued, with the Tatler publishing a picture in 1955 of Boszormenyi with Madam Mendoza, the wife of the then-Cuban Ambassador to Spain, at the Spanish Embassy. In October 1956, a photo of Boszormenyi also appeared in the publication Sketch and shows him in conversation with the Spanish Ambassador of the period, the Duke of Primo de Rivera at a Spanish embassy reception. At this event, the daughter of Winston Churchill was also in attendance. In 1950, the illusive Hungarian lawyer, inventor, art dealer and diplomat had also been pictured alongside Don G. Nadal — the First Secretary at the Spanish Embassy. 

In fact, Boszormenyi was often noted as having attended various international embassies, including the Belgian Embassy, where he enjoyed a meal alongside Lord and Lady Strabolgi, Sir Louis and Lady Grieg, Sir Richard and Lady Fairey, as well as various other members of the British aristocracy. By the 1950s, Boszormenyi was frequently travelling between London and New York, while also taking regular trips to Mexico and the Bahamas, with his name appearing on multiple passenger lists during this period.

Andre Gabor Tihamer Boszormenyi’s Brazilian Visa, 1950

What exactly Andre Gabor Tihamer Boszormenyi was actually doing at all these different events is not completely clear. But according to Hod Dibben, he was a high ranking Satanist doing the bidding of the devil himself and he had taken Patsy Morgan-Dibben from him. However, in the end, Horace Dibben did not need to hand over control of Esmeralda’s Barn to Boszormenyi as had been demanded, after it was discovered that the unusual Hungarian had dropped dead due to a sudden heart attack at the age of 49 years-old on 6 Jan 1957

What is also really notable concerning Andre Boszormenyi are the men who dealt with the probate for his last will and testament. One of them was Henry d’Avigdor-Goldsmid, an ex-Army man with a distinguished military career throughout World War II. More notable is the fact that d’Avigdor-Goldsmid was, soon after the death of Boszormenyi, to become the Chairman of the Anglo-Israel Bank from 1961. He would also later become the Chairman of Robert Maxwell’s Pergamon Press from 1969 until 1971, during the period when Maxwell was briefly ousted from the company. 

The other man who acted as probate for the last will and testament of Andre Boszormenyi was Philip Beaumont Frere. who was married to Victoria Mary Enid Anne Frere, whose maiden name was Dugdale. Victoria Frere was a relative of the Earl of Warwick and Richard Maynard Greville who, as mentioned earlier in this story, had given an alibi as to why Patsy Morgan-Dibben had suddenly disappeared. Electoral records also show that between 1947 and 1950 Philip Beaumont Frere and Andre Boszomenyi both lived in the affluent Lincoln’s Inn Fields in London and that Boszomenyi did eventually relocate to live at 23 Down Street, which was also the residence of the aforementioned younger brother of the Earl of Warwick, Hon. Richard Maynard Greville. 

One abnormal and intriguing aspect of the last will and testament of Andre Gabor Tihamer Boszormenyi was that it was not actioned within the United Kingdom and was instead sent to the Bahamas to be dealt with. On Tuesday 05 Mar 1957, The Evening Standard newspaper reported that Boszormenyi had left £31,969 after tax in his last will and testament, but the article doesn’t mention who received the inheritance.

Only Black Sheep Need Apply

After narrowly avoiding giving up Esmeralda’s Barn to “the devil himself”, Horace Dibben went on to open another club in Piccadilly in an effort to court Britain’s upper-class. In a Daily Mirror article from 3 December 1959, entitled: “Only Black Sheep Need Apply,” reporter John Rolls wrote: “Antique dealer Hod Dibben is opening a smart, exclusive night club in Mayfair specially for titled and top people. It’s called “The Black Sheep” and it’s in a narrow lane just off Piccadilly.” Rolls continued: “Hod tells me: ‘I don’t want the whole social flock for my members. Just the black sheep. They are the rarest.’” 

