Sammlung von Newsfeeds

Machine Gun Fire Rings Out During Tuskegee University’s 100th Homecoming, by Jim Goad

Black celebration turned to black tragedy yet again last Sunday morning at the tail end of the 100th Homecoming Week festivities at Alabama’s historically black Tuskegee University. Is there a historically black college richer in black history than Tuskegee? Founded by famed black educator Booker T. Washington in 1881 as Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute,...
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If It Doesn’t Lead to Putin Dropping Nukes, Biden’s Lunatic WWIII Attempt Will Galvanize People Against Ukraine War, by Andrew Anglin

The good news is that this is causing Republicans to rally around being against the Ukraine war, something that was sort of still up for debate. It’s creating an anti-war din all over the internet. Best Jew does not approve. Speaking of the best members of groups I don’t like, he’s no David Sacks but...
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Going Out with A Bang, by Mike Whitney

On Sunday, President Joe Biden authorized the use of U.S.-supplied long-range missiles by Ukraine for strikes inside Russia. The sudden reversal of policy represents a dramatic escalation in the war that will require a strong response from Moscow. President Putin has repeatedly warned that firing missiles at targets located on Russian territory would trigger harsh...
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Has Biden Just Destroyed the World?, by Paul Craig Roberts

Among the many slips between cup and lip of which I have warned await Trump and his administration is the long gap between the election of the President and his inauguration in office. As I pointed out, this long time–two and one-half months–gives the current administration the ability to commit the policies of the new...
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Gangsters and Goodthinkers: Musings on Mafia Malfeasance and the Locked-In Left, by Tobias Langdon

Genes for suicide. That seems like a ridiculous notion. But the evolutionary mathematics can work perfectly. In The Selfish Gene (1976), his magisterial introduction to evolutionary theory, Richard Dawkins considers a nest of baby birds that all carry hypothetical suicide-genes. If one of the babies is a runt and going to die anyway, it’s harming...
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Trying to Launch WWIII on the Way Out, Brandon Gives the Ukraine Permission to Attack Moscow with US Missiles, NYT Claims, by Andrew Anglin

I did not see this one coming. I mean, it’s not surprising, but it really is a staggering move. To be clear: The Ukraine could already strike “deep inside Russia” with drones, and all they ever used them for was trying to kill civilians in Moscow. It’s possible the Times is lying about this, but...
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Elon Revealed as Trying to Buy Infowars After Judge Declares Sale to the Onion Invalid, by Andrew Anglin

Previously: The Onion Buys Infowars from Evil Court with the Backing of Sandy Hoax “Families” So, it was announced that The Onion had bought Infowars, and then I saw a video from Alex Jones saying the judge blocked it, but I couldn’t understand what Alex was saying. Apparently, there was no auction or it was...
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The Jews Are Finally Coming for Steam!, by Andrew Anglin

Jews whine endlessly about antisemitism, but they always come at you. Constantly, these Jews are coming at you with their endless demands. That’s all they ever do, and they do it in every single possible area. Jews demand: Endless wars for Israel Loyalty to Israel before America Various other wars all over the world Endless...
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Are Haitians Are Fleeing Ohio Following Trump’s Victory?, by Andrew Anglin

This doesn’t seem likely to me, but if it’s happening then Kudos to Trump. These people can go live in Minnesota with the Swede nigger-lovers. Ohio is a German-Irish place, and we do not want these apes. The Guardian: “Nigga, I gots to be get mah blackazz out this bitch, dat Trump be coming fo’...
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Thirty Years of AmRen Conferences, by Jared Taylor

Last weekend’s American Renaissance conference marked the 30th anniversary of the very first conference we held, in 1994. This was a milestone that we marked with celebration and thanksgiving. On Friday evening, Assistant Editor Henry Wolff opened the conference, noting that AmRen was being canceled “before it was even cool.” Despite (or perhaps because of)...
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Piers Morgan, Dan Bilzerian, and Holocaust Denial, by Ron Unz

For decades the British journalist Piers Morgan has been a fully mainstream media figure, though having a career with the ups and downs typical of the tabloid wing of that profession. According to his very extensive 11,000 word Wikipedia article, he was born in 1965, started at Rupert Murdoch's The Sun in 1988, then at...
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A Common Thread Runs Through Trump Appointments: Look Out Iran!