Horace Dibben Circa 1960 Source: The Mirror, 11 Jun 2020

Some of the people who Dibben invited to have a free meal at the opening of his new venture were advertised as: Viscount Euston; The Earl of Coventry; Prince Shiv of Palitana; and The Earl of Warwick, as well as many other society regulars who frequented the elite drinking establishments of Mayfair, Knightsbridge and Belgravia during this period. Dibben’s business partner in the Black Sheep was Pat Steele. She was reported to have asked “everybody to the party” for the opening of the bar, even Sir Winston and Lady Churchill, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis had been invited to the opening ceremony. However, the launch was reported as a flop, with the Evening Standard reporter who attended the event stating: “I waited for the Black Sheep’s guest-list to lengthen. It didn’t. I left.” Dibben was attempting to attract some of the most powerful people in Britain into his lair, and, at first, there didn’t seem to be much interest. But Horace’s ventures eventually attracted more powerful elites. 

Like many of the other night club girls in this series, Patsy Morgan-Dibben seems to have completely disappeared. More intricate stories about Patsy living on the European continent are passed around, but, as of yet, there is no concrete first-hand evidence that she survived beyond her time at Esmeralda’s Barn. 

Horace Dibben didn’t wait around for her return, as he was soon on the hunt for his next potential young female “ward.” In April 1958, playwright Henry Fielding reported for the Daily Herald, writing: “Sixteen-year-old Maureen Shelley told me last night she had received a marriage proposal from Mr. Horace Dibben, the antique dealer, who is 53. But, she says she hasn’t yet decided whether to accept. Dibben you remember, was the guardian of grocer’s daughter Patsy Morgan, whom he swept to fame as a society hostess. As Patsy Morgan-Dibben, she ran a night club which became the rage of the smart set, including the Duke of Kent.” Horace “Hod” Dibben was again trying to find a girl he could mould, model and use as he desired. The young girl in question on this occasion, described as a “shapely red-head”, told the reporter: “Mr. Dibben has met my Mummy, and we all had a talk, Mummy says it is up to me. I am thinking it over.” The young Miss Shelley had known Hod Dibben for two months before he asked for her hand in marriage. Even though she refers to Dibben as “a wonderful man”, the pair did not eventually wed.

However, the girl who was once described by the newspapers as “Pygmalion Patsy” was soon to be replaced by another, even more fascinating young lady. Dibben’s next partner and future wife was a young temptress who he’d hired to work at his Black Sheep night club and who was to stay by his side for over a decade before she, like so many other night club girls of the period, died of a reported overdose. Hod Dibben’s newest Pygmalion night club girl, however, would eventually end up in the bedrooms of other men, far beyond Britain, allegedly including then-president-elect John F. Kennedy. 

Black Hand: The Devil Himself.

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AM Wake Up.

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Black Hand: The London Night Club Trap

UNLIMITED HANGOUT - 27. Januar 2023 - 14:06

In the previous instalment of this series, we examined the tragic death of Esmeralda Gullan, the founder of Esmeralda’s Barn, a night club located in an affluent part of London’s West End. However, Esmeralda was not the only female night club owner or hostess to be found dead or dying during this period. In fact, as we are about to discover, she was just one of a collection of inter-connected women who were involved in night club management and whose deaths were ruled as accidental or as suicides around the same time.

A Death on Baker Street

Barbara Knox-Marsh (sometimes written as Knox-Marshe) was born Winifred Barbara Littler on the 4 February 1928; but by the 1950s. she had started using her stage name for everything. Her mother, Margaret W. Jackson, never got the pleasure of seeing her daughter grow up as she died just a year after her birth, in 1929. Barbara had been described as an “angel” in a Daily Mirror article in 1951. On that occasion, at the tender age of 23 years-old, Knox-Marsh had reportedly backed a play called “My Wife’s Lodger” which was due to run at London’s Comedy Theatre. She paid £1000 to become a backer of the play which was deemed by all the critics as a farce and a sure loser, but soon Barbara’s picture appeared in the newspaper with the subtitle: “Barbara Knox-Marshe – girl who backed a winner.” Indeed, the stage show may have been a veritable flop when in the theatre, with one of the backers forced to sell his car to raise the funds to keep the project afloat, but the gamble eventually paid off for all the investors, as Alan Fairclough reported in his Daily Mirror piece: “This week came the little bit of heaven. The film rights of the play that everybody scoffed at have been sold.” 

Barbara Knox Marsh was living the “gay life” according to an article from 17 May 1956,  published in the Daily Herald. “Dancing in Mayfair… music at midnight… drinks at dawn. The day was not long enough for Barbara Knox Marsh,” read the reports. The establishment in Mayfair’s Berkeley Street, where Barbara spent the majority of her time, had originally opened in November 1954 under the name “The Stratton Club.” By May 1955, the club had begun to get a bad reputation after it was found to be “selling intoxicating liquor during other than permitted hours, and for selling without a licence” as the Westminster & Pimlico News reported on 27 May 1955. The owners were given a summons to “show cause why the club should not be struck off” with the case being adjourned for six months. By December 1955, the owners had failed to show cause and the club was officially struck-off and removed from the official register of businesses. 

Yet, the club didn’t actually close and, the following April, Chief Inspector Edmund King went to the premises, supposedly to return property, only to find it openly doing business and being run as the “Blue Angel Club”. He described people dancing and drinking at the bar when he arrived and soon the club’s manager, Cyril Phillips, along with two other men were hauled in front of a judge and fined £10 for their offences. Even though there was no mention of Barbara Knox-Marsh in relation to the Blue Angel in the April 1956 Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser article, which reported the court case, she was named as the owner of the establishment in multiple reports the following month. Unfortunately for Barbara Knox-Marsh, those articles reported the news of her death.

Barbara Knox Marsh, Daily Mirror, 14 May 1956

Like Esme Gullan, Barbara Knox-Marsh was found dying in her flat on Baker Street, only to be pronounced dead later at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington. At first, her death was attributed to an overdose of sleeping pills, but this initial theory quickly changed, and soon became a very peculiar story of bizarre and unlikely happenstance. A Daily Mirror piece published on Monday 14 May 1956 reported that the police had discovered Miss Knox-Marsh’s unconscious body on the Saturday before the article went to print. They had been summoned to her residence by what the article calls “a man friend” of Knox-Marsh. She was found sitting in a chair dressed in a black evening gown and nearby was a bottle which contained sleeping tablets which the detectives quickly bagged-up as evidence. 

The suspicious and untimely death of Barbara seemed like an open and shut case to the investigators in charge. This was mainly due to rumours of her apparent previous suicide attempt, even though her aforementioned aunt, Mrs. Noreen Lewis, who was by then living in Muswell Hill, told the coroner at her inquest that: “I do not think she would ever attempt to take her own life. She loved life too much.” Although she had made that statement, Mrs Lewis went on to tell the coroner that: “She was a girl inclined to dramatise. I am sure she did it thinking someone would come at the last minute to save her.” The coroner, Mr. W. Bentley Purchase, stated clearly: “There is no evidence before me to justify a verdict of suicide.” He eventually recorded a verdict of accidental death, but the actual circumstances surrounding Knox-Marsh’s death were frankly ridiculous. 

Just before Knox-Marsh died, the Blue Angel had reportedly been under negotiations for a change in ownership. She had been staying with an accountant named James McBurnie during the weeks leading up to her tragic death. She had been lodging at his flat, even though Barbara also had her own flat in Southwold Mansions in Maida Vale. McBurnie told the St. Pancras coroner that he had gone to bed at around 11pm on the night of her death and woke up around 5am to discover her on the sitting-room floor with a “standard lamp lying near by”, to quote a Leicester Evening Mail article from 16 May 1956. This latter description of how her body was found also contradicts the initial reports of how her body had been discovered seated in a chair. Dr. F. E. Camps, a pathologist giving evidence to the coroner, stated that he had found about “10 grains of Seconal” in her body which he recorded as being a high dose, “but not necessarily a lethal one on ordinary circumstances.” 

A Marylebone Mercury article on 18 May 1956 also noted: “She [Barbara Knox-Marsh] had been friendly with Esme Noel-Smith [i.e. Esme Gullan], Knightsbridge club owner found gassed last year, and also Linda Justice, club hostess who died from too many sleeping tablets on May 5.” A week after the latter Marylebone Mercury article, the same publication produced a fuller account of how Barbara Knox-Marsh had eventually met her tragic end.

On Friday 25 May 1956, the paper reported that: “Pathologist Dr. F. E. Camps said she had had bruises in keeping with striking something. She had marks on her wrist and neck where she had become entangled with the cord of the fallen lamp standard. These had given her respiratory embarrassment which might have contributed to her death; the main cause of which had been an overdose of Seconal. She had taken 10 grains which was a high dose, but not necessarily a lethal one.”