Former President and President-elect Donald Trump has been tarred, inconsistently with his actual record, with the charge of being soft on Russia. He has never been charged with being soft on Iran. Trump unilaterally and illegally pulled out of the JCPOA nuclear agreement with Iran. He imposed devastating sanctions on Iran. He ordered the assassination … Continue reading "A Common Thread Runs Through Trump Appointments: Look Out Iran!"

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Trump and the Constitution, by Paul Craig Roberts

It looks like Philip Giraldi ( ) and Mike Whitney ( ) are correct. Israel, not MAGA, won the election. The current Democrat Majority Leader of the Senate, the current Republican Speaker of the House, the current Republican President-elect all agree that it is more important to protect Israel from criticism than to protect the...
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If Trump Didn’t Send Musk to Talk with the Iranians…He Should!, by Ron Paul

One of the most encouraging and promising things President-elect Trump said in his post-election acceptance speech was, “I’m not going to start a war. I’m going to stop wars…” We all understand that campaign promises often have a short shelf life after the election is over, but the Trump campaign’s repeated talk of peace over...
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Will Gabbard Be Able To Direct the Intelligence ‘Community’?

This originally appeared at Consortium News. President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Tulsi Gabbard to be director of national intelligence (DNI) will cause shockwaves in and among the 18 fiefdoms that now comprise the U.S. intelligence community. Gabbard will be fighting an uphill battle if she tries to herd those 18 cats into a cohesive whole … Continue reading "Will Gabbard Be Able To Direct the Intelligence ‘Community’?"

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Pope Faggot Implies Israel Is Committing Genocide, Calls for Investigation, by Andrew Anglin

When even the sickening faggot Pope is questioning your behavior, you know you’ve gone too far. This is the guy who sucks on the toes of niggers and demands faggot “marriage” in Catholic Churches. Then he goes nuts when the Africans don’t want to take it in the ass, saying “but I sucked your toes!”...
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Der gescheiterte Versuch der Ukraine, einen russischen Piloten anzuwerben

ANTI-SPIEGEL - Fundierte Medienkritik - 18. November 2024 - 5:00
Es gibt Geschichten, über die westliche Medien nur ungerne berichten, denn sie mögen keine Meldungen über Fehlschläge in der Ukraine. Der misslungene Versuch der Hauptnachrichtendirektion der ukrainischen Streitkräfte (GUR), einen Hubschrauber-Piloten der russischen Streitkräfte dazu zu bringen, mit seinem Kampfhubschrauber in die Ukraine überzulaufen, ist so ein Beispiel. Die Geschichte wurde letzte Woche bekannt und […]
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Brasilien: G-20-Sozialgipfel fordert Lösungen gegen Ungerechtigkeit

Rio de Janeiro. Der von der brasilianischen Regierung als Gastgeber des G-20-Treffens in Rio de Janeiro erstmals organisierte G20-Sozialgipfel ist am Samstag mit einer feierlichen Plenarsitzung beendet worden. An der Abschlussfeier nahmen Vertreter sozialer Bewegungen und NGOs... weiter 18.11.2024 Artikel von zu Brasilien, G20-Staaten, Soziale Bewegungen
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Mexiko: Internationaler Gegengipfel zur Klima- und Biodiversitätskrise

Oaxaca. Im Vorfeld der 29. Weltklimakonferenz in Baku in Aserbaidschan haben Bewegungen für Umwelt- und Klimagerechtigkeit auf Einladung indigener Organisationen vom 4. bis 9. November im mexikanischen Oaxaca einen zivilgesellschaftlichen Gegengipfel veranstaltet, an dem Menschen... weiter 18.11.2024 Artikel von zu Mexiko, Weltweit, Umwelt
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Guatemala: Urteil im Völkermordprozess erwartet

Beweisaufnahme abgeschlossen. Staatsanwalt fordert hohe Haftstrafe. Verteidigung versucht Verfahren vor der Verurteilung zu beenden Guatemala-Stadt. Das Verfahren gegen den ehemaligen Armeechef Manuel Benedicto Lucas García geht seinem Ende zu. Am 7. November hat die Staatsanwaltschaft insgesamt 2.860 Jahre Haft wegen Völkermord, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und gewaltsamen Verschwindenlassen gefordert. ... weiter 18.11.2024 Artikel von zu Guatemala, Militär, Politik
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