The coroner asked Mr. Camps: “It is not a large dose?” to which the pathologist stated: “No.” He also stated that there was nothing to suggest violence at all, seemingly ignoring his own evidence of “bruises in keeping with striking something,” and “marks on her wrists and neck.” Instead, Camps posited that Knox-Marsh had come back to the flat, taken sleeping tablets, fallen down, where the cord for the standard lamp had become wrapped around her neck. He admitted that the lamp cord had by no means asphyxiated her, and he also gave evidence stating that the overdose hadn’t been enough to kill her. Despite that, he concluded that the combination of the two had led to Knox-Marsh’s supposedly accidental death. The coroner stated his conclusion: “She might have slipped from the chair and got into an awkward position. There is no evidence to suggest suicide. Life up to now had been one of excitement and pleasure rather than depression leading to suicide.”

One of the men in charge of Barbara’s Blue Angel night club during this period was named Max Setty. He was an extremely intriguing character who came from an even more intriguing family. He was from an Iraqi family of Sephardic Jews who moved to Britain when Max and his siblings were very young. He had one sister named Eva Setty and two brothers; Jack and Stanley, with the latter being of great interest. Stanley Setty had been a car dealer and money lender less than a decade before the death of Barbara Knox-Marsh. He was also known for smuggling weapons into Palestine by using cars bought on the continental European mainland. In 1949, Stanley Setty was decapitated and had his legs chopped off in a grizzly murder, with three packages containing his head, his legs, and his torso—with his hands still tied behind his back—soon thrown from a plane into the sea, but that is a story for another occasion. 

Max Setty was also once a car dealer, working alongside his unfortunate brother Stanley in various garages in London; however, in 1956 Max was officially working as the catering manager at Barbara Knox-Marsh’s Blue Angel. He continued to work as a manager at the club into the 1960s. When Barbara died, Max Setty said of her: “She was always happy. She wanted to stay up all night, play the gramophone, talk to people and drink.” 

Why Barbara decided to give up her interest in the Blue Angel just before her death is unclear. Despite her decision to divest, she hadn’t fallen out of favour with the London night-spot. A Daily Mirror article from Thursday 17 May 1956 reported on her last hours, stating: “Last night at the Blue Angel, where Barbara went as a member after giving up her interest, they recalled that Friday night she sat in a softly-lit alcove drinking lime and ginger ale.” It certainly didn’t seem, from eyewitness accounts of that fateful evening, that Barbara was in any way suicidal. The latter article, entitled: “Blue Angel Girl’s Last Hours” also states: “The band was playing ‘Memories Are Made Of This.’ When the music switched to ‘Are You Satisfied?’ she got up to dance. Afterwards she threw a coin in the fountain pool over which a grey-blue plaster angel stands guard, and left, with a wave and a ‘See you tomorrow’ to her friends.”

Ruth Ellis, Linda Justice, Pamela Gale and Janet Curtis-Bennett

Esme Gullan and Barbara Knox Marsh weren’t the only women who had tragically lost their lives while running elite London night clubs during this period. The infamous Ruth Ellis was managing the Little Club when she shot and killed her lover David Blakely, a crime for which she received the death penalty. A colleague of hers, Linda Justice, had been made a hostess at only seventeen years old, after Ruth Ellis introduced her to the London night club scene by employing her at The Little Club. Ellis had been managing the club for its owner Morris Conley. By 13 May 1956, Linda, who also went by the name Gladys Linda Justice, was the registered proprietor of two companies; Justice Trading Co. and Justice Toffees, companies which she had formed with the help of a television actor named Alfred “Man Mountain” Dean. Those businesses had been registered to an address at 395 Oxford Street in London, which was a block of flats where Ruth Ellis had also lived. At the age of twenty five, Linda Justice’s apparent suicide was reported in The People newspaper, with the uncredited report stating that Justice had killed herself with an overdose of sleeping pills. She was found surrounded by empty bottles, fully clothed, in her darkened bedroom.

Linda had reportedly been a “mousey-haired elementary schoolgirl” when she had left her Peckham home to work for Ruth Ellis in an effort to “pep-up life” at the Little Club in Knightsbridge. Yet, by the time she died, her childhood hopes and dreams had come to an end in many ways. Justice had taken on Ruth Ellis’ job at the Little Club after her friend and mentor had become the last woman to be hanged in Britain around ten months before. Then, Justice had got herself into debt with creditors who were hounding her for the money she owed. She was also said to have been trapped into an abusive relationship. In an article dated 6 May 1956, a friend of Justice is quoted as saying: “She had been very depressed and drinking heavily. She had a violent row with a man she loved. For a time she talked about ‘Doing a Ruth Ellis.’ Then she quietened down and found her comfort in a glass. Perhaps that brought the end.” Linda Justice was known for being eager to excite and eager for excitement herself, at least when she was at the clubs she ran. But in reality, she was secretive and kept her personal address and phone number out of the official directories. 

Ruth Ellis’ protege Linda Justice, The Weekly Dispatch (London), 6 May 1956

When Justice was approaching the end of her life, she was notably less happy and had developed a heavy drinking problem. Three months before her death, Justice stopped working and eventually found a place to stay with her friend, Mrs. Kathleen Rhodes, at a flat in Kensington. Near the end of her life, a man who lived opposite Justice, Mr. Harold Flavell, said: “She seemed very lonely. If you passed the place at any hour of the day you would hear gramophone records being played.”

Even though Linda Justice’s death was probably a suicide, a lot of women linked to the night clubs of London’s high society were dying in relatively quick succession. Esmeralda Noel-Smith had died in March 1955, Ruth Ellis had been hanged on 13 July 1955, Linda’s friend—an ex-show girl, Janet Curtis-Bennett—was found dead at the home she shared with her Q.C. husband four days before Justice’s body was found. A few days later, Barbara Knox Marsh was also found dead. There was something very peculiar happening on the upper-class London night club scene. 

The aforementioned friend of Linda Justice, Janet Curtis-Bennett, had also reportedly died of an overdose of sleeping drugs. She was found cuddled up to her pet kitten, Tiddly-winks, and, the previous August, she had just become the second wife of a famous murder trial Q.C. [Queens Council], Derek Curtis-Bennett. Janet had formerly been a singer who had gone by the stage name Christine Lane. 

The Home Office pathologist who examined Curtis-Bennett’s body was Dr. Donald Teare, whose name will come up again shortly. On Monday 14 May 1956, the Belfast Telegraph reported on the inquest verdict which examined the evidence surrounding the untimely death of Janet Curtis-Bennett, stating: “A verdict that she ‘died from barbituric poisoning, self-administered, and that she so killed herself,’ was recorded at the inquest today of Mrs. Janet Farquhar Curtis-Bennett.” The coroner, Mr. G. L. B. Thruston, said: “We have heard evidence which has been conflicting to suggest that she may not have been entirely happy, but I would like to make it quite empathic that apart from indicating the state of mind, it is not the function of this court to inquire into things of that nature.” A few months later, her husband was also found dead with another inquest verdict stating that: “Mr. Frederick Henry (Derek) Curtis-Bennett, Q.C., died of alcoholism was recorded at the Hammersmith, London, inquest today.” Again, Mr. G. L. B. Thruston was the coroner and Dr. Donald Teare acted as the pathologist. 

Janet Curtis Bennett and her husband, Daily Mirror, 11 May 1956 The Night Club Trap

It is certainly odd that Barbara Knox-Marsh, Ruth Ellis, Esmeralda Gullan, Linda Justice and Janet Curtis-Bennett all died during this same, brief period. However, the body count in London’s night club scene during this time was higher still, as other night club girls died under tragic circumstances. On 18 September 1956, it was reported that another night club hostess had been found dead in a gas-filled flat. Pamela Gale’s dead body was found in her Pimlico flat in St. George’s Square and, in this case, two letters were found by her corpse, one of which was addressed to her father who was described in a Daily Herald article as an “Admiralty messenger.” 

Police were at odds when it came to solving the death of Pamela Gale as she was again described in news reports as being a “gay, happy girl” with a friend of hers being quoted as saying: “Her only interest was to get as much out of life as possible. She lived for the pleasure that sort of life could give. She was very happy.” Pamela was described in the aforementioned article as: “Dancing till dawn as a hostess in West End drinking clubs,” with one unnamed friend being quoted as saying: “She was the gayest of us all.” 

Pamela Gale, Daily Mirror, 9 Aug 1956

An inquest heard that Pamela had apparently made sure that her two pet budgies had not died with her, with the birds being found in the kitchen by the man who had reportedly tried to save her. Hiroyoshi Matsuda, described as an American citizen, had told the inquest that he had known the 23 year-old night club hostess for about two months and had being staying with her in her flat. Intriguingly, Matsuda suggests that another unnamed person was with them and stated: “Three of us spent Sunday afternoon drinking,” going on to say: “I thought the gin was getting hold of me and went to bed. It was about 6pm. Round about 11pm I woke up and thought I smelled gas. The living-room door was locked so I climbed through the window, along a drainpipe, and broke into the living-room through the window.” Matsuda went on to tell the inquest: “Miss Gale was laying on the floor.” 

The police were called and the officer who arrived on the scene, Police Inspector Adams, found Gale’s body next to an almost empty pint bottle of gin, alongside two notes, one of which was addressed to “My dear father” while the other was addressed to “Penny”. A further article, which was published in the Westminster & Pimlico News on 21 September 1956, described Gale as someone who suffered from mood-swings and depression. The coroner recorded a verdict that Gale had died from carbon monoxide poisoning and that the two notes had shown that Gale had intended to end her own life. 

A couple of days after the inquest into Pamela Gale had ruled her death to be a suicide, an article in The People newspaper, entitled: “The Night Club Trap”, painted a night club hostess’s job as a picture of debauchery and desperation. The piece, written by Charles Manifold, claimed that four out of five night clubs in London paid their hostesses nothing at all and that the girls were supposed to earn their livings on tips from customers alone. Manifold claims in this supposed expose that: “There are from 10 to 20 of these girls, chosen by management for their good looks and their easy way with men,” with the author going on to state that they are: “chosen because in conversation they have disclosed that they have a light-hearted view on virtue.” 

Alongside the article were pictures of three girls with an accompanying narrative which stated: “All three of these night-club hostesses met sordid ends. Pamela Gale, Helen Carlin and Esme Noel Smith. Now read about their lives.” But there was no prior suggestion that Esmeralda Gullan (who also went by her married name Noel-Smith) was living a sordid life, or that she was a simple night club hostess, a fact which did not seem important to Mr. Manifold’s agenda. 

The previously mentioned Helen Carlin, who was also referred to as “Red Helen” Carlin, seems to have been included by Manifold to spice up his articles narrative of debauchery. However, Helen Carlin was a known prostitute who had been murdered in 1954 by strangulation with her own stockings. It was believed that Carlin was murdered by a serial killer named Peter Manuel who admitted killing Carlin just before he was hanged for seven other murders to which he’d already confessed his guilt. Helen Carlin is not noted anywhere as having been a night club hostess.

Prelude to a Gangland Takeover

This string of suspicious tragedies were all to be categorised as accidental deaths or suicides and many required significant evidence to be overlooked or misinterpreted for such verdicts to be reached. But what was about to happen within the associated night clubs suggested that some very sinister people were aggressively taking control of these establishments.

Esme Gullan had apparently died by accidental gassing due to blowback putting out the flame of her gas fire, but in reality there had been a “leak” in the tube which led from the gas tank to the fire and the flame had still been lit when her body was discovered. She had also moved bedrooms without any apparent explanation as to how or why. Barbara Knox-Marsh had fallen after taking a non-lethal overdose and gently strangled herself, even though neither of those events could have killed her. As noted above, Knox-Marsh had supposedly become awkwardly wrapped up in a standard lamp cord after falling, yet the inquest evidence repeatedly stated that her dead body had been found seated in a chair. Ruth Ellis, Pamela Gale, Linda Justice, and Janet Curtis-Bennett had all died in tragic circumstances and each of those cases had left a slew of unanswered questions. With a litany of suspicious deaths as a backdrop, things in the London night club scene would only get stranger.

In the next article in this series, we will meet some of the most peculiar characters so far, two of those being Horace “Hod” Dibben and his teenage ward, Patsy Morgan-Dibben. While Esmeralda Gullan, Barbara Knox-Marsh, Linda Justice, Pamela Gale, Janet Curtis-Bennett and Ruth Ellis were all dying in quick succession, Patsy and Horace were taking charge of Esmeralda’s Barn and opening Esme’s old night club to the London underworld. Horace Dibben, a self-proclaimed Satanist who regularly organised elite sex parties for the rich and famous, was about to lose everything, as his ward, Patsy Morgan-Dibben, was reportedly taken by “the devil himself.” Was she just another girl lost to the deadly night club trap?

Black Hand: The London Night Club Trap.

Kategorien: Externe Ticker